翻译 桃花源记 中文到英文

作者&投稿:盛别 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

晋太元中,武陵人,捕鱼为业,缘溪行,忘路之远近,忽逢桃花林。夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷。渔人甚异之。复前行,欲穷其林。林尽水源,便得一山。山有小口,彷佛若有光。便舍船,从口入。 In Jin Dynasty, there was a man who was engaged in fishing in Wuling. One day he was boating along the band of a river and forgot the time. All of a sudden, a peach forest appeared before him. All the peach trees were blossoming earnestly. The forest was flourishing along the river for severeal hundred feet, among which there were only peach trees. Grass was thriving and petals were shed gloriously. The fisherman was considerably astonished and went on to the end of the forest. At the end of the forest there was a hill standing ahead. The fisherman saw a cave that was indistinctly shining. The fisherman therefore left the boat and went through the cave. 初极狭,才通人;复行数十步,豁然开朗。土地平旷,屋舍俨然。有良田美池桑竹之属,阡陌交通,鸡犬相闻。其中往来种作,男女衣著,悉如外人;黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐。见渔人,乃大惊,问所从来,具答之。便要还家,设酒杀鸡作食。村中闻有此人,咸来问讯。自云先世避秦时乱,率妻子邑人来此绝境,不复出焉;遂与外人间隔。问今是何世,乃不知有汉,无论魏晋。此人一一为具言所闻,皆叹惋。余人各复延至其家,皆出酒食。停数日,辞去。此中人语云:“不足为外人道也。” The tunnel was very narrow in the beginning, only allowing a man to walk through. After walking for about several ten feet, it became spacious. The land was vast and smooth and the houses were orderly located. The farm was fertile and the ponds were crystally delicate. There are also a variety of plants like mulberry and bamboo. The farm ridges were crossing each other and dogs were barking and chicken were crowing everywhere. Men and women busily working were dressed in an alient way. The old and the young were all living happily. When they saw the fisherman, they felt considerably astounded and asked where he came from. The fisherman answered honestly. Then he was hospitably invited into their families and treated with delicious chicken and wine. Other villagers all came to see the fisherman after they knew the news. They to ld the fisherman that their ancestors
told the fisherman that their ancestors led their wives and neighbours to this place in order to avoid the war in Qing Dynasty and never went out again. They asked the fisherman what dynasty it was then. They even did not know the Han Dynasty, not to mention Wei and Jin. The fisherman detailed all he knew to the local people and they sighed again and again. Then the fisherman was invited to different families to have meals. After several days, he left the village, told not to tell people outside about this place. 既出,得其船,便扶向路,处处志之。及郡下,诣太守,说如此。太守即遣人随其往,寻向所志,遂迷不复得路。南阳刘子骥,高尚士也,闻之,欣然规往。未果,寻病终。后遂无问津者。 After coming out, the fisherman landed on the boat and went along the previous path, marking signs all the way. After reaching his county, he told the deputy everything. The deputy then sent some people to seek the place with the man. But they finally got lost and could no longer reach there. There was a great man named Liu Ziji in Nanyang, who went to seek the place after hearing about it. But he failed at last and passed away with illness before long. Afterwards, nobody went to seek the place again.


