
作者&投稿:孔倪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求一篇有英语作文关于大学生是否应该上网 上网的利弊的 120词左右~

Whether college students should surf on the Internet
When faced to the blossom of modern technology, none of us can entirely be isolated from the use of the Internet. But as college studens, is it right to indulge ourselves in surfing on the Internet?
In my opinion, the main task of college students is studying. Why do parents spend so much money supplying their children to attend colleges? It's because that things which are important and useful can be learned there. So can you take it for granted when you waste your time on playing Internet games or just chat with web friends within the time of studying?
Of course, we can't regard the Internet as a monster. There are really some useful things in it. We can search what we need from thousands of materials, which are freely offered by users of the Internet.
In a word, students should neither immerse themselves in the Internet nor keep themselves away from it.

They are the kind of democratic classroom atmosphere. Secondly, in the classroom on their respect of human nature than we are more than good. He as long as you have a little bit of good places, it will immediately pay tribute to you, very sincerely, congratulations to you. Some teachers and our students are like watching closely clinging shortcomings. However, the lack of feeling of some teachers is that they move some of the classroom a bit too casual, but also very casual writing on the blackboard.

With the development, the Internet has become a very common thing. Both adults and children, as long as the mention computers, would think of the Internet. However, the Internet is a double-edged sword, there are advantages and disadvantages.

I found that some children in Internet cafes or at home, mainly to play games, some students used to play all night, so not only bad for your health but also delayed the study. I learned from television news a true story: A student obsessed with playing online games, one day, he told parents at home doing their homework to students may be home late. At ten pm he gave the parents called and said that he was too sleepy to sleep in the students home, and the telephone number to the parents. The next morning, the parents do not trust to dial the phone, answered the phone said there is a cafe, said: "Yesterday, there was a student here, the Internet, has been playing into the night, then stay out here." Parents immediately catch the past, saw the child being a couch snoring natural cafes to sleep, really angry, and heartache. You see, he hurt his own body, but also affect learning, but also lie, so that parents worry about, can be really bad. So, some people think that the students lack self-control, does not allow Internet access.

However, there are a lot of people in favor of the Internet, why? Because the internet can provide a lot of help. First, the Internet as if into a universal and pleasure of the library, just type a short entry, I want to find information will immediately appear in front of us, faster than access to books, a greater amount of information received, the network into essential for learning my little helper. I have served as propaganda in the class members, in the office blackboard newspaper and organization of activities in classes, we often check the internet, the network has become indispensable to my work little helper. Second, the Internet can read more extensive information, the statistics of one of my classmates, the news online every day on television news more than a few times. In addition, the Internet also has other functions, one of my friends told me that her father in Korea, she send a letter to the father or the long-distance calls and costly trouble. They always use QQ letter or on the Internet on the phone, but also quick and convenient. See them, how can we not do that online?随着时代的发展,上网已经变成了非常普遍的事。不论是大人还是小孩,只要提起电脑,都会想到上网。可是,上网是一把双刃剑,有利也有弊。 我发现有一些小朋友在网吧或家里上网,主要是为了玩游戏,有些中学生经常玩通宵,这样既对健康不利,也耽误了学习。我从电视新闻中得知一个真实的故事:某学生迷恋上网玩游戏,有一天,他告诉家长要在同学家写作业,可能会很晚才回家。晚上十点,他又给家长打电话说,自己太困了,要在同学家睡觉,并把电话号码告诉了家长。第二天早晨,家长不放心,就拨通了电话,接电话的人却说这里是网吧,还说:“昨天有一名学生在这里上网,一直玩到深夜,然后就在这里住下了。”家长马上赶了过去,看见孩子正在网吧的长沙发鼾然大睡,真是又生气,又心痛。你看,他伤害了自己的身体,又影响了学习,还撒谎,让家长操心,可真不好。所以,有些人认为,中小学生缺乏自制力,不允许上网。 但是,有很多人赞成上网,为什么?因为上网能给人们提供很多帮助。首先,上网就好像走进了万能、快意的图书馆,只要输入一个简短的词条,我要查找的资料就会立刻出现在眼前,比查阅书籍速度快,得到的信息量更大,网络成了我学习上必不可少的小助手。我在班里担任宣传委员,在办板报和组织班内活动时,经常上网查资料,网络成了我工作中不可缺少的小帮手。其次,在网上可以读到更丰富的新闻,我的一位同学统计过,每天网上的新闻要比电视上的新闻多几十倍。此外,上网还有其它作用,我的一个好朋友对我说,她爸爸在韩国,她给爸爸寄信或打长途电话又费钱又麻烦。她们总是用QQ发信或在网上通电话,又快捷又方便。看到这些,我们又怎么能说上网不好呢? 自己修改一下咯

