
作者&投稿:说青 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


What you should do is _to_study__ (study)harder than before.



The Buyer placed an Purchase order (Contract no. 201302H) with the Seller for 15 tons of Cargo. After the buyer received 10 tons of the Cargo under item 350# , it claimed 5 tons of them are unsatisying and requested for a return. Both parties through friendly consulation reached an agreement as follows .


  1. The Buyer is responsible for the shipping of the returned 5 tons of cargo and all freight cost shall be undertaken buy the Buyer.

  2. All subsequent expenses after the cargo arrives Qingdao port shall be paid by the Seller.

  3. This agreement is made in two (2) copies; each party holds one (1).


Any matters not covered in this agreement shall be agreed upon seperately by both parties in appropriate way. This agreement takes effect immediately upon signatures of representatives from both parties.



Division I with the buyer ordered contract No.: 201302H 15 tons of goods under the, after the buyer receives the goods on the specifications for the 10 tons of cargo 350# there are 5 tons are not satisfied, proposed that 5 tons of goods shipped back, by both parties through friendly consultation on the matter agree as follows:
1 the buyer is responsible for the Japanese shipped to Qingdao port 5 tons of cargo, freight borne by the buyer.
Other expenses incurred in 2 the goods at the port of Qingdao after the seller.
3 this agreement is made in two copies, each party holding a.
Any matters not covered in this agreement, both parties to the appropriate way to be agreed upon, the agreement is effective from the date of signing.

你那个【我司】应该是【我公司】吧,你打错了。My company order with the buyer the contract number is: 201302 h under 15 tons of goods, the buyer after receiving the goods of the specifications of 350 # 10 tons of goods there are 5 tons are not satisfied, return, put forward the five tons of goods on the matter through friendly consultation between the two parties reached the following agreement: 1. The buyer is responsible for the 5 tons goods are shipped to Japan in Qingdao port, the freight shall be borne by the buyer. 2. After the goods arrived in Qingdao port other expenses shall be borne by the seller. 3. This agreement in duplicate, both sides each hold one copy. Matters not this agreement, both sides to be agreed upon between appropriate way, the agreement will take effect from the date of the two sides signed.

中译英,谢谢……急用~ 希望能够得到你的帮助,谢谢!
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翻译 急用 谢谢
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新和县17136729551: 急求~~翻译!!谢谢! -
易宗盐酸: The existing one suite: two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom.Located in the suburbs, the environment quiet.

新和县17136729551: 求翻译 急 谢谢! -
易宗盐酸: 1. 傍晚时我恰巧在楼上,当时窗户一直开着,直到它关上我才下的楼.2. 那响雷乌云完全将我震慑住了.3. 一年半前我第一次与黑夜面对面见.4. 我只能通过挂在布满灰尘的窗前那脏兮兮的窗帘看到自然的景色.这绝不是什么享受,因为自然是必须要自己去体验的.

新和县17136729551: 求翻译,急,大概意思也行,谢谢! -
易宗盐酸: 基本意思如下:如果可以,你是否愿意让我借你的肩膀,在我最需要的时候.我所想做的,就是哭泣,为自己哭泣,为那所有的遗憾与悲伤哭泣.请给我一次机会,让别人感受我的感受.值得一提的是,ur 这里是your 的缩写,这样的词比如U 表示 you,老外也是比较喜欢简写的.

新和县17136729551: 求翻译英语!急!!谢谢~
易宗盐酸: i can never be the complainter of the most successful person. You won, Goodbye! Hopefully you can turn back to look at the silly me in the future! even it is pitty......

新和县17136729551: 急.求翻译!谢谢! -
易宗盐酸: 1, The roads of this city are being repaired. 2, A factroy will be built here next year.(www.applecg.com)希望可以帮到你,请采纳我的答案哦 谢谢

新和县17136729551: 急求翻译,急急!谢谢!
易宗盐酸: 前半句是 肩斜尺寸为3/8“,后半句有点乱,可以不考虑吧,如果是简单的报价.或者可以直接问客户

新和县17136729551: 求外文翻译 急 谢谢 -
易宗盐酸: Abrasivity是岩石性质的分析来评估它的适用性机械开挖.这是一般人认为自从石灰石是碳酸盐岩它不是磨料.然而薄片研究了用岩相分析岩石的微观特征表明石英是赠送的少量静脉或联合充填.Abrasivity...

新和县17136729551: 求翻译,中译英,急,谢谢
易宗盐酸: please give us a introduction about the current situation of China logistics

新和县17136729551: 求英文翻译 急求 谢谢 -
易宗盐酸: The couple who love each other in deed consider nothing with age, property, appearance, and stature, etc. If you do consider the factors mentioned above, you have to ask yourselves...

新和县17136729551: 求.翻译...急急急..~! -
易宗盐酸: What the Romeo and Juliet tells is that..... In my opinion, the first of the most important scenes is .. the second of the most important scenes is ...The two movies are quite different, though they are concerning the same story, but ... I prefer the old one,...

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