英文:The Eastern Jin Dynasty too first year, has the Wuling person take to catch fish as the occupation. One day of he is suitable the mountain stream to row a boat, has forgotten the distance distance. Meets a piece of peach blossom forest suddenly, the peach tree is clamping brook both banks, is several hundred walks, middle does not have other tree, ground vanilla bright beautiful, crashes flower petal many mixed. The fisherman is very astonished this kind of beautiful scene. Proceeds again, wants to walk that piece of peach forest.
The peach forest the place which originated in the mountain stream did not have, followed closely is seeing a mountain, on the mountain to have small Dongkou, inside had luminous probably. The fisherman throws down the boat, goes from Dongkou. Starts Dongkou to be very narrow, only allows a person to pass. Also walked several dozens walked, became suddenly is open bright. Here land smooth open, the house is neat, has the fertile paddies, beautiful pond and mulberry tree bamboo and so on. The field alley interlocks is interlinked, between the village can hear the chicken to call the sound which the dog calls. Inside that's people come and go till the fields the practical training, men's and women's clothing look like outside Arcadia's common people completely. Old person and children leisurely and carefree happy, is content with one's lot.
In the haven the human sees the fisherman, therefore is very surprised, asks the fisherman from where. (fisherman) replied him exhaustively. He invites the fisherman to his family, gives a banquet to kill the chicken to make the meal. In the village person heard that has this kind of person, inquires the news. Before they said that a generation of ancestor to avoid time Qin dynasty's disaster, leads the wife and children and the fellow villager person arrives at this to write the world isolation the place, has not exited again from here, therefore isolated with Arcadia's outside common people. They asked that now is any dynasty, did not know unexpectedly has had the Han Dynasty, not to mention Wei Jin. This fisherman each article says the situation which in detail for them oneself knew, these people listen to sigh regretted. Other person each one also invites the fisherman to own family, puts out the liquor and the meal entertains. The fisherman has stayed for several days, says goodbye departs. Here person told him saying:Here situation was not worth to outside Arcadia's common people saying.
After the fisherman comes out, has found his ship, goes back along the old road, has made all the way everywhere the mark. Returns to the county, pays a visit the grand minister superintendent, reported these situations. The grand minister superintendent sends for with him to go immediately, to seek for the mark which formerly did, has lost the direction unexpectedly, had not found the original road again.
Nanyang Liu Ziji, is a noble famous litterateur, hears this matter, plans happily goes. Has not realized, soon died of illness. Human who afterward did not have the visitation.


Jin is too yuan, Wuling people fishing for the industry. Margin of the river trip, forget Road, near and far. Mandrax on Taohua Lin, Gaan few Baibu, in no Zashu, Fang Cao tasty, Laying fun. The Fisherman's very different. Before rehabilitation, to the poor of their forest.
Lin made water sources, will have one mountain, the mountain a small mouth, as if if light. They care boat, from the mouth. The beginning of a very narrow, only Walter. Fu Shu Shibu line, Huorankailang. Land Pingkuang,屋舍like, Leung Tin Sang at the Chi Mei is. Qianmo traffic, with Ji Quan Wen. These kinds of exchanges for men and women dress, noted that if the outsiders. Huang, Chuitiao and Yiran since the Lok.
Fisherman's see, is Dajing, which has never been asked. With the Answer. It is also home to set up liquor slaughter of chickens for food. In the village heard this, to a Inquirer. Since the cloud Xianshibiqin when chaos rate wife Yiren to this impasse, did not return Yan, then with outsiders interval. Ho Sai asked today is, I do not know is that the Han, Wei, Jin, regardless. This person for a January 1 statement by Wen, both Tan Wan. Rehabilitation of the people to extend their homes, are to Jiushi. Stopped a few days, resigned. This human language: "To outsiders also inadequate."
To both, Deqi boat, they help to the road, everywhere-in. And the county, Yi Taishou, said the case. Taishoujiqian with its people to, look to the blog, then fans, no longer in the road.
Nanyang Liu Ji, are also noble, heard of, is pleased to regulation. Knowing they would find in the end. After then, no Wenjin.

