跪求一篇描述一个医生的英语作文 100词左右

作者&投稿:欧霭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My favorite sport is swimming.
There are three reasons why I like the sport best.
First, it is good for keeping fit. It benefits the heart, the lungs and the limbs. Thanks to the sport, I lost my weight and I am graceful in form.
Second, it is easy to find a place to swim. In the country, I can swim in lakes and rivers. In the city, there are many swimming pools spotted among the residential areas.
Third, it can be done in any weather. It is very cool swimming in hot summer. In cold weather, swimming is especially refreshing.
Swimming is a very popular sport. I hope you can enjoy it too

I have a brother. When he was born, I am not happy at first, because my parents get less attention on me. But as my brother grows up, we play together all the time

我的梦想是当一名医生(my dream is doctor)
I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor.
Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain.
May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped future I might be a doctor.


A doctor
I'll never forget that doctor.
He is a good doctor. First, he never takes red packets. Many patients wanted to give him red packets, but he refused. Second, he had a very high level of surgery and saved countless patients. Third, he treats the patient very kindly.
He said: "the doctor is saving lives". He is really a good doctor.

This is a doctor.His name is James.He often helps people to make them healthy.He can tell you when you ill what you can eat or what you can't eat.And after 5 days,you wll healthy.And then James will tell you how to do you can keep healthy.He is a good doctor.




一个电影 美国黑人的。 讲了一个美国一个眼科医生 黑人。小时候不爱...
4. 一次上地理课,一个孩子通过老师的描述准确的说出了一种矿石的名字。并得到老师的高度赞赏和支持。5. 高中毕业后其中一个孩子立志当一名医生,并且以优异的成绩考取了某著名医科大学。由于自己成绩的优秀和自信的表现,获得当时一位著名医生的赏识并跟随其进一步深造。6. 电影结尾,医生做在轮椅里被...

抱歉,我不知道有什么描述医生神态的词语啊。描写医生:【成语】: 妙手回春 【拼音】: miào shǒu huí chūn 【解释】: 回春:使春天重返,比喻将快死的人救活。指医生医术高明。【出处】: 清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第二十回:“但是药铺门里门外,足足挂着二三十块匾额:什么‘功同良相’,...

一个韩国的恐怖电影一个男医生和好几个女护士 开始的时...
《疯魔美女》是拍摄于2007年的一部泰国恐怖电影,由Piraphan Laoyont执导,Prachya Pinkaew监制。影片描述一位医生与七个护士,由于集体贩卖死人尸体给黑市获取暴利而面临复仇的故事。


《日瓦戈医生》鲍里斯·帕斯捷尔纳克被禁原因该书被攻击为“一株毒草”指责它是在“恶毒嘲讽社会主义革命、苏联人民和苏联知识分子”本书描写了一个充满希望的青年医生,如何在社会的黑暗下一步步对世界失望透顶。 这是一个写社会黑暗的故事,可细读之下更多的是对人性的反思和对美好的向往!更蕴藏着人在遭遇苦难时所...

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