
作者&投稿:荀辰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  歌名叫Seasons in the sun。。。。



  seasons in the sun

  goodbye 2 u're my trusted friend.

  we're known each other we're 9 or 10.

  together we've climb hills trees.
  learned of love abc..
  skinned our hearts skinned our knees..
  goodbye my friend it's hard 2 die.
  when all the birds are singing in the sky..
  now the spring in the air..

  pretty girls are everywhere..
  think of me i'll be there..
  we had joy,we had fun..
  we had seasons in the sun..
  but the hills.
  that we climbed were just seasons out of time..

  goodbye papa please pray 4 me..
  i was the black sheep of the family..
  u tried 2 teach me right from wrong..

  too much wine too much song..
  wonder how i got along..
  goodbye papa is hard 2 die..
  when all the birds are singing in the sky..
  now the spring in the air..

  little children everywhere..
  when u see them i'll be there..
  we had joy,we had fun..
  we had seasons in the sun..
  but the wild the song..
  like the season has all gone..
  we had joy,we had fun..
  we had seasons in the sun.
  but the wild the song..
  like the season has all gone..

  goodbye michelle my little one.
  u gave me love help me find the sun..
  and every time that i was down.
  u should always come around..
  and get my feet back on the ground..
  goodbye michelle it's hard 2 die.

  when all the birds are singing in the sky..
  now the spring in the air..

  with the flowers everywhere..
  i wish that we could both be there !!
  we had joy,we had fun..
  we had seasons in the sun..
  but the hills.
  that we climbed were just seasons out of time.
  we had joy,we had fun..
  we had seasons in the sun..
  but the wild the song.
  like the season has all gone
  we had joy,we had fun.
  we had seasons in the sun..
  but the wild the song..
  like the season has all gone..

  好听吧,感觉不错吧。很多人听过,不过听到应该是?Westlife翻唱的,原唱是Terry Jack,我第一次听是原唱。一个六十年代并不出名的乐队作品。可是就是这首至今已经有六个versions,其中有法语版和华语版。?Westlife 在唱的时候,太自我陶醉,让人感觉有点恶心。

  这首歌出名最重要的是它的歌词,词作者是个卡车司机,没什么文化,所以稍微有点英文基础的人都看得懂也听的出,词汇很简单,还有很多人在KTV唱这首。但是很少有人知道这首歌歌词其实是个死囚在行刑前三天写的临终遗言,没有一点删改,甚至是错字,所以歌词中有好几次出现goodbye和it's hard to die。虽然曲调很轻松,但是Terry Jack声音明显要低沉的多,因此我说 ?Westlife 唱得恶心,他们唱的有种淡淡的喜悦了。



  那个卡车司机并不是个罪大恶极的人,虽然他是个杀了两个人。他和他的好友同时爱上了一个女人,他娶了她,而他的朋友却一直将这份爱藏在心里。因为他工作的原因一直出门在外,可想而知会发生什么。可他直到两年后,因为一场暴风雪而无法出车,而返回家中的时候发现他老婆和他朋友在床上,他一怒之下杀了他们。事后他马上自首了,也很快被判处死刑。很难说三个人no one is wrong or right。在行刑前的第三天他写了这三段话算是临终遗言。那时季节是春天。

  这首歌有三段,第一段就是写给他的好友 第二段是写给他爸爸 第三段是写给他的女儿。第二三段较感人


  goodbye to you my trusted friend.再见了,我忠实的朋友. (trusted friend,虽然可能有点讽刺的意思,毕竟他背叛了他。但更多的意思他还是原谅了他,还是认为他朋友还是值得信任的。看他下面写的就知道了。他下面写了他们在一起的美好回忆)
  we're known each other we're 9 or 10.我们从孩提时就已相识,相知. (他们两是发小,有几十年的友谊,世界上最经得起考验的友谊有三种:一起长大的,一起当兵的,还有一种忘了)together we've climb hills trees.(climb hill还指他们一起度过了人生中的很多起伏,山总有起起伏的,climb tree还指他们的互相信任和互相帮助,爬树是有危险的,有时是把自己性命交给自己的同伴)
  learned of love abc.学会去爱和其他基本知识.