打鱼人不停的摇船,终于摇到了尽头,可他却只看见了一座大山,山上怪石嶙峋,好像一不小心就会裁倒下去,“怎么办?回去?不行!自己本身就迷路了,爬上去?不行!山这么高,自己却一点准备(包括粮食、水)都没有,怎么办呀?”突然,他看见这座山有个小口子,怎么个小法呢?刚好一个人通过,再多就不行,打鱼人又仔细的看了一眼。嗯!为什么彷佛有点微光呢,难道这是表明说可以进去吗?啊哈!“这可真是天无绝人之路呀!”打鱼人大喜,突然,他便又皱紧了眉头:“我是可以进去,可我的船呢?他可是我的命根子呀!但俗话说的好:‘舍不得孩子套不住狼,今天我就拼一把吧!’说完,打鱼人靠了岸,从那个小口子里拼命的挤过去。说来奇怪,这口子开始时极短,走了几十步后,却豁然开朗,打鱼人睁开眼睛,由于太阳当头,打鱼人看的十分模糊,心想道:“这是什么鬼地方!”再摇摇头,好不容易看清了眼前的景象后,不由的大吃一惊,只见这里的田野一望无际,上面的农作物更是丰富多彩:“什么红色的萝卜,绿色的青菜,紫色的洋葱,金黄的高梁,黄色的小麦,一个个在田野上摇头摆尾,似乎跳起了优雅的芭蕾舞,房子则更是极具特色,有些房子上面是用麦草做的,下面则是用砖瓦做的,还有的房子十分奇形怪状,下面尖,上面圆,而且每家每户中间的空中都用麦草搭了一个屏障,麦草不知为何自动联在一起,不少人竟在上面跳上跳下!这里的风景更是好看,走几步就看到一个小溪,小溪里“鱼满为患”,旁边还种着的桑竹等树也,不知者,可能还以为进了一个度假村呢!这里的道路宽大,四通八达,还有许多猫、狗互相追逐,他们的衣服也和打鱼人相差无几,而且一个个儿童都在街上玩耍,集市也十分干净,大家都十分悠然自得,十分快乐。 突然,一个小孩见到了打鱼人,大声尖叫起来,脸上都害怕的变形了,眼泪飞流之下,她妈妈,这时从远处跑来,把孩子放到怀里,不停的安慰,又是亲,又是摸脸,好不容易才把小孩安慰住了,她抬头一看,突然看见了打鱼人,不忧的也大吃一惊,脑袋一阵发晕,一屁股坐在了地上,打鱼人不知所措,用无助的目光看着大家,心想:“这群人真是神经病!我本以为他们这里这么好,没想到他们见到我,竟然这么惊讶,真是奇怪!”这时有一个胆大一点的,问道:“你……你……从哪里……哪里来的?打鱼人说道:“这是在前一会儿的事呢,当时我突然看见了一片桃花林,于是……”打鱼人说的口干舌燥,说完后,就说道:“GOODBYE!我先走了!”那里的人都极力挽留他,杀鸡拿酒给他吃喝。这时,所有人都听说这个消息了,于是都赶了过来,打鱼人乘此时机,问道:“你们什么时候来的?你们为什么竟然连魏朝和晋朝都不知道呢?”,一个长者答道:“那是在兵荒马乱的时候,我们的老祖先率领妻子邑人发现了这个世外桃源,从此就隐居在里面,再也不出去了,所以我们才不知道!”说完大家都摆出了酒食。打鱼人停留几天后,便准备离去去。大家对他说道:“你可千万不能给人家说呀!”说完就不再挽留打鱼人了。

Jin is too yuan, Wuling people fishing for the industry. Margin of the river trip, forget Road, near and far. Mandrax on Taohua Lin, Gaan few Baibu, in no Zashu, Fang Cao tasty, Laying fun. The Fisherman's very different. Before rehabilitation, to the poor of their forest.
Lin made water sources, will have one mountain, the mountain a small mouth, as if if light. They care boat, from the mouth. The beginning of a very narrow, only Walter. Fu Shu Shibu line, Huorankailang. Land Pingkuang,like, Leung Tin Sang at the Chi Mei is. Qianmo traffic, with Ji Quan Wen. These kinds of exchanges for men and women dress, noted that if the outsiders. Huang, Chuitiao and Yiran since the Lok.
Fisherman's see, is Dajing, which has never been asked. With the Answer. It is also home to set up liquor slaughter of chickens for food. In the village heard this, to a Inquirer. Since the cloud Xianshibiqin when chaos rate wife Yiren to this impasse, did not return Yan, then with outsiders interval. Ho Sai asked today is, I do not know is that the Han, Wei, Jin, regardless. This person for a January 1 statement by Wen, both Tan Wan. Rehabilitation of the people to extend their homes, are to Jiushi. Stopped a few days, resigned. This human language: "To outsiders also inadequate."
To both, Deqi boat, they help to the road, everywhere-in. And the county, Yi Taishou, said the case. Taishoujiqian with its people to, look to the blog, then fans, no longer in the road.
Nanyang Liu Ji, are also noble, heard of, is pleased to regulation. Knowing they would find in the end. After then, no Wenjin.

