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中国四大名著的英文名分别是《Water Margin》水浒传、《Romance of the Three KingdomsThe Three Kingdoms Era》三国演义、《The Journey to the West》西游记、《A Dream of Red Mansions》红楼梦。
1、Shuihuzhuan, one of the four famous works in China, is a long chapter novel with the Songjiang Uprising in the late Northern Song Dynasty as the main background and type of heroic legend.
Authors or editors are generally regarded as Shi Nai'an. Most of the existing publications are signed by one or both of them, Shi Nai'an and Luo Guanzhong.
2、The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the four famous classical works in China. It is the first full-length historical Romance novel in China. Its full name is The Romance of the Three Kingdoms (also known as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms).
The author is Luo Guanzhong, a famous novelist in the late Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty.
3、Journey to the West is the first Romantic chapter novel about gods and demons in ancient China. There are 100 copies of Journey to the West in the existing Ming Publications without the author's signature.
Wu Yuxuan, a scholar of the Qing Dynasty, first proposed that the author of Journey to the West was Wu Chengen of the Ming Dynasty.
4、A Dream of Red Mansions, a Chinese ancient chapter novel, also known as Stone Records, has been listed as the first of the four classical works in China. It is generally believed to be written by Cao Xueqin, a writer of the Qing Dynasty.


中国四大名著对应英文名称:《西游记》----- “ Journey to the West ”《三国演义》----- “ The romance of Three Kingdoms ”《水浒传》----“ Water Margins ”《红楼梦》------“a Dream in Red Mansions” (又名《石头记》----“ the Story of the Stone ”)


1、The Story of Stone《石头记》

2、A Dream of Red Mansions/Chamber(红色大楼/房间的梦)

3、The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl(牛郎和织女)

1、《Romantic of Three Kingdoms》—— 三个王国的罗曼史



2、《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》——四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血




《西游记》: Journey to the West(去西方旅游)

Monkey / The Monkey King(猴王)

应该这样翻译 《红楼梦》Red Mansion Dreams,即红楼之梦 《西游记》Journey To the West,即西游之旅 《三国演义》Three Kingdoms,即三个王国 《水浒传》Outlaws of the Marshes,即沼泽(指水泊梁山)上的亡命之途 这才是四大名著的通用翻译,中外英文报纸杂志上都这么用的,楼上的几位朋友翻译的都...

最早德文译名是《强盗与士兵》;法文译名是《中国的勇士们》;英文译本为《在河边发生的故事》《西游记》: Journey to the West(去西方旅游)Monkey \/ The Monkey King(猴王)还有其他的:1、《金瓶梅》译成法文,题目成了《热恋的少女·中国13世纪的爱情故事》2、《聊斋志异》的意大利文版译作《...

四大名著英文名 四大名著英文名是什么
中国四大名著的英文名分别是《Water Margin》水浒传、《Romance of the Three KingdomsThe Three Kingdoms Era》三国演义、《The Journey to the West》西游记、《A Dream of Red Mansions》红楼梦。1、Shuihuzhuan, one of the four famous works in China, is a long chapter novel with the ...

1、《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 2、《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 3、《红楼梦》A Dream of Red Mansions 4、《三国演义》 Romance Of The Three Kimdom

《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes 四大名著,又称四大小说,是指《三国演义》、《西游记》、《水浒传》及《红楼梦》四部中国古典章回小说,是汉语文学中不可多得的作品。这四部...

四大名著是中国文学的经典代表,它们的英文名字如下:《红楼梦》:The Story of Stone(石头记)、A Dream of Red Chamber 《三国演义》:Romantic of Three Kingdoms 《水浒传》:Outlaws of the Marsh 《西游记》:Journey to the West 此外,还有许多其他重要的经典古籍,它们的英文名字如下:《大学...

中国名著英语翻译,前面四个是四大名著哦:)~~《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone)《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 《本草纲目》 Compendium of ...

四大名著的英语表达为:1. 《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Chamber。这部作品还被译作Dream of the Red Mansions,故事以贾家为主线,描绘了中国封建社会的衰落和人性的复杂性。英文书名通常保持了原著的核心意象,“红”在英文中也具有象征意义。2.《西游记》Journey to the West。此书描述了唐僧师徒...

《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《红楼梦》A Dream of Red Mansions 《三国演义》 Romance Of The Three Kimdoms

四大名著的英文翻译是The Four Great Classical Novels。详细解释:四大名著是中国文学史上著名的四部古典小说,它们分别是《红楼梦》、《西游记》、《水浒传》和《三国演义》。这四部作品在中国文学史上有着举足轻重的地位,被誉为中国文学的经典之作。为了向国际传播中国文化和文学,这些名著也有了相应的...

仙游县13048147488: 四大名著的英文写法 -
梅秒聚维: 中国四大名著对应英文名称:《西游记》----- “ Journey to the West ”《三国演义》----- “ The romance of Three Kingdoms ”《水浒传》----“ Water Margins ”《红楼梦》------“a Dream in Red Mansions” (又名《石头记》----“ the Story of the Stone ”)

仙游县13048147488: 四大名著的英语写法 -
梅秒聚维: 红楼梦:A Dream of Red Mansions 西游记:Record of a journey to the west三国演义:There Kingdoms 水浒传:Heroes of the Marshes, Water Margins望采纳,谢谢!

仙游县13048147488: 英文拼写中国四大名著 -
梅秒聚维: 《三国演义》----《The Romance of the Three Kindoms》 《水浒传》----《The Story by the Water Margin》 《红楼梦》----《The Dream of the Red Chamber 》 《西游记》----《Journey to the West》

仙游县13048147488: 中国古典四大名著的英文翻译是什么
梅秒聚维: 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《红楼梦》A Dream of Red Mansions 《三国演义》 Romance Of The Three Kimdoms

仙游县13048147488: 请教“四大名著”的英语说法,以及每一部怎么说四大名著红楼梦水浒三
梅秒聚维: 四大名著 the Four Great Works 水浒——Water Margin / Outlaws of the Marsh / All Men Are Brothers 三国演义——The Romance of Three Kingdoms 红楼梦—— A Dream of the Red Mansions / Chambers 西游记——Journey/Pilgrimage to the West (also my favorite!)

仙游县13048147488: 四大名著怎么用英文准确翻译?
梅秒聚维: Romance of three kingdom《三国演义》Outlaws of March 《水浒传》Journey to the west《西游记》A dream of red mansions《红楼梦》

仙游县13048147488: 四大名著的英语如何翻译? -
梅秒聚维: 四大名著: 《红楼梦》: 1、The Story of Stone《石头记》 2、A Dream of Red Mansions/Chamber(红色大楼/房间的梦) 3、The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl(牛郎和织女) 《三国演义》: 1、《Romantic of Three Kingdoms》—— 三个...

仙游县13048147488: 四大名著用英语怎么说 -
梅秒聚维: 中文: 四大名著 | 德语: Vier klassische Romane | 英语: Four Great Classical Novels | 西班牙语: Las cuatro novelas clásicas chinas | 日语: 四大奇书 |

仙游县13048147488: 四大名著的英文翻译是什么 -
梅秒聚维:[答案] 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water M...

仙游县13048147488: 请问四大名著的英语怎么说啊,?谢谢了! -
梅秒聚维: Many country has got the 4 greatest writings

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