
作者&投稿:师婉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

What does the EU expect the US do next?

The EU calls upon the US to terminate its WTO-inconsistent safeguard action without delay and to avoid replacing the safeguard measure by any other illegal measure.

Under US law, the US President has been invested with the legal authority to reduce, modify or terminate the safeguard measures since the US International Trade Commission (ITC) issued its mid-term report assessing the impact of the
measures on the benefiting industry on 19 September 2003.

If the US makes the right move and fully terminates its steel safeguards, the EU will proceed to repeal its re-balancing measures.

Two birds in the forest as a bird in the hand. Two in the number of birds, although more than a bird, but in the forest might fly away at any time. At present, all the treasure is, there is no risk appears to be a lot better not take the risk to be. Do not go empty fantasy life that appears to be better, something utopian, unrealistic, people should be considered step by step, always doing things seriously than useful to fantasy. It is also a choice to give up science. Learn to give up in order to unload the burden of all life, traveling light, calmly waiting for the turn for the better life, the ups and downs in life Taguo; know how to give up before they have a mature, and will live a richer, calm and relaxed. Be able to give up, it has a decisive and bold courage of the whole situation into account.

检品名称 Product Name

送检单位 Submission Unit

生产厂家 Manufacturer

检品数量 Quantity of samples

采样地点/日期 Sampling place/Date

送检日期 Submission Date

检测类别{送检} Submission Type (For testing)

检测及评价依据 Basis of testing and evaluation

"Standard Testing Method for Drinking water"

Organolepic characteristics and physical specifications

本栏应空白 Leave this column unfilled.

22 items of this sample are analyzed.

This item of the sample is acceptable.

Drawing up the Reportt


Signing and issue

检品名称Name of seized goods
送检单位Submitted unit
检品数量The number of seized goods
采样地点/日期Sampling locations/Sampling date
送检日期Submission date
检测类别Detection category{Submission}
检测及评价依据Testing and evaluation based on
生活饮用水标准检验方法Drinking water standard test method
感官性状和物理指标Sensory traits and physical indicators
本栏以空白To this column blank
该检品共分析22项The goods seized a total of 22
该检口所检项目合格The seized items seized by the mouth of qualified
报告编制The preparation of the report


article from the piston working environment and structure characteristics of its procedure, detailed design was analyzed. In the machining process detailed analysis of the components of the blank process route choice, formulation, the determination of machining allowance.参考资料:有道翻译 ...

哪位大侠可以给我翻译一下 谢谢
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1.I am really dissatisfied with the conversation yesterday,because your friend was rude and unprofessional.2.We two signed the contract and we are the parters ,so only you and me can solve the problem.3.This meeting aims to finish the work sooner and better,but you are a ...

龙南县13239492341: 哪些大侠能帮翻译一下,如下专业词汇!跪谢! -
沙肤双醋: 检品名称 Product Name 送检单位 Submission Unit 生产厂家 Manufacturer 检品数量 Quantity of samples 采样地点/日期 Sampling place/Date 送检日期 Submission Date 检测类别{送检} Submission Type (For testing) 检测及评价依据 Basis of ...

龙南县13239492341: 电子元器件制造专业英语词汇,哪位大侠帮下忙?
沙肤双醋: Milling grain ingredients forming abrasive brush fire Spot silver print storage package

龙南县13239492341: 有哪位大侠帮忙给翻译一下 万分感谢
沙肤双醋: 如果还是不明白就直接问客户.应该是叫你报价,报CIF吉大港价,单位是100码/卷.

龙南县13239492341: 大侠帮忙翻译几个英文词组?加急~~ -
沙肤双醋: 基本存货(运输调度到TRADER PLUS)TRADER PLUS 为一个部门或公司可以意译可不译接收/调度(库存控制)厂房和洗漱打印间接待或招待会

龙南县13239492341: 哪位大侠帮我翻译以下句子:(烦请注意商务术语) -
沙肤双醋: 一词多义同一个词,由于语境不同,其词义可千差万别.试看下面几个例子:1.They cannot obtain credit at all in the trade.他们生意信誉已荡然无存.2.They have opened the covering credit with the Bank of China.London他们已从伦敦中国银行开...

龙南县13239492341: 哪位大侠帮帮翻译以下的英语?是大学英语哦!感激不尽啊! -
沙肤双醋: 部门1 A昂扬讨论泉水之间的一个女孩说,妇女已经超出了跳级芯片椅子上的视线- - -鼠标时代的一个重要的人说他们没有这样做. 2的情况下他的死因定林肯除了其他美国leaders.had林肯住了,这很可能是因为他的战后政策将带来的批评后,他说,会玷污了他的popularity.instead ,刺客的子弹earsed在人的头脑中美国人有任何故障,他并强调他的美德. 3.indeed他的伟大在于他出色的能力结合起来,素质原件科学家与那些前瞻性的实业家. 4.although迹象不诚实在学校,企业和政府似乎明显的多,在近几年与过去相比,这是否表示我们正渐入佳境,在揭示这种不诚实?

龙南县13239492341: 审计英语 哪位大侠能帮我专业的翻译一下以下几句关于审计的句子,中文到英文 1.应收账款期末余额 -
沙肤双醋: 1. The accounts receivable the final balance 2. Accounts receivable account according to the following analysis age3. Prepaid receivable the final balance 4. Inventory the final balance5. Prepaid expenses the final balance6. The original value of ...

龙南县13239492341: 哪位英语大侠帮忙翻译一下!!在线等!!谢谢了!!! -
沙肤双醋: 你的物品已经通过海关在下午1:20, 2009年12月10日. 至于具体信息会每天更新的, 以后请再查. 从海关出去的时间 2009年12月10日, 下午1:20 入境时间, 2009年12月9日, 中午11:17. 三藩市 在下学疏才浅, 希望对你有帮助

龙南县13239492341: 哪位大侠可以建议一个英语翻译比较好的软件 指到哪个词就能立刻翻译的哪种 -
沙肤双醋: 不知道,我只知道只有输上哪个词,点一下发音的那个东西,就可以了,是“有道词典”,用“Baidu 翻译”“青云翻译”也可以的

龙南县13239492341: 下面几句英文哪位大侠帮我翻译一下,不胜感激! -
沙肤双醋: 1. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.–不要小题大作.这句谚语直译是「不要把小丘当成大山」,意思就是「不要将简单的事搞得超级复杂,或将小问题夸张成大问题」.make out of 由 ... 制成, 用 ... 做原料.2. came back 回来(在记忆中重现, 恢复原状),这要看文章里的语境里具体理解了.3. are said 在这里是“据说”.4. 意思是:现在做这个不是时候.现在不适合做这个.5. 个人认为,这句也最好是根据上下文理解.

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