
作者&投稿:宰食 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear uncle:
With all due respects, How are you doing recently, what about my dear sisters and aunt? I hope they are all fine. I am so sorry for not connecting you recently because I am very busy of keeping my life afloat and struggling for survival and self-dependence. So, I hope you could understand and forgive me for not greeting you for such a long time.
I recently realized a cold and hard fact that life is really very hard, I got stuck in a humble job that only offer a thin salary to make ends meet. After the spring festival, I plan to seek a brand new environment, to find a job that suit me well, in order to achieve my personal objective.
I am indeed very grateful for uncle’s care and protection that enable me to grew up smoothly in the past several years, at the same time, I am nearly able to understand all those hardships you had went through when you had to perform multiple roles, an understanding uncle, a good father, a qualified employer. It is truly hard for you to do that. Words can’t convey my deep and heartfelt gratitude!
I sincerely hope dear uncle’s business will boom, all career aspirations will be realized in the coming lunar new year! Wish you a happy spring festival!
By the bye, please extend my best regards to my dear grandma and aunt and my lovable sisters!

Your niece

顺便说哈 你的信里面有些地方感觉省掉了一些东西 所以,我就补充上去了
关于工作方面的事情是我自己想的 估计你想换工作是因为工作挫折 所以为了翻译的流畅 我把它补充出来了



喂弟弟和所有familj ! 我和电子邮件和中国
11 294 . 40426.Gothenburg Gothenburg.Box。 这个我要留给自己。
谢谢你的兄弟。 再见

再见,哥哥和所有familj !我与电子邮件与中国
consulat ,签证,但这个concul要求; retur机票,酒店
governament.your inviter在中国应得的为您,并将其转发来支持您的签证申请
gothenburg.box一一二九四。 40426.gothenburg 。这是什么,我需要。

哈罗,兄弟和所有的familj!我用中国consulat是随着电子邮件,你为观光客出去威世信用卡但是这张concul ask;forretur票,饭店保留,新应用form;if.如果你尝试向访问亲戚和你不出生在中国,校对的关系.从在中国theChinese Governament.Yourinviter 的thecompetent办公室威世信用卡通知信应该找来它为你和转寄toyou给它支持你的签证应用Adress;Consulate-在Gothenburg.Box 11 294中人民中华民国的将军 .40426.Gothenburg.这个我需要什么.谢谢您兄弟.Ciao.



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用英语给老师写一封信如下 Dear Teacher,I write a letter to you. I want to thank you for your help. We all love you. We think you are a good teacher. We hope you still teach us next year.Thank you again.XXX (name)译文 亲爱的老师,我给你写信。我想感谢你的帮助。我们都爱...


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Dear xxx I wish to inform you that the mail address I gave you last time was incorrect.Please change it into the new mail address.I apologise for causing you any inconvenience.Best wishes Thank YOu YOur sincerely xxx


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翻译一封英文信[英译中] 视回答情况追加积分
We are a trading company specialized in Antique Chinese furniture, reproductions, hotel furniture, home furnishing.我们是一家外贸公司,专做中国古董家具,复制品,酒店家具,家居家具\/装饰品。We have some clients who are looking into home furnishing items such as the one I attached in the...

射阳县13975529862: 麻烦将这封信翻译成英文,非常感谢!急急急~~ -
华柱白眉: I am A and B of the little girl. I am writing to you to my mother's legal status. Our lawyer told us that her I-730 application has been rejected. I want to let you know that your decision will change the future of our lives. In fact, my father had been ...

射阳县13975529862: 英语翻译请帮我翻译这封信 真心感谢帮助过我的朋友尊敬的领导:非常抱歉 这次又让您失望了 我觉得你一定会很生气 觉得我好像在骗您 其实并不是这样的 ... -
华柱白眉:[答案] 100% 都是自己翻译的: Sehr geehrter XXX(直接写姓,男的就是 Herr XXX,女的 Frau XXX,德国人不吃”领导“这一套的): 开头的”你好“删掉了,用尊称写信时加一个 Hallo 太不严肃. Es tut mir wirklich sehr Leid,dass ich Sie diesmal wieder...

射阳县13975529862: 请帮我把这封信翻译成英文~谢谢 -
华柱白眉: Hello Mr. President,I'm a middle school student from China, it really takes my whole courage to write this letter to you, and it's a great honor to me if you could read it in the midst of pressing affairs, thank you.I've been attracted to you since you ...

射阳县13975529862: 求帮忙翻译一篇短英文信 国外老师写的邮件~真心谢谢!! -
华柱白眉: 你成功地打动了我仅用一个充满感情且直率的表达,上面提到过的:But WHY..总是出现在所有的信,邮件,图片的末尾.最后,你到了洛杉矶国际机场,在我的生日的时候到达,接着又决定呆两个月?可是这些决定你从来没有跟我透露过?这是对你一直在我眼皮子底下这个事实的一种亵渎,要知道我是跨越地球来到香港中心公园去贸然地认识你的.我当时是激动不已地驾着车穿越USA去拥抱你.这个奇特的观念进入我的真实的感觉里是因为你和对你所有感情表现的回忆.就像过山车

射阳县13975529862: 再次麻烦大家帮我把这封邮件翻译成英文,感谢! -
华柱白眉: Dear Mr.:How are you? Thanks for taking your time to reply my email. In regard to your company, I have already got some ideas from Internet and got to know a promising prospect of your company . Yes, your company, on the way of developing for ...

射阳县13975529862: 帮我翻译封英文感谢信 -
华柱白眉: We have returned to Beijing safely yesterday. I am writing this letter to expres...

射阳县13975529862: 请高手帮忙翻译一封英文信,谢谢!中译英! -
华柱白眉: Wang wen, hello!!!!! At my uncle's xiao Ming introduced, it's an honor to meet you! Because this paragraph of time work a bit busy, rarely get to the Internet, so now just to give you an email, sorry, introduce myself first my condition, I call the small red,...

射阳县13975529862: 请译英文信,谢谢 -
华柱白眉: Dear Professor XX,It's pleased to get your reply, and I feel honoured to join in the future research. I'm in vacation until January. During the following school time, I will be free after 4:00pm every day.Please feel free to contact me at your convenient ...

射阳县13975529862: 帮我翻译一封英文信好不?非常谢谢 -
华柱白眉: 你好兄弟或所有你的familj成员! My最佳condolans和Im与您和ewerybody与填装 in这大katastroff! 好; Im不那么富有,但是,如果,可以我做sommething tomy的tell我.如果您记得您拜访我们这里我们的安置确切 10 =然后,几年前; 甚而果子...

射阳县13975529862: 请帮忙翻译一段感谢信,明天要用,谢谢啦~~ -
华柱白眉: Our company is the product sales agent of ***(产品名字) and attended the manufacturer's annual meeting.I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the sponsor for arranging this meeting and the annual meeting.I'm looking forward to a ...

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