
作者&投稿:柞空 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


31. If we put these wonderful ideas to implement, we will work to achieve impressive progress.
32. If you make such a concession, you will soon have to pay the price.
33. His bad eyesight, which he did not see the child away.
34. We are trying to come up with to address these urgent problems. .
35. The Government is taking these measures in the hope that prices will soar down.

1.自从有了移动电话后,他再也没有给朋友写信了。(no longer)
Ever since there is mobile phones, he has no longer written letters to his friends
2.尽管很忙,他每天至少花两个小时上网,了解这个领域的最新动态。(even though)
Even though he is very busy, he still spend more than 2 hours in surfing the web/net.
3.李教授在毕业典礼上作了一个很简短的讲话,他的话深深铭刻在我记忆里。(impress upon)
Professor Li made a brief/short speech at the graduation ceremony,his words however have impressed upon my mind deeply/profoundly.

With the mobile phone, he never wrote a letter to a friend
Despite the very busy every day he spent at least two hours online to find out the latest developments in this area.
Professor Li made a graduation ceremony in a very short speech, his words etched in my memory.

1.Since he has mobile, he no longer mial to his friends.
2.Even though he is busy, he always take two hours to get on internet to aquire latest news in the field.
3.Dr. Lee made a brief lecture, however what he spoke impressed upon my memory.

since he has had a cellphone,he no longer writes to his friends!

even though he is busy,he spends at least two hours on the Internet to learn the new trends of this field.

Mr.Li made a short speech on the graduation ceremony ,and his words was deeply impressed upon me!

after supper?Which book is suitable for children to read?Our classroom is clean and bright.Is English a compulsory course?Do you usually lend novel from the library?The students study social science here It's not easy to master a foreign language.终于好了,绝对手译。绝对正确 ...

3.这东西没有人要了吧?!没人要我就扔垃圾箱里了。Anybody still want this? If no one wants it, I'll toss it.4.我听见狗的叫声了,所以我出来看看 I heard dog barking, so I came out to check.5。我去车站接我妹妹,这站很近,走路不到两分钟,然后我们一起回来 I went to the...

呵呵,我用全人脑来翻译一下:)不过有点慢:(毕业graduate、情况condition、近来recently、邀请invite、方便 convenient 旅游travel、景点attraction、给予give、安排 arrange 通知inform,notice、元旦New year's Day、参加participate,take part in,join,attend、邀请 invite 提高increase,enhance,promote,lift,、...

(Connect the sight and feel of,say,a toy-bear with the sound pattern "toy-bear".)知道意思,不会翻译,自己感觉一下吧.the (fundamental realities of human existence) as (productive )human beings 人类生存的基本现实作为能繁衍后代的人类...(不是一个completed sentence)( Maximal ...

There are three people in my family, my father, my mother and me. My father works in government and my mother teaches maths in a primary school,I love them very much. Usually,I am fond of reading some books of wisdom or philosophy, for example, the books by Carnegi. I ...

2。他们已经安排好让我们明天去游览长城,我相信我们在那一定会玩的很开心 They have arranged everything for us to visit the great wall tomorrow and I believe we will have fun there.3。我很幸运,在我年轻的时候就学会了许多不同技能 I am lucky that I have learned a lot of skills ...

往山上走 go up the mountain 植树 tree planting 政府提出大规模植树。The government suggested large-scale afforestation.抬树苗 carry sapling 问某人某事 ask sb.for sth 把什么放进什么里 put sth in ...在地上 aboveground on the ground 地面潮湿时就不应该坐在地上.You shouldn't sit...

【扶摇直上】 扶摇:迅猛盘旋而上的旋风。形容上升很快或指仕途得志 【越俎代庖】 越:跨过;俎:古代祭祀时摆祭品的礼器;庖:厨师。主祭的人跨过礼器去代替厨师办席。比喻超出自己业务范围去处理别人所管的事。【大相径庭】 径:小路;庭:院子;径庭:悬殊,偏激。比喻相差很远,大不相同。【中规...

