
作者&投稿:齐心 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

n.十字路口; 重大抉择的关头;
1、A truck bumped into my car at a crossroad.
2、History has led us to a new crossroad, with new promise and new peril.



There is a crossing near the post office.

At a crossing, the red light stopped a big boss. He was trying to cross the white line on the last second. He slapped the steering wheel hard , and annoyingly said " so many cars went past, and i couldn't"

Another person at the moment lightly stepped on the brake, checked he reflection mirror, smiling at me and said " so many cars behind me, once the light changes to green, i'll be the first one to go" This is what happened at a crossing. Then what should our path of life be?

Life is short, just like ChuangTse said "Our life between the sky and earth, like a horse leaping over a crevase, just a short moment." Actually, we are all hurrying along this road. Many people often sadly complain about the pain and difficulty of life, but cant find the reason to smile.

Everything has a good and bad side. As a student, if you achieve high score, you will be happy and proud, but along with the pride, your study will deprove; Instead, when you made an error that resulted in a bad exam mark, don't give up, carefully revise, and believe in yourself that you can do better.

In our life, we will come across many difficulties and barricades, we cant allow the failure to absolutely devastate us, giving up, we cant be arrogant and experience ecstacy if we receive the ring of glory. Therefore, failing isn't losing hope, it's just practical application of a planning happen to come across a barrier, if the way to face failure is to alwayz be dissappointed and annoyed, life would definitely be a waste of time.

Achieving a great score or glory, doesn't mean on the life of road there is no rough parts, and all flat, glory and achievement cant alwayz be your pass along the road. If you alwayz live in a life of glory, then even your reason to be happy from before would be lost. So you have to face flory and not be arrogant, must try harder, and even harder. But you cant let 1 or 2 mistakes scar you, and losing hope in yourself, you have to stand up again, and aim at a new target. Afterall, we only hae 1 life, so we need to carefully adjust our thoughts and feelings, using the best attitude to face life, use optimistic view to look at life, and be happy.

At intersections quilt the red light forbid a line of time, a boss at green light the last one second want to make greatest efforts to cross that white line, but cannot continuously time is malicioused to clap the steer device, and angry of say the “ so many cars right through, short my this ."
Another put on brakes, take a looks the reflection under this a moment is however relaxed to tramples, then smile to say the “ to me so many cars park me behind, green light a the , I will be the first to set out."Road that This is the crossing- sweeper scene. that our human life is again should how?
The human life is brief, just as son say: “ human life the world's, if white it is over the , suddenly and just." that We are in fact and all in this on the road in a hurry busy and busy . but the many person usually wear a woebegone expression to sigh the life not and easily, however the headspring of the bad at and in search of smile.
Any affair is all beneficial fraud both sides. be used as a student, and be to obtain the excellent score, you are certain the meeting is complacent, at this is complacent inside, your score also immediately retrogressed;When you test because of error failed of time, never discourage, and hard review, believe what oneself can certainly test to like.
Life the inside, we can meet the many difficulty with the frustrate, we since can't painfully sad because of the failure's persecution thousand times, never to rise again, and also not important cause is the honor's garland but jubilantly happy, forget the 乎 therefore. Because of, disappointed not disappoint, and it is just pre- Arranged to plan at put the process inside temporarily suffer the 阻 into practice, if face the fault always and persistently and negatively wallow in agony with regretfuleply in, doubtless is right life of a the kind spend lavishly.
You obtained score or honor a time, not the on the road of your human life have no difficult and difficult to cross, have been spacious flatness of, the score and honor not is your eternal pass. If you are always to live in the satisfied inside, and so connect you at first of “ capital" also can disappear have no the to have no the . Therefore you face the score can't be proud, and must work hard, and work hard, and work hard again!But also not want to the once or twice's failure but keep firmly in mind, and lost the confidence to oneself, and want to afresh invigorate, and take the offensive new target!After all the life have a time, therefore we want to regulate the very own mindset, and face the human life with best mindset, and use the optimism to face the human life, and want to smile the thin human life.

Red line was cut at the crossroads of time, a boss in green across the road to the last minute, to the white line, but not stop the relentless shot at holding time, angry that "so many car shows through, I am a poor. " Another fall in this moment is easy braking, look at the mirrors, and then smiled and said to me "so much in my car parked behind green hand, I would be the first starting. "This is the crossroads picture. That happened when our life path? Life is short, as Chuang Tzu said : "Life among the world if it had always Baiju, suddenly. "We are on the road hurry hurry. Many people often frown and the sadness of life are not good at finding the source of smiling. Nothing has both advantages and disadvantages. As a student, when achieved excellent results, you will feel in this room, you turn back the results; When you test you because of the errors, not to be ashamed, seriously refresher, I believe their will test good. Life, we will face many difficulties and setbacks, we can not fail because the suffering and grief were, remained, nor should we honour garlands of wild joy, whatever. Because things are not disappointed, it is scheduled in the implementation process temporarily blocked if the fault is always to wallow in agony and remorse stubbornly negative, is a squandering of life. You have made a success or honorary, not without difficulties and obstacles on the road of your life has been a spacious flat, and the results and honor than your eternal passes. If you have been living in the face, then even your original "capital" will disappear without a trace. So you can not face the proud achievements, must strive to further efforts! But not for the failure of the two kept in mind, for their lost confidence, to re-emerge up, attack new targets! After all, only one life, we have to adjust our own mentality, the mentality of the best face life with optimism in the face of life to laugh short life.



