
作者&投稿:驹凝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. The school from which we come is a foreign language school.
2. He is now on a lecture trip around the middle schools and universities in China.
3.The speech is about the history and school life of Yale university.
4. You can write down the questions in a small piece of paper.

1、He was very satisfied with the sevice provided by Hilton Hote.
2、He printed the foreign company's logo at his own expense.
3、We all believe that the marketing representative meeting will begin on schedule.
4、Haven't you awared the importance to entertain foreign guests?
5、You must adapt yourself to a new custom when you arrive at a new country.

May it be useful.

1. Sport is my life very important part, if there were time, I can play two hours a day basketball, swimming two hours, which I will enjoy. Another slide pulley and Cycling I love.
2, on the film, I like the Middle Ages in Europe as the background of war, history, palace and the theme of love films, then the lives of real people want. I also love the modern life of the general public the theme of films, it must be relaxed, lively, vivid and interesting. Of course, I also like fairy tales.
3, in life, I hate to chores and worries. I do not like those at every turn on the tight Zhou Meitou the people.
4, I have a strong love for the beauty of things and found that the United States, feelings of the United States, I appreciate the United States is one of the fun. Of course, not only refers to the appearance.

1. Sports plays an important part in my life, when I have time, I manage to play two hours of basketball, swim for two hours, and I enjoy it. Furthermore, I like playing pulley and cycling too.

2. About movies, I like the Middle Age theme movies on wars, history, royal, and love life, the moment in life is hunted. I also love to watch modern movies based on society living, but it has to be relaxing, lively, vivid and interesting. Of course, I like fairy tales too.

3. In my life, I hate small and troublesome problems. I hate the most those who always turn on tight easily.

4. I have a strong love for beautiful things, discover the beauty, feel the beauty, and to admire the beauty is my hobby. Of course, not only for beauty at the surface.

1. the sports are I live a very important part, if has the time, I may play two hour basketball every day, swims for two hours, this will make me to enjoy. Moreover gurgles round and rides the bicycle I to like. 2, about the movie, I likes the European middle ages for the background war, historical, the palace and love theme movie, that time life lets the human yearn for really. I also like looking modern age the ordinary populace live the theme movie, but must relaxed, lively, be vivid, be interesting. Certainly, I also like the fairy tale. 3, in the life, I dislikes for the trivial matters, but worry. I most did not like the human who these often tightened frown. 4, I deeply love intensely have the esthetic sense thing, discovered that US, feels US, to appreciate US is one of my pleasure. Certainly by no means merely refers to the semblance.

帮我翻译一句话 中译英
或 钢琴爱好者。用 piano amateur 这个词,体现不了 “爱好者” 这个部分,因为不爱钢琴的人也可以被称为 piano amateur。如果用 钢琴爱好者 的直接翻译 piano lover,那么读起来有点别扭,因为在国外没有这种说法。所以最后还是决定用 avid pianist.句子是自己翻译的,希望对你有帮助—— ♥...

and is responsible for organizing prenatal preparation techniques. Programme on the drawing process, the design process, the preparation of manuals, quality control points of documents, reasonable arrangements for the production and processing of workers.(GOOGLE的参考翻译更加准确 我认为)...

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用end up能表示出“出人意料”这样的含义。一场华丽的悲剧,用单数。“是否”这部分用问句翻译,并且then放到最后,有震撼效果,耐人寻味。后面“哀而不伤…”到最后修饰“悲剧”,但是太长,故此用另一句话表达。在这句话中,用插入语表达哀而不伤,符合英语习惯,更地道。2. 这句话意译,译成...

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云县19149886259: 能帮我把这几句汉译英么?(带语法的)1.对人员做出调整.2.无论面对多大的困难,他都报以笑容.3.他曾为我们尽心尽力. -
无关方克:[答案] 1.对人员做出调整. To make a personnel adjustment. 2.无论面对多大的困难,他都报以笑容. No matter how great the difficulty he faces,there is always a smile on his face. 3.他曾为我们尽心尽力. He used to try his best for us.

云县19149886259: 帮我汉译英几句英文译成英语的是:亲爱的师傅,虽然我们相处的时间很短,但是您依然教会我很多课本上没有的知识. -
无关方克:[答案] Dear master, Although the time when we stayed together so short,you still had taught me too much knowledge that I can't learn from the book. Thanks!

云县19149886259: 帮我翻译一下几个句子(汉译英)
无关方克: 天空是蓝色的 the sky is blue 那里有朵朵白云 there are white clouds 天空是静谧的 the sky is quiet 那里有朵朵白云 there are white clouds那里...... there 还有许多许多梦想...... also many many dreams

云县19149886259: 麻烦帮我翻译几个句子.汉译英.紧急... -
无关方克: 1.读书可以增长我各方面的知识、同时也可以提高我的生活能力、培养我的责任心等等 Reading can increases my knowledge in various aspects, raise my life capability, grow my responsiblity and such.2.所以说,希望大家都能与书做好朋友,我相信这一定会对你有帮助的. Thus, (I) Wish books can be the best friend for everyone. I believe they will be helpful to you.

云县19149886259: 求教几句翻译(汉译英) -
无关方克: 1.你的高贵让我望尘莫及.You let me catch up with the noble. 2.我不能阻止它,我唯一能做的是防止它继续恶化.I can not stop it, the only thing I can do is prevent it from getting worse. 3.未做好准备,别轻举妄动.Not yet ready, do not act rashly.

云县19149886259: 帮我几个汉译英的句子吧 -
无关方克: 1) to the summer, I also had to prepare to welcome the new holiday. 2) First of all, my summer is to Dutchess, it is necessary to carefully study the science, we must play the fu...

云县19149886259: 帮我翻译一下,汉译英.
无关方克: 1. The electicity is cut off because of the cold weather in Guizhou province. 2. Many tropical fishes in my home are died because of the cold weather. 希望你满意!

云县19149886259: 帮忙翻译几句汉译英吧!!急!! -
无关方克: 1. To see the scenes of fighting, fighting for supremacy voice heard, I am full-blooded. (Converted to a term) 2. West Main Street extended, crossed a bridge, and down a...

云县19149886259: 帮我翻译几句话,(汉译英).
无关方克: This week i take the first english exam and my mark is not good. Majorly for my basic knowledge is not well that i didn't finish the study task on time. It is my fault. English is an important subject so i must learn it well. And i gain good mark in the midterm exam

云县19149886259: 能帮我翻译几句句子吗?(汉译英,急)
无关方克: Many years ago, there was an emperor, his favorite clothes than any other things. I think Chinese than any of the courses are more popular. India is the world film most populous country

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