This is the reason the league tables provoke a mixture of fury and depression among teachers and parents alike, especially in poor areas.

The real message of the league tables is that they highlight the deprived neighbourhoods. So when education minister Cathy Jamieson allows the national figures to be published each year, she might as well phone up teachers and families at the bottom of the lists and say: "Just called to let you know - you're still poor!"

It is not good enough for the Labour politicians, who bitterly opposed league tables in opposition, to argue that they are stuck with them now. If that is the case why has the Welsh


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徐伦磷霉: As technology become more and more advance basically the use of internet become more and more popular for modern generation. There are many advantages and disadvantages of the access to internet. Some of the advantages are; people ...

黎城县18299617786: 求一篇英语作文,内容是关于上网的利与弊.单词数在100左右,谢谢. -
徐伦磷霉: Nowadays almost everyone in the world have had a contact with computers. A great part of them has been using international computer's net known as Internet. Let us first lay out the advantages of using the internet. First of all, We can find almost ...

黎城县18299617786: 高分求一篇英语短文,100字左右:题目为上网的利弊,有三点提示如下:1、上网给人们带来的好处2、上网给人们带来的负面影响3、个人的看法日常用词... -
徐伦磷霉:[答案] Along with the development of the Internet ,the use of Internet is more and more wide.The network has a good side and a bad... But now,some teenagers spend too much time playing online games.They spend too much time in network friends,but not the...

黎城县18299617786: 写一篇关于上网利与弊的英语作文 -
徐伦磷霉: Nowdays,surfing the Internet is very popular.Almost everyone has a computer in his or her home.More and more people take interest in computers.Using computer is very convenient,so we don' t need to wait in line to buy the things we like.And we ...

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徐伦磷霉:[答案] Nowadays,with the improvement of the Internet,more and more people love going on the Internet,and I am not the exception.There are many things could be done on the net.First and foremost,when surfing on the Internet,we can browse the news or get ...

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徐伦磷霉: There is a wide spread concern over the issue that should we learn English on Internet .The opinion concerning this hot topic is varies from person to person ,However the majority of people hold the view that we should learn English on Internet ,...

黎城县18299617786: 写一篇关于上网的利与蔽的英语作文 . -
徐伦磷霉: 网络如同一个浩荡宽广的海洋,在这个海洋里,有善有恶,关键的看你自己如何对待.下面请听我诉说网络对我自己的利与弊. 网络的利 上网,可以开阔我们的视野,增长我们的见识,使我们的生活更加丰富多彩,也为我们提供了一个展示...

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徐伦磷霉: The modern era of information developed, the network plays a more and more important role in people's lives. With the development and popularity of the network equipment such as computers, more and more people have access to the Internet, ...

黎城县18299617786: 急求一篇关于讨论上网利弊问题的英语作文上网(surf the Internet)已成为越来越多人生活的一部分,请谈谈上网的利弊.(120字~150字) -
徐伦磷霉:[答案] With the development of science and technology, internet plays a more and more important role in our life. There are a lot of ... bringing to us is self-evident. We can easily get access to various kinds of information and know what's going on around the ...

黎城县18299617786: 写一篇关于上网的英语作文,谈谈上网的利弊! -
徐伦磷霉:[答案] 随着时代的发展,上网已经变成了非常普遍的事.不论是大人还是小孩,只要提起电脑,都会想到上网.可是,上网是有利也有弊. 我知道很多人去上网,主要是为了玩游戏,这样很耽误学习.所以,有些人认为,中小学生缺...

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