
作者&投稿:融郑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Most of the fish live in the sea which is 10 to 20 miles away from the island.

1. I went shopping, but the time spent on road much longer than shopping.

2. I get off to garbage bins, I can not find the trash for a long time, almost got into the trash myself at the end.

3.In the past, I could easily find something fine to eat while 20 RMB in the Pocket, but now even can not afford to a dish of vegetables.

4. snow disaster

Whenever you feel lonely, whener you have difficulties, and whenever you need help, I will always be with you.

Whenever you feel lonely, in trouble, or in need of help, I will always be with you .

Whenever you feel lonely,whenever you are in trouble,or in need of help,you will always have
a good friend in me together with you.


whenever you feel lonely, in troulbe or need help, i'll be there with you.


When you feel lonely, when faced with difficult times, when you need help, you and I together forever.

When you felt is lonely, when meets is difficult, when you need to help, I forever with you in the same place.


2. for a long time \/ for long \/ for a long while很久;3. long after ... 在……之后很久;4. What's the matter \/ What's the trouble \/ What's wrong \/ What's up \/ What's happening \/ What is going on ? 有什么事?本句翻译:I ...

一些人问我“我为什么想当个警察”我真的不知道该如何回答这个问题。Someone asked me that "why do you wanna be a policeman",and I really don't know how to answer it.

汉译英 在线翻译
Really? Don't worry.There is no need making a big fuss over it. It's impossible to fight against life if you haven't come over difficulties.

:He behaves himself well.他举止得体。如果把这句变为被动语态,可以是He is well behaved 而永远不可能是well behaving。另外在现代英语中像behave这样的动词,变成被动语态以后,他们的意思就更像是一个形容词词组,跟well一起时,常变成well-+动词的过去分词,如well-educated, well-done,well-...

这句话是我们英语口语中常用的,所以我知道,很熟悉哦~~【中】你是要去哪里?【英】Where are you going?翻译答案解析:这句子主要明确时态,要去哪里是一个未发生的事情或者动作,所以翻译的时候要使用将来进行时(这个句子比较特殊,用现在进行时表示将来);你的单词是you,所以考虑使用be+动词ing...

How does Lily like?是什么意思
你好!我顺便一起帮你辨析这四个句子:how does it like?how is it like?what does it like?what is it like?1、这个怎么样?表示询问意见。2、它长得什么样子?3、它喜欢什么?4、它像什么?所以你的问题的大案是:丽丽这个人怎么样?还有什么不懂的,可以随时问我。我一定热忱回答。参考...

Hello, we received your dispute information, but we did not understand the information you sent.This order does not have logistics tracking information because the first time sent is a Hong Kong package, recently the Hong Kong Customs inspection is very strict, no customs inspection ...

询问职业、身份或人物:Who,What 1. ---What’s your father \/ mother? ---你的父亲 \/ 母亲是做什么的?---He’s a doctor. \/ She’s a teacher. ---他是一名医生。\/ 她是一名教师。2. ---What does you mother \/ father do? ---你的母亲 \/ 父亲是做什么的?---She’s a TV...

it`s the new london restaurant.这句话前面该怎么问
it`s the new london restaurant.的中文翻译_百度翻译 it`s the new london restaurant.这是新伦敦餐厅。全部释义和例句试试人工翻译 What's that building_百度翻译 What's that building 网络 那个建筑物是什么;[例句]Mary: Oh, I see. What's that building so many students are entering?

若羌县13579198637: 请问这句话怎么翻译为英文 -
郟泽血栓: Don't speak to me, I'm hopeless.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O

若羌县13579198637: 请问这句话翻译成英语怎么说? -
郟泽血栓: xxxx(年份),I have been working at ... as a ... for 1 year.

若羌县13579198637: 请问这句话用英文该怎么说?
郟泽血栓: Don't disturb my life, and I hope so quietly disappear!

若羌县13579198637: 请问,这句话用英语怎么说?
郟泽血栓: Our school before two years learning is the foundation of professional class, after a two-year study specialized courses, and our school of software engineering is a new offer, in teachers strength and science and technology is not strong, and the ...

若羌县13579198637: 请问这句话用英语该怎么说? -
郟泽血栓: 人在得到一些东西的时候就会失去一些东西 You lose something while you get something else.

若羌县13579198637: 请问这句话用英语该怎么翻译 -
郟泽血栓: 翻译如下:2113 很多女性找对象永远是高不成、低不5261就,想了半天,原4102来我就属于档次比较低1653的人.Many women find the object will never be high, low not, think for a long time, so I belong to the lower grade people.希望能回对你有帮助,记得采纳我的回答答哦~

若羌县13579198637: 请问这句英语怎么翻译
郟泽血栓: you raise me up 也可以说是你把我养大了 (raise children) 或者: you make me raise 你让我'站起来了'也就是支持的意思啦.

若羌县13579198637: 请问这句句子翻译成英文怎么说?
郟泽血栓: The most important thing for me is a bracelet which my mother bought for me.这里“a bracelet”中的冠词“a”是不是应该改成“the”,因为是妈妈买的,是特指.而且,“The most important thing for me”中的介词“for”也似乎应该改为“to”

若羌县13579198637: 请问这句话用英语得怎么说? -
郟泽血栓: I call the staff of the logistics staff, the staff said that there is no time to help clear the parcel was returned.

若羌县13579198637: english请问如何翻译这句话? -
郟泽血栓: 1.我这里来的越少,我就感觉越好.the less i come here, the better i feel.2.在这里不需要用the more the more句型,因为后半句说的是感觉好,所以要用better.就是good的比较级.3.有 the more, the less 句型.4.目前没想到更合适的翻译.以上,希望有帮助\(^o^)/~

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