
作者&投稿:熊质 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Some patients can't absorb all the nutritions that contains in the vitamin pills.
2.There is a lot of things for peasants to do in order to get rid of poverty.
3.Considering back and belly, which are very important, because lives are consist of them.
4.It's impossible for her to pait her house white, because white doesn't match her car.
5.What you have learned from real life is much more useful than from text bokks.
6.It's clear that the whole plan will lose.
7.My concern is that who will take over the chairmanship of the charity.
8.I worry about him that whether he can pass through the dangerous period of the disease.
9.She seemed not to grasp what I meant,which made me irritated.

The biggest 16.5 meters Rubber duck appears in Hongkong.
The biggest Rubber duck appeared in Hongkong Victoria Harbour in May 2nd. It had made by Hoffman,an artist from Holland.
The biggest Rubber duck appeared in Hongkong Victoria and it attracted people's atteneions.
A lot of people went to Harbour City Tsim Sha Tsui to saw the biggest Rubber duck.
The people visited the biggest Rubber duck i n Hongkong Victoria .
The police marching band welcomed the Rubber duck went to Hongkong Victoria by acting.
An artist cteated in Tsim Sha Tsui pier

1.These old photos remind me of the time when I was young.
2.The theacher let the children pass around the two dolls (in order) to find out the differences between them.
3. The two boys have strolled the business street for a whole day to look for the fashionable sports suit.
4. This jeans is similar to the one which I used to put on.
5. She was the one of the most popular writer in 1980s, but I don't like her style.(20世纪80年代,我翻译成了1980s)
6. It was said that the green and black tea can make effectiveness on preventing the heart disease and cancers.

1.these pictures reminds of my young age.
2.the teacher let the kids pass around the 2 dolls,to discover the differences.
3.the 2 boys hang out in the mall for the whole day in order to find fashinable sprrts clothes.
4.the jeans are is similar to the one that i used to wear.
5.she is one of the most welcomed authors in 20th century,but i don't like her style very much.
6it is said that green tea and black tea are able to prevent the heart disease,cancersand many other sickness.

1.These old photos remind me the days when I was young.
2.The teacher asks students to pass around two toy dolls and find the difference between them.
3.These two boys went shopping daylong in the fashionable street.
4.This jeans is similar to the one which I used to wear.
5.She was one of the most popular authors in 1980's, but I don't like her style of writing.
6.It is said that green tea and red tea are effective on prevent from heart disease, cancer and other diseases.

1. these old pictures cause I remind the young time Mr./Mrs. 2. to let the children circulate two rag babies, discovered their difference 3. these two boys to stroll one in the business street 4. this jeans to pass with me Chang Chuan that model similarly 5. she is one which of all day writers the 20th century the 80s most received welcome, but I not too liked her style the 6. it is said green tea and the black tea to prevent heart disease, cancer as well as many other diseases were very effective.

(注意:在不知道是男还是女的情况下,要用 it)5.Usually the best man is either the groom's brothers or his friends while the bride maid is also either the bride's sisters or friends.6.I am very busy with my work and I find myself really exhausted\/tired and that's why I ...

there be 相当于汉语里的某地有某人或者某物,there没有词义,是个引导词,当然了be根据事态的变化也是要变化的 it is 中的it是代词,在句子中充当一定的成分。3.expect,hope,want,plan,mean,intend等等的动词的过去完成时表示过去未曾实现的希望打算和意图。翻译成“本打算做而未作”你这句话实质...

请将下列句子译成汉语:6. The years have obscured the name of this professor, but not the lesson she taught.岁月已经让人淡忘了这个教授的名字,但是她所讲的课却历历在目。7. Education plays a very important role in everybody's life.教育在人们的生活中起着很大的作用。8. In my ...

