attend, attend at, attend on 与attend to 之间有什么区别?

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attend to和attend on的区别~

1、attend to是“照料”的意思,介词to表示对象。
The orphan was consigned to her uncle's care.
2、attend on是“侍候”的意思,on则进一步表示目的,含有使其满意的意味。
She has a large family on her hands.

1、attend on的宾语只是人。
2、attend to的宾语可以是人,也可以是物。
1、attend to除了照料的意思外,还含有“认真听”“认真干”的含义。
2、attend on意思只有照顾; 侍候。
1、attend to的英式读法是[ə'tend tu];美式读法是[ə'tend tu]。 
2、attend on的英式读法是[ə'tend ɒn];美式读法是[ə'tend ɑːn]。

attend to 倾听,仔细听;注意;留意;听取:;照料,照顾;料理;护理;看护;关怀:
attend on 照顾;侍候;照料;赐顾帮衬 .后面一般是人作宾语

【答】 attend 可作及物动词,意为“参加”。例如:1. They had a quiet wedding—only a few friends attended. 他们的婚礼静悄悄的,只有几个朋友参加。2. Did you attend the meeting? 你参加那次会议了吗?attend at 意为“参与……(方面的活动)”。例如:1. They regularly attended at church. 他们定期去教堂做礼拜。2. He attended only one year at college. 他只读过一年大学。attend on意为“侍候”。例如:1. She has many servants attending on her. 她有许多仆人侍候她。2. She has been attending on her sick mother for years. 她侍候生病的母亲已经许多年了。attend to 意为“办理” 、“注意”、“照看”、“注意听”。例如:1. Who will attend to the baby? 谁照料这个婴儿?

定日县13862502651: attend, attend at, attend on 与attend to 之间有什么区别? -
驹肺复方: 【答】 attend 可作及物动词,意为“参加”.例如:1. They had a quiet wedding—only a few friends attended. 他们的婚礼静悄悄的,只有几个朋友参加.2. Did you attend the meeting? 你参加那次会议了吗?attend at 意为“参与……(方面的...

定日县13862502651: attend怎么读(at怎么读)
驹肺复方: 1、at 英[?t] 美[?t,t]2、prep. (表示位置)在;在(某时间或时刻);以,达; 向,朝3、n. 阿特(老挝辅币单位,100 阿特 = 1 基普)

定日县13862502651: attend是什么意思 -
驹肺复方: attend[英][əˈtend][美][əˈtɛnd] vi.出席; 致力于,献身于; 侍候,照顾; 关注; vt.出席,参加; [常用被动语态](作为结果、情况)伴随; 照顾; 陪伴; 第三人称单数:attends过去分词:attended现在进行时:attending过去式:attended例句: 1. Why didn't you attend his funeral? 你为什么不去参加他的葬礼?

定日县13862502651: attend用法:attend在做“照顾”之意时,attend to & attend on 有没有区别? -
驹肺复方:[答案] 其实区别也不是很大:attend on它更偏重于“侍候”,比如“下级”侍候“上级”“晚辈”侍候“长辈”.例如:1.She has many servants attending on her.她有许多仆人侍候她.2.She has been attending on her sick moth...

定日县13862502651: attend是什么意思
驹肺复方: attend [动词] : 参加; 出席; 到场 : 上〔学); 去(教堂〕 attend at : 出席,参加 attend to : 照料,处理

定日县13862502651: Attend 什么意思啊? -
驹肺复方: attend英 [əˈtend] 美 [əˈtɛnd] vi.出席; 致力于,献身于; 侍候,照顾; 关注; vt.出席,参加; [常用被动语态] (作为结果、情况) 伴随; 照顾; 陪伴; [例句]They were asked to attend the meeting.他们应邀出席会议.[其他]第三人称单数:attends 现在分词:attending 过去式:attended 过去分词:attended 形近词: distend protend subtend

定日县13862502651: attend的用法以及注意点 -
驹肺复方: attend侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等.Success attended her efforts (或 hard work).成功随着她的努力(或努力工作)而来.I encourage you to attend class .所以我鼓励你们来上课.Jack: Do you ever attend meetings?杰克:那你要...

定日县13862502651: attend的各种解释和用法 -
驹肺复方: attend:vt.出席,参加,照顾,护理,注意,由……陪同;vi.专心,留意助记:attendance n.出席,出席的人数,伺候,照料;attendant n.服务员典型例句:They attended our affairs during our absence.他们在我们不在时管理我们的事务....

定日县13862502651: attend和be come to的区别 -
驹肺复方: 区别是: attend表示的是“出席”,出席会议,晚会等活动. be come to的意思是苏醒;到达;共计;突然想起. 二者意思有较大差别.例句: attend 1、We were made to attend meetings every day. 我们每天都得参加会议. 2、I have more ...

定日县13862502651: 出席用英语怎么说? -
驹肺复方: 您好,以下单词均有“出席”的意思,需要根据不同的情境使用. 1. attend 2. be present 3. appeared 4. attendance 5. presence 6. present oneself 7. sit in on

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