  skinned our hearts skinned our knees.我们心意相同,情同手足. (心与心之间,膝盖与膝盖之间连一层皮都没有,这层皮被扒了,这种比喻有点恶心)

  goodbye my friend it's hard 2 die.再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去. (hard to die指的是很难面对死亡)
  when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱. (鸟儿在空中唱歌一定还在飞,是多么自由自在,可对他来说自由永远也不会有了)
  now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息. (in the air指的是无处不在,这里的now that表示表面上是期待a到来,实际上心里是渴望和a一起到来的b,后半句省略了。整句的完整的意思是春天总算来了,可他真正期盼的是春天给人的那种生机盎然的那种感觉对他来说是不会来的,所以后半句话就没有了。)
  pretty girls are everywhere.到处是漂亮的女孩. (男人在一起谈论的话题实在是太少 这被西方人称做man trial男人的悲剧,所以通常被讨论最多的就是漂亮女孩,也是亲密朋友才会讨论的东西)
  think of me i'll be there.想着我,我就会与你同在.(他叫他的朋友想着他,如果有天堂,他们不久又可以再在一起谈论漂亮女孩,因为他马上就要去那里了。可以看出他是多么希望和他的朋友再在一起)

  we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐.
  we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节.
  but the hills.但我们一起爬山
  that we climbed were just seasons out of time.的那些日子已经逝去. (那些都不会再有,他马上回到了现实中,那些短暂的对死后的幻想破灭了,他知道等待他的结局是什么? )
  goodbye papa please pray 4 me.再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷. (pray祈祷,他的父亲除了为他的儿子祈祷能做什么呢?电影冰海沉船中,就是老版本的泰坦尼克,当船要沉的时候,乘客们都跑去问轮机长“what shall we do?”轮机长just回答:”pray”)
  i was the black sheep of the family.我是家里的害群之马.
  u tried 2 teach me right from wrong.你费尽心思教我明辨是非.
  too much wine too much song.我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中. (这里的song就是错别字,应该是soud,too much wine and too much soud是一种俚语表示沉浸在声色犬马之中)
  wonder how i got along.真不知道我以前是如何过日子的.(说明他感到那时太荒诞了,想象一下他父亲肯定说过他无数次,他却没听,他现在知错了,这场景有点像童梦奇缘里的情节。其实父亲与儿子之间关系是父子,母子,父女,母女四种关系最难相处的关系,两个之间有代沟的男人相处很难。而父子之间能冰释前嫌,通常是要在当中一个将要离开的时候,通常是父亲要离开人世的时候,而他们却是白发人送黑发人,更加让人伤心)

  goodbye papa is hard 2 die.再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去.(又翻错了)
  when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.
  now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.
  little children everywhere.小孩子在到处嬉戏. (子女不管多大都是父母眼中的孩子,看着那么多的孩子,每一位做父母的都会想起自己的孩子,可是他的父亲会再也见不到他的儿子,触景伤情啊。)
  when u see them i'll be there.当你看见他们,我就会与你同在. (既是种安慰他的父亲,同时也是他的一种不可能实现的愿望,回到孩提时代在外面的世界嬉戏).

  we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐.
  we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节.
  but the wild the song.但昔日的歌酒狂欢.
  like the season has all gone.犹如季节更迭已消逝. (那些荒诞的日子不会再有了,同时那个不听话的儿子也不会在了)

  ?? 第三段
  goodbye michelle my little one.再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱. (Michelle他的女儿 很小只有四岁,再过三天她就是个孤儿了)
  u gave me love help me find the sun.你给了我爱,帮我找到希望. (sun 代表warm和hope ,同时这个世界世界上只有一个太阳,也是说他的女儿是他的唯一的眷恋与不舍)
  and every time that i was down.每当我意志消沉时.
  u should always come around.你总会来到我的身边.
  and get my feet back on the ground.鼓励我振作起来. (get my feet back on the ground是站起来的意思引申的意思是振作,可是现在当他的女儿来探监,他会站起来走到探监的房间打起精神,振作一下,可是对于一个没有未来的人振作有什么意义呢?)

  goodbye michelle it's hard 2 die.再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去.
  when all the birds are singing in the sky.当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱.
  now the spring in the air.空气中弥漫着春天的气息.
  with the flowers everywhere.到处都是美丽的花朵.
  i wish that we could both be there !我希望我们都在那儿欢聚! (这也是这个死囚美好的愿望,同样不可能实现)

  连最后结尾最关键的歌词都是错的 练习我听力。

  we had joy,we had fun.我们曾共享快乐.
  we had seasons in the sun.也曾共享阳光季节.
  but the stars we could reach.但我们能触到的星星
  is just the starfish on the beach.只不过是海滩上的海星(可能是这个父亲对女儿说的慌,当他女儿问他要天上的星星,他告诉她,快睡觉,明早睁开眼睛就会有,他给了她一颗海滩拾到的海星。据说老美,以前都这样骗孩子。但是现在他要揭穿这个谎言,他想告诉他的女儿“人生中很多的梦是不切实际,不可能得到的,即使得到了也不是你的那个梦,就像他要星星得到的只是只死掉的海星。”希望他女儿脚踏实地的做人。他女儿那么小和他说这些,她其实不会懂,但是他不可能活到女儿能听懂这些的时候了)







