
作者&投稿:慈关 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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Good morning/afternoon, I'm very glad to be here for the interview. My name is XXX and I'm from a country family in Jiangxi province. I just gratuated from xx university/college this year. My major, Information & Calculating Science in Academy of Math-Sciences. It is a new specialized subject which requires very highly on the knowledge of both mathematics and computer so that the both combine very well. For instance, when we were learning to build-model on math, we not only used the software of MATLAB, but also C language to compose program as I possess the knowledge of computer. So, learning the subject made me to have strong both logecal thinking and strong computer knowledge. Of course, it also made me lack of experience. So, I must work hard to compensate.

About my personality: I'm resposible, cooperating, honest. I believe that the my potencial capability is limitless and I would do my best for the chance of this job if I'm haired.

Thank you again for the opportunity of this interview.


Good morning / Good afternoon.
I'm so pleased to have the the interview here. My name is XXX, I was born in a rural family, Jiangxi Province. I graduated from XXX University, Mathematical Sciences college, major of information and computing science, which is a new combination major requiring high knowledge of mathematics and computer science. For example, because of the computer knowledge I have, when we study mathematical modeling, in addition to solve by matlab software, I can try to solve it by C programming. Therefore, I have got a strong logical thinking, as well as the solid computer skill. And also, I have the confidence to balance the two fields through my hard working!
I have the responsible character, with a spirit of cooperation, and good faith. There is no limit of human potential. If I could be admitted, I believe I will certainly be able to release my potential and competence to the job well, with my hard work in such a successful environment!
Once again, thank you for giving me the opportunity to be here. Thank you!

(全面修正。尤其是“当然,由于要兼顾两者,难免会使我实践能力有些局限,但我一定会以勤奋来弥补这方面的缺憾!”在简历中不要这么说,要强调自己的努力和信心。所以改成“我有信心用我的勤奋平衡这两个领域!”And also, I have the confidence to balance the two fields through my hard working! )

Good morning / afternoon of good, very pleased to be here to participate in the interview, my name is × × × from a rural family in Jiangxi Province, graduated from this year × × University, School of Mathematical Sciences, information and computing science, this is a Emerging professional, its knowledge of mathematics and computer control have put forward higher requirements, so that the combination of the two very good together. For example, when we study mathematical modeling, in addition to the use matlab software to solve, because of computer knowledge, you can also consider the use of C-language programming to solve. Therefore, the professional learning to make our strong logical thinking, computer knowledge is relatively solid. Of course, in order to balance the two, it is inevitable I will practice some capacity constraints, but I certainly will be hard to make up for deficiencies in this area!
Character, I am a responsible person, with a spirit of cooperation at the same time, people in good faith. Human potential is limitless, if I were admitted, I believe that in such a successful environment, coupled with my hard work, I will certainly be able to release my potential and competence to the job!
Once again, thank you for giving me this opportunity to stand here, thank you!

Good morning / afternoon of good, very pleased to be here to participate in the interview, my name is × × × from a rural


Information & Calculating Science in Academy of Math-Sciences. It is a new specialized subject which requires very highly on the knowledge of both mathematics and computer so

帮我翻译成日语,谢谢,急!!! 过几天我们就要长跑比赛了,所以最近一直在...


翻译一段话 急用 现在没分数 过几天一定加上去

点评:理解并翻译文言句子时,既要注意顾及全篇,又要字斟句酌,还注意句式一致。 4. 张元养犬文言文翻译及注释急用 张元,字孝始,是河北芮城人.祖父叫成,做过平阳郡守.父亲叫延俊,在州郡当官,曾经作过功曹主簿.并且因为至纯被乡里人所推荐.本性谦虚谨慎,孝顺父母.有一次,张元在森林小道里看见一条被人丢弃的小狗...

急急急!!! 求一英语专业翻译帮我翻译一篇文章! 过两天考试用!
My hometown in Shanxi Province, Baoji City, the ancient said Chen bin. " Clear construction, do one thing under cover of another " story is in our Baoji, Baoji traffic lead in all directions, the Longhai railway, Baoji-Chengdu railway, Baozhong railway in this intersection.家乡...

(张元)马上(把医生)请来医治,没过几天(叔父)就痊愈了。从此之后,叔父把狗看作亲人一样。 二、原文 村陌有犬为人所弃者,张元见之,即收而养之。其叔父怒曰:“何用此为?”将欲逐之。元乞求毋弃,曰:“有生之物,莫不重其性命。若天生天杀,乃自然之理。今犬为人所弃,非道也。若见而不收养,无仁心也...

并且直到他们最后艰苦成功。 是勇敢的面对挫折,人们不要有机会享受成功乐趣。 如此他们什么都没有做,但是感到哀伤和空整天和整夜。 实际上,他们丢失成功机会。 我的朋友,每当在麻烦,请记住, “所有路导致罗马”。什么都为意志坚强心脏不是不可能的。我们从站起来我们跌倒的地方 好 ...


