
作者&投稿:元诚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


This is our famous blind musician Jiangsu Hua Yanjun, which is well-known blind innocence by the creation of the erhu solo "Er Quan Ying Yue." This is the one handed down for. Is the author of his own bitter experience the pain of life after a long-term accumulation, modify and temper it to create the first touching, and the music. Variations in the form of music, Pathetique, the melodies Euphemism and flowing to the complexity of the profound connotation of people to talk to a life of endless anger, frustration and unwilling, not the lingering feeling of anxiety, Xu go around referring to the days of lament , As late at night, the surging tide, drew worried.
Music will start to introduce people Yelanrenjing, Quan Qing cold on the mood, see if a strong outspoken artists in the blind people to pour out his frustrations of life. After the introduction, the author of the melody like sitting meditation Quanbian past.
The second section, only two phrases in the whole Chinese music appeared six times. The author revealed his feeling of infinite love. The third sentence, with just melody in soft, the mood is more exciting. Profoundly reveals the author's inner life and feel proud of the tenacious will to live.
Music a little bit glum mood, which is one of the world have suffered a bitter and painful feelings of the blind artist show. The whole theme of the song will be five variations, with the music of the statements, and the extended start of the emotion expressed more fully express.

……英语作文?英语比赛的那个作文? 其实你就当中文作文写点儿有思考的再翻译成英语,给老师改改就好了嘛

Slowly, the prologue, the performer sits in the central taiwan. Plain clothes. Erhu, very old. The very quiet, no sound.
Arch flat rack, player a head, bow, the strings vibrate. This sentence introduction, like a sound indifferent sigh, the beginning of this section to tell -- tragedy
Quiet sadness, dismal melody in the strings on the rotary, spread in the bow, can only say hear sad tears, listen.
The old society. The street noise, the cries of hawkers, the theatre singing sound, the sound of the teahouse storytelling. The corner alley mouth, quiet, no one from the. No one's going to notice this dirty, bumpy road, can enjoy a few coppers, counted as passing.
Bowl, broken only a bottom, don't break, break that what begging ah! The room was dark, everywhere exudes a musty, no furniture. Planks creak groan, the tears already dried, already evaporation.
The sounds grew weak down -- and a longbow sounded, my heart was a quiver! The ups and downs, sonorous, humming, ringing, short, with meditation and sadness, grief and indignation by, by the aggrieved by the howling howling, and look forward to, finally left is what? Desolate. All sorts of feelings show incisively and vividly.
But how can I describe it? The use of language? With the voice? Facial expressions? With the body? Don't! Only listen to just know this is a kind of sad, what tear jerker!
The world famous conductor Ozawa Seiji listen to "Moon", finally burst into tears. He knelt down, he said: "this song should kneel to listen to!"
The performer's bow on the strings back and forth between all send, sad, not simply, it is the rhythm of play can feel Bing heart ah!
Tears (how to tears? Can't find words to describe it...... ) driftage, silent, because it has been broken.
Stopped gradually, gradually continued, gradually, gradually stop. The last sigh of short and long -- the region ended. No Kikuka, withered.
Floor silence -- that is the heart in the applause, in the heart thought, the heart can never flat. No Kikuka, withered.
- "Moon", desolate......

two springs are printed on the moon

‘那就叫《二泉》吧!’我说:‘光《二泉》不像个完整的曲名,奥曲里有首《三潭印月》,是不是可以称它为《二泉印月》呢?’杨先生说:‘印字是抄袭而来,不够好,我们无锡有个映山河,就叫它《二泉映月》吧。’阿炳当即点头同意。《二泉映月》的曲名就这样定了下来。 二泉映月 无锡二泉池设有漪澜堂,二泉亭等...

sad but beautiful课文翻译
到他临终前,他已经可以演奏600多首曲子了,这些大部分都是他自己写的。遗憾的是,只有六首曲子被流传下来得以传世。但时至今日,他的作品依旧受人们喜爱。如今 ,阿炳的《二泉映月》成了所有伟大的二胡演奏家弹奏和鉴赏的曲子。它已成了中华文化瑰宝之一。它的凄美不仅在于描绘出阿炳自己的生活,同时也...

