
作者&投稿:邹毓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Cruise in the Pentagon,log on Kremlin,access to all the computer systems around the world,destroy the financial orders in the world,build a new pattern of the world,and nobody can keep out our attack,we are the dominators of the world.

看着读的顺不顺,我觉得AND应该用在NOBODY之前,前面的动词之间不应有AND,这样读起来简单有力,那黑客的自负便跃然纸上了。around the world,in the world,of the world也是特意选的词,原稿找不到了,我只能这样给你翻译一下了。


1 Air pollution has become an increasingly severe problem both in urban and rural areas .
2. If you want to learn English well, you need to speak as much as possible.
3. The purpose of college education is to teach you how to learn and arrange your time.
4. Although many years have passed, I still clearly remember what happened that day.
5. Mary caught a cold. I really regret that I did not remind her of taking more clothes yesterday.
6. Health is the key to happiness. Only healthy people can enjoy the fun of life.
7. The novel is the most popular one in recent years, it worth reading once again.
8. This sweater does not suit me .Do you have any other styles?
9. He failed to complete his homework on time last night , so he did not go to watch the competition/game/match.
10. Most people who were invited to attend my birthday party yesterday are my friends.
11. When learning to speak English, you should never fear to be laughed at.
12. I am sorry, I don't know what you are talking about. You must take me as someone else.
13. If you can provide satisfactory after-sale service, your products will possess a vast market.

1.Air pollution in urban and rural areas have become increasingly serious problem.

2.If you want to learn English well, you will need as many as possible stresses

3.University education is the purpose of the Church How do you learn and how to arrange a time.

4.Although many years have passed, I still clearly remember what happened that day

5.Mary has a cold. I really regret yesterday did not remind her clothes Duo Chuandian

6.Health is the key to happiness. Only healthy people can enjoy the fun of life

7.The novel is the most popular in recent years, it is worth to read it again

8.I wear this sweater inappropriate, there are other models of you?

9.He last night failed to timely completion of operations, there is no competition to see

10.Yesterday, I was invited to attend the birthday party most people are my friends

11.In learning to speak English, not fear of people joke

12.I am sorry, I do not understand what you say. You. I certainly wrong to another person as a

13.If you can provide satisfactory after-sales service, your products there will be a vast market

1. Air pollution is becoming a severe problem in both urban and rural area.
2. If you want to learn English well, you have to speak more.
3. The main goal of college education is letting you know how to manage your study and time.
4. Although years go by, I can still remember the things happened that day.
5. Mary caught a cold. I feel really regret for not remaining her to put more close on.
6. Health is the key to happiness. Only health people can enjoy the fun of life.
7. This novel is the hottest one in recent years, it's worth reading again.
8. This sweater doesn't fit me, do you have some other style?
9. He didn't finished his homework in time, so he missed watching the match.
10. Most people who was invited to my birth day praty are frends of mine.
11. Don't be afraid of being laughed at when you are start to learn English.
12. Sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about, you must think of me as someone else.
13. If you can provide a satisfied after-sell service, there will be a large market for your products.

1 air pollution in urban and rural areas have become increasingly serious problem.
2. If you want to learn English well, you will need as many as possible stresses
3. University education is the purpose of the Church How do you learn and how to arrange a time.
4. Although many years have passed, I still clearly remember what happened that day
5. Mary of the flu. I really regret Duo Chuandian yesterday did not remind her clothes.
6. Health is the key to happiness. Only healthy people can enjoy the fun of life.
7. The novel is the most popular in recent years, it is worth to read it again.
8. I wear this sweater inappropriate, you have other models of this »
9. He last night failed to timely completion of operations, there is no look at the competition.
10. Yesterday, I was invited to attend the birthday party most people are my friends.
11. In learning to speak English when people do not fear a joke.
12. I am sorry, I do not understand what you say. You. I certainly wrong to another person as a
13. If you can provide satisfactory after-sales service, your products there will be a vast market.

~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~原文如下:1.5 Earthworm reproduction test This test conformed to the growth test described above, but the test endpoints were cocoon production after 28 d and the numbers of hatched juveniles after 56 d. Surviving worms were hand-sorted after 28 d, and ...

lives.我们总是喜欢花费许多宝贵的时间和金钱,试图挽回自身的名声,名誉,信用,金钱或是改变自身的命运。5.there is no escaping the fact that right now fraudsters are finding identity crime all too easy.一个无法逃避的事实是,如今诈骗犯不费吹灰之力就能利用身份犯罪。纯手工翻译~望满意~...

