
作者&投稿:仲枯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


The realization of the marketization of the interest rate of our country will play a vital role in the reform of financial institution.
The fulfillment of the marketization of the interest rate of our country will play an important role in the reform of financial institution

To realize the general adoption of the market principle of the interest rate of our country will be of great importance to the reform of banking institution


The marketization of the interest rate needs to be pushed forward steadily on the condition that financial stability is ensured .

The general adoption of the market principle of the interest rate should be promoted under the premise of ensuring the financial stability.

Hello, everyone, I want to perform a little magic for everyone. This is an ordinary rubber band, we put it around my finger. In fact, the principle is very simple, first of all like the rubber band around the fingers, holding a fist, then open the rubber band will appear in another finger! Thank you.

1 how have you been?
2 Where were you last Monday?
3 What did your English teacher say to you yesterday?
4 The result of the match is exciting.


A greeting card can warm a heart,hold somebody's hands, listen to the from the bottom of somebody's heart, or patting somebody's back ; it gives a child surprise, gives a lover warmth, gives a bride blessing and gives a stranger welcome; it can be used as a wave of g...

In the late 14th century, a Chinese craftsman named Wanhu was the first person in the world to attempt to fly into the sky. As a carpenter, he served a general named Banbei, until Banbei was executed for offending imperial authorities. Before his death, Banbei left Wanhu a b...

1.这都涉及到一个问题 This is related to a question\/problem.2.请按下面的步骤操作:Please follow the following steps.3.如果你不想使用上海银行的服务了,你会不会自行删除掉上海银行的账户。If you don't need their service anymore, is it possible to close your account at Shanghai Ban...

你这句话好啰嗦。I know you are honest and don't like to tell lies. So do I. I wish we can be honest and loyalty to each other. If you are hiding something, please tell me, I am willing to leave.

Future regulation: The company plans to expand the existing production scale by 2-3 times by 2020. We will adopt a new standardized factory building and use a more lean management model. We will introduce more automated and lower-cost carbon fiber products. , Pulling equipment and ...

At present, we are living in a world in which technology makes progress every day, every month. Computer is gaining more and more important role in our society. It is an indispensable part in people’s daily life; hence I think it is computer that changes the whole world.Befor...

intonation, grammar and vocabulary. This is a factor of long-term. Language should be first of all as skill to learn, and should not be used as a knowledge to study. In the English teaching circles, stressed that learning English is learn thelanguage, not learn about the langua...

The models you mentioned in your Email are no longer produced. Please check out the newest models from the attached file. We will show the quote if there is any you are interested in. The minimum order quantity is 1500prs\/color....


八宿县13944152044: 英语翻译求大神帮忙翻译下列几个句子,汉译英1吸烟者应尽快把烟戒掉2我们为你做的越多,我们越高兴3我肯定你在那里能找到你想要的4如果我们很好地... -
乐正琴妇科:[答案] 你好为你Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible.The more we do for you, the happier we are.I am sure that you will find what you want there.The Internet can offer us a number of b...

八宿县13944152044: 汉译英,请帮忙翻译下面的句子,谢谢燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候.但是,聪明的,你告诉我,我们的日子... -
乐正琴妇科:[答案] Swallows may have gone,but there is a time of return; willow trees may have died back,but there is a time of regreening; peach blossoms may have fallen,but they will bloom again.Now,you the wise,tell ...

八宿县13944152044: 求教各位英文达人,帮忙翻译一下以下的一段话,汉译英!请把此话译成英文“你好,我是中国人,我英语不怎么好 我看不懂你在说什么,你直接做就好了.” -
乐正琴妇科:[答案] Hi!I am Chinese.My English is limited.I don't know what you are saying.Please just do it.

八宿县13944152044: 汉译英将下列句子翻译成英语.. -
乐正琴妇科: 1.It was raining when he left yesteday. 2.When dooes she usually watch TV? 3.He was out when I called him.

八宿县13944152044: 请帮忙翻译几个句子,汉译英1我有很多朋友,一些来自于国外2我有三本书,其中第一本我最喜欢3我仍然记得我第一次上学的那天4我不知道她今天没来的原... -
乐正琴妇科:[答案] i have lots of friends some of which are from aboard i have three books one of which i like best i still remember the day when i went to school i don't know the reason why he didn't come 我只能说一楼语法不对

八宿县13944152044: 英语翻译请帮忙帮忙把下列句子翻译成中文,1.Tell you the truth,I've been trying to gather courage all week to come to see you.2.It's impossible for these old ... -
乐正琴妇科:[答案] 1.告诉你真相吧,我用了整整一周才能鼓起勇气来见你. 2.那些老(男)人们已不可能再在这儿待下去了. 3、年轻人总是以他们的兴趣来寻找工作. 4.老师们竟没留意到他功课里的错误. 5.因为他持有不同的政治立场而被美国政府勒令离境. 翻译万万不...

八宿县13944152044: 【汉译英】请帮忙把下面的话翻译成汉语 -
乐正琴妇科: I want to take a few days off during May Day because I am going to take my child to our hometown for celebrating his 100 days of born.

八宿县13944152044: 请英语大神把以下句子翻译成英语你的英语还有巨大的提升空间如果你勤于练习.另外用there will be ... if...表达此句是否正确,如果能怎么表达 -
乐正琴妇科:[答案] if you work hard on practicing,there will be a great promote room for your English!

八宿县13944152044: 帮忙翻译以下的句子 汉译英
乐正琴妇科: My dear mum and dad. I always feel lonely when you are not at home, so I wish to raise a dog that can stay with me when you are out. I will use my pin money to buy the food for it and take good care of it. I will also take it to walk. I hope that you can agree.Your son who is always lonely

八宿县13944152044: 请英语大神帮忙中译英以下3个句子,谢谢 -
乐正琴妇科: (1)I have realised that scrupulously - undertaking grows of predicament. ("量入为出"在中文中是一个名词短语,所以我用复合词scrupously-undertaking, 英文的复合词相当于"短语". grow是系动词,of predicament相当于difficult)(2)The ...

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