
作者&投稿:紫皆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

九年级英语 翻译句子
The people in Taiwan Straits can't wait to see Taiwan return to our homeland.(1楼翻译的啥?)

我在四年级一班用英语翻译过来是I'm in class 1 grade 4.一般年级的英文读法是班级在前,年级在后。class的英式读法是[klɑːs];美式读法是[klæs]。作名词时意思是等级;阶级;阶层;班级;课;[生]纲;<口>出色的风度。作动词时意思是分类。grade的英式读法是[ɡreɪd];...

6年级上册英语翻译句子 给10分!
1 last year where have you been?I went to Beijing .2. There what did you do?I went to the Great Wall, I am very tired but I am happy.3. Yesterday was the date?November 4, is your birthday?4. Is it your birthday?5. I held a party....

A : Can you attend the meeting tomorrow ?B : Of course , i will.A : How about you?C : Sorry , i need to help my parents on that day.A : what about you , Bob ?Bob : I can't , I need to seek for a doctor....

1. I never saw him again ever since that time.2. switch off the electric fan.3. I didn't notice that.4. Do you mind my beating you?5. Have you checked over the testpaper?6. What is my score?希望能帮到你.

I want to return back the little country where I was born.Do you know the girl who is reating under the tree?The Greens move the apartment that has a beautiful park.

Mother was crazy at Bob,because bob made his room in mass."Make up your room"the mother ordered.then bob hide the toys and books under the bed and put the dirty clothes on bed.All had done bob said my room was clean now.妈妈被Bob气疯了,因为BOb把他的房间搞得一团糟。“...

There is a computer in my house. Everyone of my family often use it. I play it on Sundays. I use it to do homework ,send e-mails, chat online and make friends.I also use it to search the websites, download musics ,watch movies and study on-line. I connect it with a...

1-what time does your brother go to school every day?He goes to school at seven o'clock every day.2-He sleeps after shower every night.3-Alice works for a long time every day 4-Do you want to have a good job?5-Where does your mother work?My mother works in a shoe...


汲态17624941635问: 小学六年级英语翻译题.(翻译器请走开) 1、你能给我讲史密斯先生昨天讲的那个故事吗?2、那个坐在角落里的老人养了10只猫.3、上个星期我们参观了周... -
金湾区葛兰回答:[答案] Can you tell me the story Mr. Smith talked about yesterday?The old man sits in the corner raised 10 cats.We have visited Premier Zhou's living and working place last week.The coach have brought so...

汲态17624941635问: 六年级下册英语翻译 -
金湾区葛兰回答: Let's start 你多高?你多重?谁比你高?谁比你重? 首页 祖姆:我1.60米高.我比这只恐龙高.次波:我21米高!我比你高得多!萨拉:它的尾巴更长些.怀特小姐:一些恐龙比房子还要大.一些比我们书包还要小. 约翰:它真高! A部分 ...

汲态17624941635问: 六年级上册英语 Recycle1汉语翻译 -
金湾区葛兰回答: Let's read 我们怎样去公园?我们可以骑自行车去!从这儿直行.然后右转.它就在医院旁边.来吧!让我们走吧!不行!等会儿.现在是红灯.这儿就是,公园的北门.北门?我想去南门的宠物商店.那儿有一个大的滑冰场.它离这儿不远...

汲态17624941635问: 六年级上册英语单词,都给我在线翻译一下 -
金湾区葛兰回答: 哎呀,篮球我不是很懂,我尽量帮你翻译一下这是一个专攻篮板球的运动员.他们的特点是速度快,强壮和高大.他们喜欢在靠近篮筐的地方打球.制造投篮机会上篮和扣篮中场 (很不确定)三分球 post scoring (scoring是得分,post一般表示在.....之后的意思,不知道怎么解)敏捷力量篮板球组织进攻防守.

汲态17624941635问: 小学六年级 英语 翻译成中文 -
金湾区葛兰回答: Jack和Ben是好朋友.一天他们一起去森林里散步.他们边说边笑的走着,突然他们听到一个声音. “那是什么?声音好可怕啊”Ben说.“天啊,一只熊!那是一只熊!”Jack边说边迅速的爬到了树上.Ben也尝试着爬树,但是他没做到.“我该怎么办,帮帮我”Ben对Jack说.但是,Jack什么都没做. 熊来了,Ben迅速的躺下装死.这只熊看到了Ben,并围着他转.Ben屏住呼吸.熊闻了闻Ben.之后这只熊走了. Jack看到熊走远了,他从树上下来叫醒Ben.“熊跟你说了些什么呀?”Jack问Ben. “熊说,患难见真情啊”Ben说.

汲态17624941635问: 小学六年级英语翻译题.(翻译器请走开) -
金湾区葛兰回答: 1.Can you tell me the story which was told by Mr.smith yesterday? 讲故事一般用tell2.The old man who sits in the corner has ten cats ./The old man who sits at the corner keeps ten cats.在地道英语里,养宠物通常用have或者是keep,这里是三人称...

汲态17624941635问: 人教版六年级英语翻译 -
金湾区葛兰回答: 人教版六年级 The six grade

汲态17624941635问: 六年级英语句子翻译 -
金湾区葛兰回答: 让我们集思广益,想想怎么对付那只猫.所有老鼠都来了.很多老鼠在说话,但没有一只知道该怎么办.最后,一只年轻的老鼠站起来说,“我们一听到铃铛的声音就逃跑.这样那只猫就不能抓到我们中的任何一只.”

汲态17624941635问: my hobbies六年级英语带翻译 -
金湾区葛兰回答: My Hobbies I have manyhobbies, such as reading, writing, singing, drawing, watching TV and doingexercise.I think hobbies can make my life colorful.And I can make friendseasier, because we have common interests and we have many things to ...

汲态17624941635问: 小学六年级英语课文翻译 -
金湾区葛兰回答: Hi Lucy, 你好,露西!I was glad to get your e-mail. 我很高兴收到你的邮件.Let me tell you some-thing about my family. 让我告诉你一些关于我家庭的事情吧.My family lives in Kunming.My father is a doctor and my mother…… 我的家在昆明...

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