  Steamboat Mountain is a man-killer, and truckers who haul1) the Alaska Highway treat it with respect, particularly in the winter. The road curves and twists over the mountain and sheer cliffs drop away sharply from the icy road. Countless trucks and truckers have been lost there and many more will follow their last tracks.

  On one trip up the highway, I came upon the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and several wreckers winching the remains of a semi2) up the steep cliff. I parked my rig and went over to the quiet group of truckers who were watching the wreckage3) slowly come into sight.

  One of the Mounties walked over to us and spoke quietly.

  "I'm sorry, "he said, "the trucker was dead when we found him. He must have gone over the side two days ago when we had a bad snowstorm. There weren't many trucks. It was just a fluke4) that we noticed the sun shining off some chrome5)。 "

  He shook his head slowly and reached into his pocket.

  "Here, maybe you guys should read this. I guess he lived for a couple of hours until the cold got to him. "

  I' d never seen tears in a cop's eyes before——I always figured they'd seen so much death and despair they were immune to it, but he wiped tears as he handed me the letter. As I read it, I began to weep. Each driver silently read the words, then quietly walked back to his rig. The words were burned into my memory and now, years later, that letter is still vivid as if I were holding it before me. I want to share that letter with you and your families.

  December, 1974

  My Darling Wife,

  This is a letter that no man ever wants to write, but I' m lucky enough to have some time to say what I've forgotten to say so many times. I love you, sweetheart.

  You used to kid me that I loved the truck more than you because I spent more time with her. I do love this piece of iron——she's been good to me. She's seen me through tough times and tough places. I could always count on her in a long haul and she was speedy in the stretches. She never let me down.

  But you want to know something?I love you for the same reasons. You've seen me through the tough times and places, too.

  Remember the first truck?That run-down 'old corn-binder' that kept us broke all the time but always made just enough money to keep us eating?You went out and got a job so that we could pay the rent and the bills. Every cent I made went into the truck while your money kept us in food with a roof over our heads.

  I remember that I complained about the truck, but I don't remember you ever complaining when you came home tired from work and I asked you for money to go on the road again. If you did complain, I guess I didn't hear you. I was too wrapped up with my problems to think of yours.

  I think now of all the things you gave up for me. The clothes, the holidays, the parties, the friends. You never complained and somehow I never remembered to thank you for being you.

  When I sat having coffee with the boys, I always talked about my truck, my payments. I guess I forgot you were my partner even if you weren't in the cab with me. It was your sacrifices6) and determination as much as mine that finally got the new truck.

  I was so proud of that truck I was bursting. I was proud of you too, but I never told you that. I took it for granted you knew, but if I had spent as much time talking with you as I did polishing chrome, perhaps I would have.

  In all the years I've pounded the pavement7), I always knew your prayers rode with me. But this time they weren't enough.

  I'm hurt and it's bad. I've made my last mile and I want to say the things that should have been said so many times before. The things that were forgotten because I was too concerned about the truck and the job.

  I'm thinking about the missed anniversaries and birthdays. The school plays and hockey7) games that you went to alone because I was on the road.

  I'm thinking about the lonely nights you spent alone, wondering where I was and how things were going. I' m thinking of all the times I thought of calling you just to say hello and somehow didn't get around to. I'm thinking of the peace of mind I had knowing that you were at home with the kids, waiting for me.

  The family dinners where you spent all your time telling your folks why I couldn't make it. I was busy changing oil;I was busy looking for parts;I was sleeping because I was leaving early the next morning. There was always a reason, but somehow they don't seem very important to me right now.

  When we were married, you didn't know how to change a light bulb. Within a couple of years, you were fixing the furnace8) during a blizzard while I was waiting for a load in Florida. You became a pretty good mechanic, helping me with repairs, and I was mighty proud of you when you jumped into the cab and backed up over the rose bushes.

  I was proud of you when I pulled into the yard and saw you sleeping in the car waiting for me. Whether it was two in the morning or two in the afternoon you always looked like a movie star to me. You' re beautiful, you know. I guess I haven' t told you that lately, but you are.