1.警察正忙着填写关于这场事故的各种表格(fill out)The police are busy in filling out various forms about this accident.2.我想在还车之前把邮箱加满。(fill up)I want to fill up fuel tank before I return the car.3.如果你要投诉,最好遵循正确的程序。(follow the procedure)If you ...

4.这个大项目使我们忙得今年都无法安排一次度假了(engage;so much that)This large project engages us so much busy that we can’t arrange holiday this year.5.氧气(oxygen)是气体中最重要的一种,正如水是液体中最重要的一种一样(just as)Oxygen is one of the most important gases ...

翻译句子。 她上周末很难过。(5个空) 我爸爸昨天晚上很忙。(6个空...
她上周末很难过。(5个空) She was sad last weekend.我爸爸昨天晚上很忙。(6个空) My father was busy yesterday evening.你昨天踢球了吗?没有(8个空)Did you play soccer yesterday? No, I didn't.我上周末没有去看望外祖父母。(7个空)I didn't visit my grandparents last week...

3. Boy, you don t leave me(男孩,只有你不要离开我)4. 扫描完毕,最后就会显示翻译的中文结果出来了。5. We have to take to keep the body clean toilet articles 6. Where there is great love,there are always miracles.哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。7. Donxxxt cry because it is...

此句应翻译为:This skirt is not only too large, but don't match my jacket well.5.那条道路因洪水而停止修建(hold up)The road was held up by flood.6.那个国家一再卷入对外战争(involve)That country involved in wars again.7.无论发生什么情况,他就是一言不发(no matter what)N...

自从有了移动电话后,他再也没有给朋友写信了(on Longer )With the appearance of the cellphone he no longer writes to his friends.2.尽管很忙,他每天至少花两小时上网,了解这个领域的最新动态(surf the Internet,even Though )Even though he is very busy, he spends at least two ...

3.It is reported that there have been many high school and college students volunteering to serve the next Olympic Games.4.Haven't you realised that his reply is equivalent to refusal?5.I tried to help her laugh away her worries.6.To all's surprise, the witness denied having ...

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宁狄卡博:[答案] 1.Because of lack of funds,their projects had to cancel2.Ting-Qing concert to reduce your stress3.A reasonable diet is very important to our health4.I do not want to go to the movies with you.Also,the...

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宁狄卡博: 1.The social practice made students benefit from it greatly./The students benefited from the social practicegreatly. 2.You have made effectfor for many years.Sooner or later you will be rewarded. 3.Students should be encouraged to learn from each...

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宁狄卡博: 1.In the absence of protective measures to prohibit the case from entering the pool to swim. 2.Shall not be run at the pool edge. 3.Food shall not be brought into the swimming pool and the surrounding area. 4.Against pull the other swimmers in the ...

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宁狄卡博:[答案] 1、Would you like to share your toys with other little friends?2、That long red skirt fits her very much.3、It is bored to do our homework all day.4、While I was thiking of my poor little dog,I was al...

太谷县19227188621: 帮忙翻译9句句子,中译英!急! -
宁狄卡博: 1.some patients couldnt absord all the nutrition contained in the vitamin pills.2.the farmers have a lot of things to get rid of poverty3.as far as food,cloth,living and t...

太谷县19227188621: 英语句子翻译(急)(中译英) -
宁狄卡博: 为你解答.1、下次你应该早点来这里. You should come here earlier next time.2、你最好不要单独去游泳. You'd better not go swimming by yourself.3、让我们开...

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宁狄卡博: 1. Xiaoyi remembered XX to Mr. Mou. 2. Brother wants to have a cup. Don't forget to have warm boiled water. Don't drink cold water. You can catch cold. 3.You should make a greater effort. I will try harder with brother. 4. I really hope that brother will ...

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宁狄卡博: 1.Sorry, I broke the glass, but I didn't mean to. 2.If I can choose not to go,I wouldn't like to go out in pouring rain. 3.He turned away. 4.The traffic jam is so heavy that it has about several miles from end to end. 5.However, this medicien is still at the ...

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