译:醉翁的情趣不在于喝酒上,而在乎山水之间啊。 (4)山水之乐,得之心而寓之酒也。 译:欣赏山水的乐趣,领会于心并寄托于酒。 (5)朝而往,暮而归,四时之景不同,而乐亦无穷也。译:早上上山,傍晚返回,四季的景色不同,而那快乐也是无穷无尽的。 (6)临溪而渔,溪深而鱼肥。 译:到溪边来钓鱼,溪水深鱼儿肥...

尼玛县17841636675: 在次求大家帮忙,很难应付的英语翻译,很急! -
敖卞天麻: 我的名字叫于涛,今年23岁,是黑龙江人.My name is Yutao. I am 23 years old, and I come from Heilongjiang province.毕业于解放军信息工程大学毕业,学历四年.I graduated from PLA Information Engineering University after four-year ...

尼玛县17841636675: 本人近期要参加一项外资企业工厂的面试,要用英语自我介绍一下,所以在此麻烦各位帮帮忙帮我翻译一下…… -
敖卞天麻: My name is ..., from the northwest Gansu Province, 23 years old, I was technical school graduate, has been named an outstanding member in the school, I like making friends, reading, after graduation worked in sales, selling clothes, I like the ...

尼玛县17841636675: 过几天就要去外企进行最后一轮面试,据说是法国老板,各位前辈们有什么好的建议给我吗 -
敖卞天麻: 外企也没什么,我出来工作十年,面试了20多家企业成功率在九成以上,个人觉得面试也没什么可怕的.不需要紧张的,外企比较注重个人介绍,你想办法在三分钟内推荐自己就行了!面试当天注意穿着,谈吐要自然,别的就没了!

尼玛县17841636675: 过两天要到我梦寐以求的一家外企去面试了,之前查过资料,说他们公司面试会进行英语面试,还会有英语自由讨论环节.英语自由讨论需要注意些什么吗? -
敖卞天麻: 在英语的口语交谈中,不必太拘泥于语法,大胆表达清楚自己的意思即可.用简单直白的语言表现最具魅力的自我,才是英文面试的至高境界.很多人恨不得在面试中用大气磅礴的英文演讲征服面试官,习惯于堆砌华丽的词藻,其实又犯了舍本逐末的错误.更多关于外企职场方面的疑惑,你可以到Jobedin外企招聘网去了解一下.

尼玛县17841636675: 准备到外企面试翻译,但是口语却不怎么好,该怎么办啊 -
敖卞天麻: 要想在短期内有一个很好的效果很难,但可以报一个初级的口语班,至少可以和考官进行一个简单的交流.再一个就是要做充足的准备,无论面试的职位是什么,但考官的问题大体相同,所以要提前准备好这些答案,另外再准备一些可以以不变应万变的语句,这样无论考官出什么题都可以这样回答.给你一个网站,有中英文的资料,希望能对你有帮助.http://www.pconline.com.cn/pcjob/2003jianli/ http://www.yjbys.com/qiuzhizhinan/show-31239.html

尼玛县17841636675: 面试翻译公司,怎么谈啊? -
敖卞天麻: 面试一般都会先给你机会介绍自己.既然做翻译,那么就是介绍自己外语能力了.你可分几个方面介绍自己:1、自己的口译能力,包括证书,培训等.既然这是你的优势,那么要重点介绍自己练习口译...

尼玛县17841636675: 明天要去外企公司面试,要英文面试,有请大侠帮我翻译一下,最好再帮我改动几个字,生动点,长点,嘻嘻 -
敖卞天麻: 还是让我来帮你吧: I am XXX. My English name is XXX. I will be graduating from XX Electrical Engineering College in June. I major in Logistics Management. I am full of interest in logistics (sea shipping). Although I don't have much experience yet...

尼玛县17841636675: 明天要去外企面试前台一职都不知道我该怎么办? -
敖卞天麻: 准备英语介绍是应该的,但是不要太过于背书了,要自然一些.一般像通常情况,面试前可能会有一个英文测试的,大多都是翻译.还有打电话的方式.谈一下自己的爱好,等等方面吧.主考官可能他的主观性强一点.不要紧张.能说多少算多少.不要一个字都不说,那就没有戏了.

尼玛县17841636675: 唉,明天要去外企面试,去吧,我怕丢人,就我这四级都没过的英语根本拿不出手,不去吧,又怕我妈对我失望 -
敖卞天麻: 只要进去了 一切都不是问题了.除非你的岗位需要用到英语.偶尔用到或者公司有翻译完全没关系.脱了关系的面试基本上是走形式.当然你的关系越厚形式越简单.如果有比你关系厚的 就倒霉.基本上你需要准备自我介绍 还有基本的日常问题 比如学的什么专业你兴趣爱好 家里几口人 为什么想来公司 记住英语介绍里面可以加一句 现在的英语不是很好 所以想进外企进行锻炼.我从毕业就一直在外企工作 换了3家 不同的国家的公司 只有大的正规的公司面试要求稍微正式点 会有笔试中翻英英翻中和短文翻译.有些公司的面试就是随意聊天.你可以先打探这家属于哪种.

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