
作者&投稿:莫怕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

原句:Happy Chinese's Valentine's Day!

Happy Chinese Valentine's Day, Dear.
Wish all the lovers a happy Chinese Valentine's Day!
Happy Chinese Valentine's Day to every friend of mine!


“与……有联系”的英语翻译是“1.relate to; 2.affiliated with;3. tie in”

Mathematics is connected with astronomy.
You were the last person to have contact with him.
The study shows that there is a relationship between diet and cancer.
This man may have been involved with bauer.
Right now he's our only connection to henderson.
Set aside resources to regularly and carefully monitor these identified problem areas and the factors associated with them.
Relating to or associated with heat.
She is connected with the Royal family.
She still our only link to cantrell?
Highsalt diets are linked to high blood pressure, which can lead to heart attacks or strokes.

1、第二大城市: the second largest city

Traveling by plane is one of the best ways to travel.

I hope this will be helpful.

It takes us two hours to finish our homework every day.
We spend two hours finishing our homework every day.

I was late today because of the heavy traffic.
I was late today because the traffic was too heavy.

the second biggest city
travling by air is one of the best ways
I suppose it will be helpful
take us two hours to finish our homework everyday
we spend two hours doing homework everyday

I was late today because of the trafic jam
Because the heavy traffic,I was late today

  1. The second largest city

  2. By airplane is one of the best ways to travel.

  3. I hope it is helpful.

  4. It takes our 2 hours to finish  the homework everyday.

  5. I was late for traffic jam today.


但约定俗成的例外,如泰山译为Mount Tai。八、关于人名 所翻译的姓与名之间加一空格,词首大写,其余小写。双名的两字之间无空格或连字符。九、单位名称的翻译 通名(如公司、厂、店等)应译为英文,专名可用汉拼,但如专名是美好(或至少不是负面)的,且易于翻译的,则宜意译。

关于英语短文和翻译篇一 Hello, everyone. I’m Liang Xinying. I’m from 0406. I think our class is the best class in our school. I don’t know what you think about 0406. Never mind, let me tell you about 0406. I’m sure you will love it! Look, what a nice classroom it is!

词序调整法的英语inversion一词,不能译成“倒译”、“倒译法”或“颠倒词序”之类,否则容易和语法中的“倒装”概念相混淆。inversion作为一种翻译技巧,其意思为:翻译时对词序作必要或必不可少的改变,并不只是纯粹的颠倒词序或倒装。Americans do not like to be called materialistic because they...

英语专业的翻译是:English Major。重点词汇:Major。英['meɪdʒər]n.(美、加、匈)马霍尔(人名)。adj.(major)主要的;重要的;主修的;较多的。n.(major)成年人;主修科目;陆军少校。v.(major)主修。短语:major general少将;缺兵少将;大将军;范大将军。词语使...

八年级上册英语翻译 1a 部分翻译 Language Goal: Talk about past events 语言目标:谈论过去的事情 where did you go on vacation?你去哪里度假了?I went to the mountains.我去山里了。1a Match the activities with the pictures [a-g].1a 把图片[a-g]与活动连接起来。1. stayed at home 1...

4. I’m nine years old. 我今年九岁 5. He’s from Canada.他来自加拿大 6. Are you an Englishman?你是英国人吗 7. They helped the children. 他们帮助了那个孩子 8. He helped the old grandparents. 他帮助了年老的外祖父母。9. Did he clean the room? 他打扫...

讨论关于的英文:Talk about。[例句]然后,经过了一番讨论,关于计划的那部分,大家同意去请教天文学家。There, after some discussion, it was agreed to consult the astronomers regarding that part of the enterprise.英语翻译技巧:1、省略翻译法 这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合...

Be quiet on class.上课安静。Don't throw rubbish casually.不要随处乱扔垃圾。No smoking or drinking.不要吸烟喝酒。Don't fight or say rude words.不打架不骂人。Don't bully girls.不要欺负女生。Ask for leave on emergency.有事请假。Be friendly to classmates.友好待人。No cheat in exam...

关于英语故事短文带翻译篇一 A Sheep was once forced to submit to much harm from the other animals. He therefore appeared before Jupiter, and begged him to lessen his misery. Jupiter appeared willing, and said to the Sheep, "I see plainly, my pious creature, that I have created you too ...

翻译如下:What time do you usually go to school?My brother usually gets up at 5:30am.Do you shower every day?When does you father go to work?Our English teacher often works all night.My brother goes to bed at 9:30pm every day.Do you like listening music?Jim gets home ...

石龙区15763781920: 英语翻译(语言转换) - 搜狗百科
爰炕更欣: A;我好久都没有看到你了? B:哦,是的.我去了澳大利亚. A:那你在那里怎么样?好吗? B:嗯,学了很多东西呢?让我更加独立啦. A:哦,是吗?太好了.那么你呢?有什么打算吗? B:我吗?我现在在一家公司上班呢.过得挺好的...

石龙区15763781920: 关于英语翻译的句子
爰炕更欣: 1,TOM 刚一出门就下雨了. 1, TOM just one out on the rain. 2.明天太阳升起的时候,我们已经身处广阔的澳洲草原了. 2. Tomorrow the sun rises, we have been living in the vast grasslands of Australia. 3.他一直在写一本关于人与自然的小说. 3. ...

石龙区15763781920: 英语翻译 -
爰炕更欣:[答案] 首先 你需要决定一个故事的基本思路 这是关于一个机器人Han的故事.他总是忘记事情. 一天,Han在地铁站遇见他的朋友Sarah和Tim.他说,“我很开心.我买了一个新的笔记本.现 在 我不会再忘记事情了.” Sarah说,“是的,我也有一个.它在这.” ...

石龙区15763781920: 关于英语的句子加翻译!急!!!最好今天 -
爰炕更欣: 1. She lives in Shanghai. 他生活在上海. 2. He's got a new friend. 他认识了一个新朋友 3. I'm from China. 我来自中国 4. I'm nine years old. 我今年九岁 5. He's from Canada.他来自加拿大 6. Are you an Englishman?你是英国人吗 7. They ...

石龙区15763781920: 关于英语的翻译等
爰炕更欣: 1. be generous to the old 2. keep secret for friends 3. make me happy and worried 4. an honest child. 5. as old as 6. bored...boring

石龙区15763781920: 急求!!有关于英语的翻译,一句话 -
爰炕更欣: Who can tell me: I can not stand you have a joke, do not let me feel tired. The curtain call is not perfect, we already have.

石龙区15763781920: 关于英语翻译的!
爰炕更欣: 科学:science 健壮:strong 四十二:forty—two 跳高:high jump 在书包下面:under the schoolbag.

石龙区15763781920: 关于英语单词翻译
爰炕更欣: 1 .deceit:欺骗,欺诈; 2.hallow :神圣,尊敬; 3.memory :记忆、回忆、内存、存储器; 4.pick up:捡起,拾起,开车接某人 5.majority :大多数,多数人

石龙区15763781920: 英语怎么说 - “和有关”用英语怎么说?
爰炕更欣: .havesomethingtodowith就知道这两条了

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