  I made lots of mistakes in my life, but if I only ever made one good decision, it was when I asked you to marry me. You never could understand what it was that kept me trucking. I couldn't either, but it was my way of life and you stuck with me. Good times, bad times, you were always there. I love you, sweetheart, and I love the kids.

  My body hurts but my heart hurts even m ore. You won't be here when I end this trip. For the first time since we've been together, I'm really alone and it scares me. I need you so badly, and I know it's too late.

  It's funny I guess, but what I have now is the truck. This damned truck that ruled our lives for so long. This twisted hunk of steel that I lived in and with for so many years. But it can't return my love. Only you can do that.

  You' re a thousand miles away but I feel you here with me. I can see your face and feel your love and I 'm scared to make the final run alone.

  Tell the kids that I love them very much and don't let the boys drive any truck for a living.

  I guess that's about it, honey. My God, but I love you very much. Take care of yourself and always remember that I loved you more than anything in life. I just forgot to tell you.

  I love you,


  by Rud Kendall

●因为西北有高墙 42 一位卡车司机和一个骑摩托车的人相撞,卡车司机受重伤,摩托车骑士却没事,为什么?●卡车司机当时没开车 43 小明的妈妈有三个儿子,大独生子叫大明,二儿子叫二明,三儿子叫什么?●当然叫小明 44 有一个年轻人,他要过一条河去办事;但是,这条河没有船也没有桥。于是他便在上午游泳过河,只...

seasons in the sun的听后感 200字
来美国也不少日子了,但却没有音乐人对他的音乐感兴趣。他看起刚刚朋友塞给他的一张名片,背后抄了一个死刑犯的临终遗言,听着‘lemoribond’,看着名片...一直到了毕业,c成了一名木匠;而a当了卡车司机,并和b结了婚,婚后生下了女儿 michelle,b也经营了一家杂货店,那是她的嫁妆。然而,为了让家人生活得更好...

什么东西有五个头,但人不觉的它怪呢? (答案:手,脚) 什么水永远用不完? (答案:泪水) 大象的左耳朵像什么? (答案:右耳朵) 书店里买不到什么书?(答案:遗书) 什么帽不能戴?(答案:螺帽) 一个学生住在学校里,为什么上学还经常迟到?(答案:家所在的学校不是他上学的学校) 为什么警察对闯红灯的汽车司机视而...

111:有一种布很长很宽很好看,就是没有人用它来作衣服也不可能作成衣服,为什么? 瀑布112:有一辆没有开任何照明灯的卡车在漆黑的公路上飞快的行使,天还下着雨,没有闪电、没有月光也没有路灯;就在这时,一位穿着一身黑衣的盲人横穿公路!在这千钧一发之际,汽车司机紧急的刹车了,避免了一次恶性事故的发生。

1:什么东西天气越热,它爬的越高?温度计 2:什么动物,你打死了它却流了你的血?蚊子 3:谁天天去看病?医生 4:什么照片看不出照的是谁?X光照片 5:一对健康的夫妇,为什么会生出一个没有眼睛的后代?公鸡母鸡夫妇生的蛋,蛋没有眼睛 6:王老太太整天喋喋不休,可他有一个月说话最少,是哪...

33 一个人在沙滩上行走,但在他的身后却没有发现脚印,为什么? 答案: 他在倒着走 34 一位卡车司机撞倒一个骑摩托车的人,卡车司机受重伤,摩托车骑士却没事,为什么? 答案: 卡车司机当时没开车 35 早晨醒来,每个人都要做的第一件事是什么? 答案: 睁开眼睛 36 你能用蓝笔写出红字来吗? 答案: 写个“红”...

卡车司机当时没开车 35 早晨醒来,每个人都要做的第一件事是什么? 答案: 睁开眼睛 36 你能用蓝笔写出红字来吗? 答案: 写个“红”字有何难 37 汽车在右转弯时,哪只轮胎不转? 答案: 备用胎 38 孔子与孟子有什么区别? 答案: 孔子的子在左边,孟子的子在上边 ...

脑筋急转弯:1.什么样的路不能走?...(答案:电路)2.小波比的一举一动都离不开绳子,为什么?(答案:小波比是木偶,(这都不懂))3.小王是一名优秀士兵,一天他在站岗值勤时,明明看到有敌人悄悄向他摸过来,为什么他却睁一只眼闭一只眼? (答案:他正在瞄准)4.一学生把硬币抛向空中:正面朝上就...

