
作者&投稿:成王曹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文 学校校规 60词~

  School  rules
1.Don't be late for school.It's very important to you.
2.Don't fight.You should get on well with your classmates.
3.You should say "hello" to them when you meet the teachers.
4.Study hard.
5.Listen to the teacher carefully in class.
6.Don't drop the litter anywhere.
7.Wear the school uniforms every day.

I like our school, nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards, our school has many rules for us to abide by it. Then let's talk about the school rules. We have to get up very early every day, finish our classes in the morning, we can't be late, otherwise the teacher will not allow us to enter the classroom, can't eat snacks in class, cannot speak, must be quiet to listen to. Can't run in the hallways, it's too dangerous ……

Our School Rules
1、 We don't walk on the grass. 不踩踏草坪
2、 We don't pick flowers. 不随意摘花
3、We don't destroy our tables and chairs. 不毁坏公物
4、We can't fight in the school. 不打架
5、We can't throw things in the school. 不乱丢垃圾
6、谈吐文明Talk civilization
7、不大声喧哗Not talking loudly
8、We should keep the classrooms clean and tidy every day. 保持教室卫生
9、We should respect each other. 尊重他人
10、No smoking at school. 不得在校园内吸烟。
11、We can't run in the school aisles. 不在走廊里跑动
Be friendly with each other, despise him whoever talks dirty or uses violence.
Your behavior is education, under all the supervision, students are welcomed to report any misconduct of teacher.


Don't run in the teaching building. 不能在教学楼里奔跑。Don't talk in the library. 不能在图书馆说话。Don't waste water or electricity.不浪费水电。Don't be late for school. 上学不迟到。Listen carefully in class. 上课认真听讲。Finish your homework on time. 准时完成家庭作业。

学生着装得体Students must dress appropriately 坐正立直Students must Sitting stand upright 行走稳健Walking steady 谈吐文明Talking civilization 穿校服,Must wear uniforms.不穿奇装异服Don't wear clothes Novel 男生不留长发Boys don’t have long hair 女生不烫发不化妆不佩戴首饰Girls don't give ...

1、 We don't walk on the grass. 不踩踏草坪 2、 We don't pick flowers. 不随意摘花 3、We don't destroy our tables and chairs. 不毁坏公物 4、We can't fight in the school. 不打架 5、We can't throw things in the school. 不乱丢垃圾 6、谈吐文明Talk civilization...

That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students we have different views on the rules, I think everyone should obey the school 学校规则英语作文 篇6 We have a lot of school rules at our school .And we aren’t allowed to break the think some of the rules are examplestudents...

楼主是:what's the regulation of u school.

关于校规的英语作文篇1 Our school have a new School Law,teacher said that everyone in our school must fallow it or we'll be educat!The Law is:1.student can't say anyhing during the class,expect the teacher askyou some question!2.student can't eat anything in the classroom,...

五个最酷的英语 校规
School rules:1 No smoking. 禁止吸烟。2 No littering anywhere. 禁止随地乱扔垃圾。3 Don't talk in the library. 在图书馆不得说话。4 Wear school uniform on Monday. 周一必须穿校服。5 No snacks at school. 不许带零食进校。6 Don't run in the hallway. 禁止在楼道奔跑。

写关于校规的英语作文篇一:Every school has its own rules for students. We are told to wear schooluniforms at school. We should listen to our teachers carefully in class.Homework must be done carefully and handed in on time. We ought to keepquiet in the library. Getting along ...

their bikes should have brakes and bells.翻译:就像每个国家都有法律.我们学校也有学校的规则.学生必须准时到校.他们应该穿校服上播出.他们不应该带一些东西到学校里来,例如,危险的刀,手机等.他们应该尊重对方,他们不该打仗.如果他们骑车上学,他们的脚踏车应该有刹车和 *** .关于校规的英语作文 ...

1、Students to dress appropriately, sit still stand straight, walk strong, civilized conversation 校规(School Rule)2、 We don't pick flowers.3、We don't destroy our tables and chairs.4、We can't fight in the school.5、We can't throw things in the school.6、We can't speak...

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舌学力贝: Schoolrules1.Don't be late for school.It's very important to you.2.Don't fight.You should get on well with your classmates.3.You should say "hello" to them when you meet the teachers.4.Study hard.5.Listen to the teacher carefully in class.6.Don't drop the litter anywhere.7.Wear the school uniforms every day.

青羊区13686747196: 写一篇介绍学校校规英语作文,要求使用have to, must,60词左右 -
舌学力贝: I like our school, nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards, our school has many rules for us to abide by it. Then let's talk about the school rules. We have to get up very early every day, finish our classes in the morning, we can't be late,...

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舌学力贝: Here are our class rules. You must read it carefully. As a middle school student we can't arrive late for class on weekdays. We must wear clean clothes every day. We must stand up when a teacher goes into the classroom. When you have nay ...

青羊区13686747196: 关于校规的英语作文60至70词赶快有急用 -
舌学力贝: 1. Recently,a debate about obeying school rules has been sparked. Firstly,school rules play an important role in helping students to behave well.As society develops,more and more teenagers like to follow the fashion,they dye hair,and dresses ...

青羊区13686747196: 用英语向你的朋友介绍你学校的规则60字左右 -
舌学力贝: My school locates in a place of serenity.我的学校坐落在一个很安静的地方.It builds in 1945,so it is one of the oldest school in China因此它是中国最老的学校之一.Our school has a large amount of students and teachers我们的学校有很多学生老...

青羊区13686747196: 我理想中的学校的校规50词(英语作文) -
舌学力贝: When we talk to the future, I will feel happy. Because I want to be a teacher when I'm older. I think teachers are not rich. But I think it is happy to talk with children. And I think I will be a very good teacher. I will make my students do less homework on ...

青羊区13686747196: 同学们在你们学校都有哪些校规呢请给你们的朋友迈克写一封信介绍一下吧英语作? -
舌学力贝: 英语作文-我校的校规:Hello Mike,Thank you for your letter in which you want to know the school rules of my school.Basically, we have the rules as you do in your school such as:Come to school and classroom on time.Listen to your teacher's talk ...

青羊区13686747196: 我们如何用英语来写学校的校规并翻译 -
舌学力贝: 学生着装得体Students dress appropriately 坐正立直Sitting stand upright 行走稳健Walk steady 谈吐文明Talk civilization 穿校服,To wear uniforms. 不穿奇装异服Don't wear clothe 男生不留长发Boys leave no long hair 女生不烫发不化妆不佩戴首饰Girls don't give or have a permanent wave 不穿高跟鞋Don't wear high heels 不大声喧哗Not talking loudly

青羊区13686747196: 写一篇介绍学校校规的英语作文~急 -
舌学力贝: Our school have a new School Law,teacher said that everyone in our school must fallow it or we'll be educat!The Law is:1.student can't say anyhing during the class,expect the teacher askyou some question! 2.student can't eat anything in the ...

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