3. The most famous ferry boat is the shortest, fastest and cheapest way.4. Due to the reasons for the work, I often cross-border travel.5. The cost of the train is half the cost of plane.中文—检测语言—阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语...

히 진정한 우정이 존재할수 잇다.--- 我会韩语但不太会汉语。。- - 打括号的地方是我也不确定的,没理解到中文意思。不好意思,

嫩江县19212902415: 求教几个初四复习时遇到的英语句子 我英语不好这些句子翻译成英语:1.对体育活动感兴趣 2.大量的运动器材收藏 3.早餐吃汉堡沙拉和橘子 4.这双短袜多少钱... -
巩荔川立:[答案] 1、be interested in sports 2、massive collection of sports equipment 3.eat hamburger, salad and orange for breakfast 4. How much is this pair of socks 5. A discount rate of the sweater 6. 30 yuan per ...

嫩江县19212902415: 英语不好,需要大家帮忙翻译一下这些句子
巩荔川立: 1、There isn't pressed for your fans in china. 2、I hope that I get your replay luckly.

嫩江县19212902415: 英语翻译,1.真不好意思,我的英语不好.2.这个问题我帮不了你.3.请问,你会说汉语吗?4.我听不懂你说的话.5.今天晚上你有空吗?6.我们上街吧.7.我需要... -
巩荔川立:[答案] 1.真不好意思,我的英语不好.sorry,I am not good at English.2.这个问题我帮不了你.I can't help you with this problem.3.请问,你会说汉语吗?Excuse me,can you speak Chinese?4.我听不懂你说的话.I can't understa...

嫩江县19212902415: 好心人帮忙翻译几个句子啊,英语实在太不好::> - <:: -
巩荔川立: 好心人帮忙翻译几个句子啊,英语实在太不好::>_...

嫩江县19212902415: 本人英语不好,谁能用英语帮我翻译下下面的句子 谢谢!
巩荔川立: I want to forget, forget ,forget that can't forget March 29th! 喜欢还望采纳哦.

嫩江县19212902415: 劳烦英语达人帮烦些句子,困难啊,英语不好的1.I am then never less alone than when alone.2.Nobody will be the wiser.3.Thruth lies at the bottom of the ... -
巩荔川立:[答案] 尽力了额·· 1.I am then never less alone than when alone. 那会儿,我感到前所未有的孤独. 2.Nobody will be the wiser. 没... 5.The OED is the final court of appeal in all matters concerning Egilish words. 是英文所有词语方面问题的最高权威. 6.One or ...

嫩江县19212902415: 请大家帮忙翻译下这几句话?我英语不好,我想你已经听明白了.我想你已经看明白了.
巩荔川立: My English is not so good. I think you have understood what I said.

嫩江县19212902415: 我英语不好,帮我翻一个句子,“这是什么感觉?”what is this the feeling?这样翻译对吗? -
巩荔川立: 那样应该也可以,这有一个更好的,更地道点儿的,How does it feel?希望能帮到你

嫩江县19212902415: 麻烦英语老师帮忙翻译一下:我的英语不好,如果说错话,请不要介意.我一直都会很尊敬你. 请问可以告诉 -
巩荔川立: 我的英语不好,如果说错话,请不要介意.我一直都会很尊敬你.请问可以告诉我你其它的联系方式吗?比如电子邮箱或QQ.Please don't mind if I say something wrong because of my poor English.I am always respecting you,and would you please tell me how to contact you the other way,like your mail address or you QQ number.Thank you.

嫩江县19212902415: 麻烦各位帮忙翻译几个英语句子 本人英语太差 且明天就要考试了 谢谢
巩荔川立: for ur reference, l. You need to keep upgrading yourself , nor matter what you do. ... keep training yourself , no matter ... 2. The insurance industries which the Chinese familiar , is becoming very popular. ... industry known by Chinese people earlier ...

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