高分悬赏~请英语高手帮我翻译一下下面的句子。语言尽量规范地道。_百 ...
of cultural and creative industries,although in comparison with England(in 2000,the added value of its creative industry has reached more than 50 billion pounds),Chinese cultural and creative industry has just started, but there must be a large market in China.希望对你有所帮助。。

1 Air pollution has become an increasingly severe problem both in urban and rural areas .2. If you want to learn English well, you need to speak as much as possible.3. The purpose of college education is to teach you how to learn and arrange your time.4. Although many ...

大学生同居不仅影响校风,同时还影响学习;多数大学生的经济来源完全依靠父母,无形之中加重了父母的负担;婚前同居是不受法律保护的。大学生在外同居过早地脱离了群体生活,缺少同学之间的友情,这对以后事业的发展是个严重的障碍 Affect not only school students living together, but also the impact of...


Romeo and Juliet was Shakespeare's early works, it is according to Italian folk stories written tragedy. Shakespeare's early works are mainly is to promote humanistic ideals, "romeo and Juliet" is in this background a feudal consciousness has the love tragedy. Tragedy literature is ...

Australia, it is possible to have a collective discussion for the decision if you come up with better ideas of any other kind. Your comments would be highly appreciated.By the way, please find enclosed two pictures of mine I prepared for you.仅供参考,望能帮助到你,呵呵!

analysis of the low temperature methanol washing device corrosion causes, as well as the corrosion produced harm, put forward the concrete measures to prevent and avoid the corrosion.Key words: low temperature methanol wash, corrosion, prevention and measures。希望对你有所帮助!

那请给我下一个意粉,一个海鲜炒饭,要多杯冷饮。再给多杯水我 A:Sorry, sir.Water and tissues are charged here. 2 yuan per bottle of water and 2 yuan per pack of tissue .不好意思,先生.我们这里没有免费水和纸巾供应的,水是2元1瓶,纸巾是2元1包 客人用餐中途 B:Where is ...

沭阳县18593854282: 英语高手帮我翻译下列句子 -
凌元小儿: 1、窗沿上有很多灰尘.2、很多进口商做板球和橄榄球生意.3、我只有一件新套装.4、我有许多不同价位的糖果.5、这面旗帜是由绿色、红色和蓝色组成.6、她看到他的快乐,也理解他的困苦.7、在我们学校,孩子们睡通铺.

沭阳县18593854282: 英语翻译哪位高手能帮我翻译一些下面的句子呢?(中译英) 采纳的话会重赏的哦(100),--------------------------------------------------------------------先生,不好意思... -
凌元小儿:[答案] cardholder's signature model and positive and negative copies of credit card can be.

沭阳县18593854282: 哪位英语高手可以帮我翻译下列句子,顺便举几个定语从句里用whose的句子. Thank you!1 请将那本在被装满书的书包里的书递给我2.我经常模仿写字漂亮的... -
凌元小儿:[答案] 猜你应该都要用定语从句翻译吧.1.please hand me the book in the bag which is filled with books.2.I often imitate homeworks of my classmates whose handwriting is good.3.第三句中文好难理解啊,没用定语从句...

沭阳县18593854282: 来一个英语高手帮我翻译下面的句子
凌元小儿: 1.He not only want to be punish and but also need to pay2.He is on the meeting a speech does not deliver3.I almost did not recognize he

沭阳县18593854282: 哪位高手能帮我翻译下下面的英语句子?
凌元小儿: But had no life Forrest Gump Forrest Gump's disease No Han Han's life has got the disease

沭阳县18593854282: 请高手 帮我翻译下 下面的英文句子 谢谢
凌元小儿: 谁的爱像花儿需要雨水那样,把所有的疼痛都洗刷.

沭阳县18593854282: 高分悬赏~请英语高手帮我翻译一下下面的句子.语言尽量规范地道.切勿用网络翻译:1“中国历史悠久,具有深厚的文化底蕴.然而, 千百年来,人们对中国的... -
凌元小儿:[答案] China is a country with a long history,and it also has deep culture deposits.However,for thousands of years,people have few knowledge of it,which is the result of that Chinese government neglects the development of culture industry. With the development...

沭阳县18593854282: 英语高手来帮我翻译与解析下面的句子吧... -
凌元小儿: 1. The complete absorption of the mind upon an agreeable occupation — what more is there than that to desire. ("what more is there than that to desire"指的是什么? )what more指“还有什么”,more是形容词many的比较级,形容词作定语修...

沭阳县18593854282: “生生不息,冬春相继”的英文,希望有英语高手帮我翻译下面这个句子,“...给人以生生不息的奋斗精神,给人以冬春相继的乐观信念.”急. -
凌元小儿:[答案] To give people a never-ending resilience,and the hope that spring always come after winter.

沭阳县18593854282: 哪位英语高手能够帮忙翻译一下下列句子? 谢谢了!!
凌元小儿: "No matter how I always remember the forgotten Looked up the sun is still bright Told myself to get used to Then Rise Next the smile "希望对你有用

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