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Want it more than anything.将其视为最高追求。Accelerate your efforts.加快你的努力。You are unique of all of God's creations.Nothing can replace you.你是上帝独特的造物。没有什么能够代替你。Zero in on your target,and go for it.瞄准你的目标,向它前进。人工翻译。


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乾安县18581086089: 英语翻译在十字路口 -
陶潘甲磺:[答案] crossroad 十字路口 A crossroads is a place where two roads meet and cross each other.

乾安县18581086089: 帮我翻译成英文“沿着这条路直走,在第一个十字路口左拐,然后接着走,看到第二个红绿灯后,右拐,再走200米就到了, -
陶潘甲磺:[答案] 1.Go straight along this road,At the first crossroad left,Then go on,See the second traffic light,turn right,then walk 200 meters,you will get it, 2.Go straight along this road,turn left at the first crossing left,then walk,see the second traffic light,turn right,then ...

乾安县18581086089: 帮我翻译这篇文章
陶潘甲磺: 孟子小的时候,有一次放学回家,他的母亲正在织布,(见他回来)便问道:“学习怎么样了?”孟子(漫不经心地)回答说:“跟过去一样.”孟母(见他无所谓的样子,十分恼火)就用剪刀把织好的布剪断.孟子见状害怕极了,就问他母亲:“为什么要发这样大的火?”孟母说:“你荒废学业,如同我剪断这布一样.有德行的人学习是为了树立名声,问才能增长知识.所以平时能平安无事,做起事来就可以避开祸害.如果现在荒废了学业,就不免于做下贱的劳役,而且难于避免祸患.”孟子听后吓了一跳,自此,从早到晚勤学不止,把子思当做老师,终于成了天下有名的大儒.有德行的人认为孟母懂得做母亲的法则.

乾安县18581086089: 英语翻译英语翻译上周一这个十字路口发生了一场车祸.杰克的爸爸正在对他大声叫喊.没人知道那个地方正发生着什么事情. -
陶潘甲磺:[答案] 你在盯着看什么呢? What are you staring at? 上周一这个十字路口发生了一场车祸. There was a car accident at this cross last week. 杰克的爸爸正在对他大声叫喊. Jack's father is shouting at him. 没人知道那个地方正发生着什么事情. Nobody knows ...

乾安县18581086089: 这篇英语短文的大致内容 -
陶潘甲磺: 我全翻译了:没有人从村将附近的十字路口午夜之后.大家说是闹鬼的地方.很多人说,他们看到一个白色的数字---有一个可怕的独眼女子大黑猫. 一天晚上,汤姆和米克是在村里的酒吧喝了.他们采取的幽灵在十字路口. “我不相信鬼, ”...

乾安县18581086089: 帮我翻译这篇短文节选
陶潘甲磺: 一路上都是孩子的笑脸.他们应该是知道什么时间火车会经过他们家于是那个时候就会站在铁路沿线向那些他们素昧平生的驶向槟城列车里的旅客挥手欢呼.常常是一大家子人都站在家门口,那样的招呼和微笑就好像车里的旅客是他们喜爱的亲人一般.这就是马来西亚纯朴的村民.我被感动了. 之前我经常乘飞机或开车来往于马来西亚.而这是我第一次坐火车.特别不喜欢火车长途旅行,我带上了一堆杂志,读过的没读的,来打发时间.环顾四周没有一张熟悉的面孔.我叹了口气坐下来读我的<经济学》.

乾安县18581086089: 请帮忙翻译,急! -
陶潘甲磺: 历史就像我们的朋友,朋友的十字路口,是重要的是友情,我们共同在一个非常特殊的,现在过去, 当...

乾安县18581086089: 帮我翻译一下:“你一直向前走,走到中马路.然后向左拐.向前走三个十字路口,到达大桥路.然后一直向右走.就可以到达宾馆.” -
陶潘甲磺:[答案] You go straight ahead,go in the street.Then turn left.Go straight for three crossroads,to arrive at the bridge.And right all the time.Can reach the hotel.

乾安县18581086089: 求翻译~~求翻译:我们永远无法预知在命运的十字路口会发生什么但我们可以选择是就此放弃还是忍痛前行奔向梦想的终点即便没有胜利的奖章尊严和骄傲将... -
陶潘甲磺:[答案] 我们永远无法预知 We can never foresee 在命运的十字路口 At the cross-section of fate 会发生什么 What will happen 但我们可以选择 But we can choose 是就此放弃 To give up right now 还是忍痛前行 Or to proceed despite the pain 奔向梦想的终点 ...

乾安县18581086089: 帮我翻译这篇文章 -
陶潘甲磺: 一个知道怎么书写个人的信的男人有个非常强大的工具.一封信可以享受,一读再读.它可以使两个距离遥远的人彼此交谈;它不用付出太大的努力就可以促进友情.我会给一个例子.几年前,我大哥和我不怎么相处.我们像孩童一样接近,但...

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