42 一位卡车司机和一个骑摩托车的人相撞,卡车司机受重伤,摩托车骑士却没事,为什么?●卡车司机当时没开车 43 小明的妈妈有三个儿子,大独生子叫大明,二儿子叫二明,三儿子叫什么?●当然叫小明 44 有一个年轻人,他要过一条河去办事;但是,这条河没有船也没有桥。于是他便在上午游泳过河,只一个小时的时间他...

●因为西北有高墙 42 一位卡车司机和一个骑摩托车的人相撞,卡车司机受重伤,摩托车骑士却没事,为什么?●卡车司机当时没开车 43 小明的妈妈有三个儿子,大独生子叫大明,二儿子叫二明,三儿子叫什么?●当然叫小明 44 有一个年轻人,他要过一条河去办事;但是,这条河没有船也没有桥。于是他便在上午游泳过河,只...

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寸厕典沙:[答案] The Outsiders s e hinton They walked out slowly,silently,smiling. "Need a haircut,greaser?" The medium-sized blond pulled ... According to Ponyboy,there are two kinds of people in the world:greasers and socs.A soc (short for "social") has money,...

鹿邑县17214243622: 有谁知道赛尔乔·莱翁的一句话英文原版是什么?当我对世事厌倦的时候,我就会想到你.想到你在世界的某个地方生活着、存在着,我就愿意忍受一切.你的... -
寸厕典沙:[答案] When I get tired of the world,I will think of you.Thinking on you in a place to live in the world,exist,I am willing to bear all the.You are very important to me.

鹿邑县17214243622: 请问,有谁知道 "万物相形以生 众生互惠而成" 这句歌德名言的英语原文? -
寸厕典沙:[答案] 不知道是不是这句 Upon the creatures we have made,we are,ourselves,at last,dependent. Faust Goethe "Scientifc studies", translated by Douglas Miller We conceive of the individual animal as a small world,existing for its own sake,by its own means....

鹿邑县17214243622: 英语翻译世界上没有完美的个人,只有完美的团队生气是拿别人的错误惩罚自己如果知道是谁说的麻烦告诉下 -
寸厕典沙:[答案] There is no perfect person,only perfect team.赫尔岑说 世界上没有完美的个人,只有完美的团队Philosopher Immanuel Kant said:"angry,is using someone else's mistake to punish their own.哲学家康德说:“生气,...

鹿邑县17214243622: 拜伦的诗歌 When we two parted 谁有英文的准确的要 -
寸厕典沙:[答案] When we two partedIn silence and tears,Half broken-heartedTo sever for years,Pale grew thy cheek and cold,Colder thy kiss;Truly that hour foretoldSorrow to this!The dew of the morning Sunk chill on my...

鹿邑县17214243622: 谁有《Peter pan r. i. p》的英文歌词啊?
寸厕典沙: Peter Pan R.i.p. by Kula Shaker Gather 'round This is the tombstone Of Peter Pan R.I.P. Say a prayer For all the children Everyone That still believes Peter Pan R.I.P. Clear the leaves From his rest of place Chase the cold Across the street Let the ...

鹿邑县17214243622: 谁有经典英文歌曲推荐 -
寸厕典沙: Jennifer lopez 《could this be love》来自天后詹妮弗·洛佩兹的质感纯音,直触心底... 沙金·史蒂文斯 《because i love you》英国及欧洲的超级巨星;现唱经典好歌! alison krauss 《when you say nothing at all》经典歌曲+天籁女声.... savage ...

鹿邑县17214243622: 谁有《the frog king》(青蛙王子)的英文剧本?最好尽快,我有机用,帮忙粘到下面.都是说的话,没有旁白的那种,greenlight media出版的 -
寸厕典沙:[答案] In olden times when wishing still helped one, there lived a King whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful that the sun itself, which has seen so much, was astonished whene...

鹿邑县17214243622: 人教版选修7 unit3 英语课文 old tom the killer whale 的听力有谁知道? -
寸厕典沙:[答案] OLD TOM THE KILLER WHALE I was 16 when I began work in June 1902 at the whaling station.I had heard of the killers that ... George said as he ran ahead of me.I had already heard that George didn't like being kept waiting,so even though I didn't have...

鹿邑县17214243622: 谁有《雷雨》的全文或部分的英文翻译,并注明是谁翻译的,大恩不言谢啊、、、、 -
寸厕典沙:[答案] 没有标记作者!英译本要买的! F—繁漪 P—周萍 F:You've been dodging from me . P:(回身,欲离去) F:I wish you ... You said you hated your father,you said you wished he were dead,you would do anything to desrtroy him.Have you forgotten all ...

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