
作者&投稿:剧广 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.GO straight for five minutes.
2.The hospital is in the east of the post office.
3.Excuse me ,are there any library in the neighborhood?
Yes,there is .
4.Is your school far from the cineme ?
Not far.
5.Turn left at the hospital,then go straight!

1.Walk straight through the road about 5 minutes.
2.You can see a hospital is on the east of a post office.
3.Is there any library there? Yes ,there is.
4.Is it your school is far from the cinema? No,it is near.
5.You turn left at hospital first then walk straight through the road.

How do you go home?

My home is on the third floor/ I lived on the third floor。

My mother is waiting for me。

where is the bus station?

Our school is far from my home。

How can I go there?

Please raise your right hand。

I can go there by foot/on walk。

你们怎样回家? How do you go home?
我家在三楼。 My home is on the third floor.
我妈妈在等我。 My mother is waiting for me.
公交车站在哪里? Where is the bus station?
我们学校离我家远。 Our school is far from my home.
我怎样去哪里? How can I get there?
请举你的右手。 Please raise your right hand.
我能步行去哪里。I can go there on foot.

1 How do you go home?

2 My home is on the third floor.

3 My mother is waiting for me.

4 Where is the bus station.

5 Our school is far from my home.

6 How can I get there?

7 Please rise your right hand.

8 I can go to there on foot.


1.你们怎样回家? How do you go home?
2.我家在三楼。 My home is on the third floor.
3.我妈妈在等我。 My mother is waiting for me.
4.公交车站在哪里? Where is the bus station?
5.我们学校离我家远。 Our school is far from my home.
6.我怎样去哪里? How could I get there?
7.请举你的右手。 Please raise your right hand.
8.我能步行去哪里。I can go there on foot.

1:Hou do you go home?
2:My home is on the third floor.
3:My mother is waiting for me.
4:Where is the bus stop?
5:It's far from my school to my home.
6:How do we go there?
7:Please lift up your right hand.
8:I can walk there.

这是公园北边的大门。北边的大门?我想去位于公园南门的宠物商店。那有个大的旱冰场。离这不远。我们可以先去宠物商店。然后我们一起去溜旱冰。YEAH!!如果你想去宠物商店 你可以去南门的宠物商店 如果你在公园玩的时候受伤了,你可以去医院看病 如果你饿了,你可以去 restore,它在西门 restore应该是...

六年级上册英语Unit6 Read and write的翻译?
Robin and the ant 罗宾和蚂蚁 It is a sunny morning.一个晴朗的早上。Robin is going to sit on the grass when hehears, “Wait!”罗宾正要坐到草地上,这时他听到一个声音:“等一等!”It is a little ant.是一只小蚂蚁。He is afraid.他很害怕。“Please don't sit on me. One ...

1.Meet partly in public transit bus station at 4 o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow.2.Time here's major part are in winter very cold , such says your meeting.


如果你见的是长辈,你应该和他握手并说:我的名字是pat,很高兴见到你 如果是晚辈,你就可以点头示意,说:你好,我是pat 我应该拥抱他们吗?不应该,我们通常不在第一次见面的时候拥抱,我们只拥抱朋友们 当家长不在家时,我应该怎么接电话?首先说:你好,然后记下他说的话,告诉家长 自己翻译的~...

那个大眼睛的男士是我的叔叔:The big eyes of men is my uncle 那个穿红色衣服的老师比我的妈妈高:That teachers wear red clothes than my mother 哪个包更重一点?这个还是那个?:Which package a little heavier? This or that?穿着黑色衣服的男士:Wearing black clothes of the men 我要当...

人人教版六年级上册英语课本第三单元b部分Let is talk翻译
My cousin is going to visit me next week.我的表弟打算下周来拜访我。That's good. Where are you going?那很好啊,你打算去哪里?I'm going to the cinema.我打算去电影院。When are you going to go?那你打算什么时候去呢?I'm going to go on Wednesday.我打算周三去。Why don't ...

小学英语6年级上册第6页课文翻译:​Mike:多么有趣的一部电影。吴一凡:是的,但是我有一点饿,我知道一家很棒的意大利餐馆。Mike:好的,我喜欢披萨饼,餐馆在哪里?吴一凡:它临近东方街道上的公园 。Mike:我们怎么去那里?吴一凡:在书店向左转,然后在医院向右转。 Mike : 好的,咱们走。

Once upon a time, there was a mouse father.(很久很久以前,有一个老鼠爸爸)He wanted to marry his daughter to the greatest person in the world. (他想要将他的女儿嫁给世界上最伟大的人)But, who was the greatest person in the world?(但是,谁是世界上最伟大的人呢?)Oh! The...


高台县17724829771: 小学六年级英语翻译.加50分~~ -
龚畅信立: 1.Please tell his father how to go to the school. "school"前必须加"the",否则意思是去上学,而不是去学校. 2.I usually go to work on foot. "often"表示你经常做某件事,"usually"表示你通常是如何做某件事,而不是一定通过某种方式.这里...

高台县17724829771: 小学六年级英语翻译~~加50分~ -
龚畅信立: 1.你们怎样回家? How do you go home?2.我家在三楼.My home is on the third floor/ I lived on the third floor.3.我妈妈在等我. My mother is waiting for me.4.公交车站在哪里?where is the bus station?5.我们学校离我家远.Our school is far from my home.6.我怎样去哪里? How can I go there?7.请举你的右手.Please raise your right hand.8.我能步行去哪里.I can go there by foot/on walk.

高台县17724829771: 小学六年级英语翻译~~我不需要机器的翻译我只需要人工的翻译~~如果可以我保证加50分~~~ -
龚畅信立: 1.How do you go to school? I usually go to school on foot.2.Sometimes I go to Riverside Park by train.3.Dose your home near school? Yes,it dose.4.Usually I go home by bus, because it's fast.5.Come my home by bike tomorrow.

高台县17724829771: 小学六年级英语翻译.~~我不需要机器翻译,只需要人工~~~加50分~ -
龚畅信立: 1.请告诉他爸爸如何去学校. Please tell his father how to go to the school.2.我经常走路上班. I often go to work on foot. 3.你骑自行车回家吗?Do you go home by bike?4.今晚8点钟再见.See you at 8:00 this evening.5.你如何去那里?How will you go there?6.你住在哪一层楼?我住在3楼 Which floor do you live on? I Live on the third floor.

高台县17724829771: 小学六年级翻译题~50分 -
龚畅信立: 1.I am not going to read magazines tomorrow.2.Where are you going this evening?--I am going to the bookstore.3.Is your father going to buy pictures next week?---No,he isn't.4.There are three shoeshops near the school.5.My mother isn't going shopping after lunch.

高台县17724829771: 六年级简单人工翻译!!~50分! -
龚畅信立: 1.What are you going to do this evening?I am going to the cinema.2.I am going to go to the field trip this weekend.3.We are going to do some shopping tomorrow.4.How will you go to Beijing?I will go there by plane.5.Is your home far from school?Yes,so I go to school by bike.别忘了加分!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

高台县17724829771: 六年级英语翻译!! 急急急急急急急急啊ァ加高分哦~~~ -
龚畅信立: About the Red House, into the bridge, which is the desire of each graduate Excellent teachers teaching Beautiful instrument's campus These are all attracted me

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