春冷夏还冷,秋冷冬亦冷;泉冷不知天下病,月寒未解老与贫;从来兴衰浮沉,善恶终报应。清辉刺破遮月云,愁肠泻地,风吹雨打尽。古今事,一样粪土掩悲容。泉响击空明,逐水逝去水还生;人愿一轮常满盈,百年人异月同;消磨潘 不辨黄泉仙境。败柳残红可飞升,留得一天恨,看破老死心。

《二泉映月》 阅读题答案
1.阿炳用这动人心弦的琴声告诉人们,他爱那支撑他度过苦难一生的音乐,他爱那美丽富饶的家乡,他爱那惠山的清泉,他爱那照耀清泉的月光……2.琴声:琴声委婉连绵,有如山泉从幽谷中蜿蜒而来,缓缓流淌 乐曲久久地在二泉池畔回响,舒缓而又起伏,恬静而又激荡 情怀:渐渐地,渐渐地,他似乎听到了深沉的...



‘那就叫《二泉》吧!’我说:‘光《二泉》不像个完整的曲名,奥曲里有首《三潭印月》,是不是可以称它为《二泉印月》呢?’杨先生说:‘印字是抄袭而来,不够好,我们无锡有个映山河,就叫它《二泉映月》吧。’阿炳当即点头同意。《二泉映月》的曲名就这样定了下来。 二泉映月 无锡二泉池设有漪澜堂,二泉亭等...

阿炳热爱音乐,热爱生活,热爱家乡,有矢志不渝追求美好理想敢于同命运抗争的不屈精神 二泉映月委婉连绵,升腾跌宕,舒缓起伏,恬静激荡



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答新克瑞:[答案] Slowly,the prologue,the performer sits in the central taiwan.Plain clothes.Erhu,very old.The very quiet,no sound.弓平架好,演奏者一昂头,弓拉开,弦颤动.这句引子,好比一声漠然的长叹,开始了这段悲剧的诉说―...

任县18786599891: 初三英语作文二泉映月 -
答新克瑞: 是由我们江苏著名的盲人音乐家华彦钧,也就是有名的瞎子阿炳所创作的二胡独奏曲《二泉映月》.这是一部传世之作.是作者以自己辛酸痛苦的人生体验经过长期的积累,修改与磨练创作出这首动人心弦的乐曲.乐曲以变奏曲的形式,以悲怆...

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答新克瑞:[答案] My name is li hua,I of the net friend of Chinese classical music Mike is very interested in,in his 18 years old birthday,I bought a two springs reflecting the moon "CD as a gift to send it to him,and according to the CD cover on the bing is simply introduced...

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答新克瑞: 上理想的翅膀,让心随音乐一起飞翔 ——听音乐写作文 高原 一、高山流水觅知音(导入)(播放课件一《高山流水》音画)同学们,大家现在听到的是中国十大古典名曲之一《高山流水》,这首古筝曲还演绎了一段非常感人的故事.相传在战...

任县18786599891: 英语作文. -
答新克瑞: Dear Mike,I am really glad to receive your present for my birthday. It's just what I need! I hope you are well and I look forward to seeing you in China next month. Best wishes, Li Hua.My English spelling is very poor and I often make mistakes ...

任县18786599891: 英语翻译中文:《二泉映月》是阿炳的代表作,它富有浓郁的古典气息. -
答新克瑞:[答案] 《二泉映月》是阿炳的代表作,它富有浓郁的古典气息 Two Springs Reflect the Moon is A Bing's representative piece of music, which spreads a flavor of classical charm. 希望帮到你,祝你开心~

任县18786599891: 二泉映月 英文 表达 -
答新克瑞: 著名二胡曲“二泉映月”的标准英语是:The Moon Reflected In Er-quan以下是依据:http://www.quick-china.com/music/detail/mc10492/

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