金太元,武陵人捕鱼为业。缘河之旅,忘了路,远近。安眠酮的桃花林, Gaan几年Baibu ,在没有Zashu ,曹芳好吃,产蛋乐趣。渔夫的非常不同。之前康复,给穷人的森林。
林言水源,将有一个山区,山区的一小口,仿佛如果光。他们关心船,从口。开始了一个很窄的,只有沃尔特。富舒师醭线, Huorankailang 。土地Pingkuang ,像,良田桑在奇美的。 Qianmo交通,池温泉。这些类型的交流,男性和女性服装,指出,如果外人。黄Chuitiao和怡然自乐。
渔人见,是大井,它从来没有问。随着答。这也是国内设立酒类屠宰鸡的食物。在村里听到这个,在询问。自云Xianshibiqin混乱时,妻子蒋以任率为这一僵局,没有返回严,然后与外人间隔。何世问今天是,我不知道的是,汉,魏晋,不管。此人的1月1日的声明文,无论谭凹嗯。康复的人延长他们的家园,是久事。停了几天,辞职。这个人类的语言: “为了外人还不够。 ”
同时,启船,他们帮助的道路,到处的。和县,易台售说,这宗案件。 Taishoujiqian其人,期待着博客,然后球迷,不再在路上。
金太元,武陵人捕鱼为业。缘河之旅,忘了路,远近。安眠酮的桃花林, Gaan几年Baibu ,在没有Zashu ,曹芳好吃,产蛋乐趣。渔夫的非常不同。之前康复,给穷人的森林。
林言水源,将有一个山区,山区的一小口,仿佛如果光。他们关心船,从口。开始了一个很窄的,只有沃尔特。富舒师醭线, Huorankailang 。土地Pingkuang ,像,良田桑在奇美的。 Qianmo交通,池温泉。这些类型的交流,男性和女性服装,指出,如果外人。黄Chuitiao和怡然自乐。
渔人见,是大井,它从来没有问。随着答。这也是国内设立酒类屠宰鸡的食物。在村里听到这个,在询问。自云Xianshibiqin混乱时,妻子蒋以任率为这一僵局,没有返回严,然后与外人间隔。何世问今天是,我不知道的是,汉,魏晋,不管。此人的1月1日的声明文,无论谭凹嗯。康复的人延长他们的家园,是久事。停了几天,辞职。这个人类的语言: “为了外人还不够。 ”
同时,启船,他们帮助的道路,到处的。和县,易台售说,这宗案件。 Taishoujiqian其人,期待着博客,然后球迷,不再在路上。

萨迦县17227508335: 翻译桃花源记成英语 -
明夜洛伟: Jin Tai Yuan, the Wuling were fishing as a career. Edge of river line, forget the way the distance. Suddenly every Taohua Lin, clip (jiā) shore a few hundred paces, the non-Zashu, Grass tasty, full of fallen flowers. Fisherman's very different. Fu forward, ...

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明夜洛伟: 下面供参考:(希望度娘不要判违例) 晋太元中,武陵人,捕鱼为业,缘溪行,忘路之远近,忽逢桃花林.夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷.渔人甚异之.复前行,欲穷其林.林尽水源,便得一山.山有小口,彷佛若有光.便舍船...

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