
作者&投稿:濯桑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(1)June。 30th, 2009 SunnyToday, we went to school and got the semester report including the second classroom excellent student, Instrumental music math successful participant for this semester。 My Mathematics"" score is 99 plus 5 extra credit; My English got 94 plus 4 more and my Chinese has 93 plus 5 additionally。 Moreover, i have gotten six excellent prize。It is known that " Modestly causes the human to be progressive, arrogantly enable the human to withdraw。" I will work harder in the school year of 2009-2010。(^o^)/YES!2009年6月30日 晴今天我们去学校领报告单了,我数学考了99加7;我英语考了94加4;而我语文考了93加5。我还拿到了6张奖状呢!最让我高兴的是我今年被评为“三好学生”,不过“谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人退后”我明年会更努力的!(^o^)/耶!

(2)Jul。 4th, 2009 cloudy to sprinkle It is at eighteen to ten in the morning, my younger sister, my uncle and i caught the train# K58 and left for my mother""s hometown, Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province in the Shanghai train station。 My sister and i are extremely happy since we will be there the day after tomorrow。On the train, We have met an affable (pleasant), good-looking and humorous uncle who is the train attendant, his name is Jiaji Yang。 I hope the day after tomorrow es faster and faster。。。。。O(∩_∩)O2009年7月4日 阴转小雨今天早上9:42,我和我的妹妹、我的舅舅,在上海火车站一起搭上了开往黑龙江省鸡西市的K58号列车。我和我的妹妹都非常高兴。因为我们后天早上就要回到妈妈的家乡啦!在火车上,我们认识了一位和蔼可亲、帅气、幽默风趣的列车员叔叔。他的名字叫杨家骥。 我衷心希望后天早晨快点到!O(∩_∩)O

(3)Jul。 6th, 2009 SunnyIt is at five thirty in the morning, we finally arrived at Jixi city, Heilongjiang Province。 We went to gymnasium to do an exercise, then we had a breakfast, after that, we have visited all our relatives and friends。 In the Evening, our eldest aunt, aunt-in-law and we formulated a summer plan together。 In the end, we took a shower and went to sleep。 (≧▽≦)/2009年7月6日 晴今天早上5:30,我们终于到达黑龙江省鸡西市了。一大早,我们就到健身房去做些运动。然后,我们就去吃早餐了。接着,我们就去看了所有的亲朋好友。晚上,我们和我的大姨、大姨夫一起制定了暑期计划。制定完后,我们洗漱完毕,就准备上床了睡觉了。啊~(≧▽≦)/

(4)Jul。 7th, 2009 broken sky to thunder showerIt is the second day we are in Jixi。 No matter how bad the weather changes, we still go to the gymnasium and do an exercise in the early of morning, Then we had a breakfastIt is said that, “the day has the mishap wind and cloud”, (Thunderstorm suddenly es。 It has not been raining until the evening, There is nothing done with all plans we has made for the day。 The rain stopped! The sky has turned to orange when the rain stops falling! In a inkling, the horizon appears a rainbow。Red, the orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, is purple。 It is really attractive! (⊙o⊙) ha~Then, we had the dinner。2009年7月7日 多云转雷阵雨今天是到鸡西的第二天。一大早,我们仍然到健身房去做些运动,然后,吃早餐。但是,“天有不测风云”,老天爷却突然下起了雷阵雨。雨一直下到傍晚,害得我们一整天的计划全泡汤了。雨停了!橘红色的太阳出来了!霎时间,天边出现了一道彩虹。红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫。真是好看!( ⊙o⊙ )哇接着,我们就吃晚饭了。

(5)Aug。 13th, 2009 SunnyThis is 5 o""clock in the afternoon(It is at 5:00pm), we got the home from Heilongjiang Province Jixi。 I feel great for returning home! Because, since I have missed my mom, friends and my dearly dogs so much, even everything in the home I have missed so much。 But through this section “travel of the northeast”, I have a big harvest。Not only gain the knowledge, but also I bee more thoughtful。2009年8月13日 晴今天下午5点,我们从黑龙江省鸡西市回到家了。啊,回到家的感觉真好!因为,回到家可以看见妈妈,看见亲朋好友,看见狗狗,看见好久不见的每一样东西。而通过这段“东北之旅”,我的收获很大。不仅增长了知识,变得更懂事,而且还看到了好久不见的亲朋好友和美不胜收的自然美景。

(6)Aug。 18th, 2009 SunnyWhat day of today is? I guess nobody know it。 All right , lets me tell you。 Today is the day of Tangyuxuan’s seventh level of electronic piano test 。I was not able to take supplementary classes because of Northeast trip for this whole summer, of course, many things I have missed! Although I have gone to teacher’s place, I did not understand what I have heard, The practice is not one day’s matter。 I suppose to be the first one to take a test if examination official would not take a downward turns on our name list。╮ (╯▽╰) ╭ oh ~I finally have done on my test 。 It is seemed that examination official became happier with pletion of test-supervision。 I also have confidence on myself。2009年8月18日 晴知道今天是什么日子吗?不知道了吧。那么,就让我来告诉你。今天,是我汤于萱考电子琴七级的一天。由于我暑假在东北呆了一假期,所以暑假里的补习班我就没上到,很多东西我当然就不会喽!虽然我也有到老师那里报到,但还是有听没有懂。毕竟练功夫不是一天两天。的事嘛。我在考场里等候,本来是我第一个考的,可是因为我们这组的考官报名时把名单往下翻,所以我就成了电子琴考试的最后一个。╮(╯▽╰)╭哎呀~我终于考完了,考官似乎也因为“解放”了而高兴起来。但我也很有自信哟!

(7)Aug。 21th, 2009 SunnyHow to manages? I am going to have a test on Latin Dance today。I was in Northeast for this past summer, so that I have not learned the entire silver medal movement。 There is only one day to meet with teacher, then as hurriedly the family has studied 3 day as friend Zhang Huanxin and Pan Limiao in, only then entire wrap movement careless academic society。Before the test, I continuously practice the movement with one of my friends, Shaoxinyi before the test, I was extremely nervous when it is time for the test, maybe my teacher leads me。But I passed。 It is really an encouraging and celebrated day! O(∩_∩)O ha ha ~2009年8月21日 晴怎么办?今天我就要考拉丁舞啦!也是由于我暑假在东北呆了一假期,所以整个银牌的动作都没学到。到老师那里报到了一天后,便急忙到朋友张焕昕和潘丽妙家里学了3天,才把整套动作马虎学会了。考试前,我一直和朋友邵心怡一起练动作。要考试了,我十分紧张,也许是老师带我。但我还是通过了。真是可喜可贺!O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

(8)Aug。 30th, 2009 SunnyOh, I will be back to school for register tomorrow。 How great it is since i am going to see my teachers and clas *** ates, which we have not seen for more than o months。 The new semester ought to have a new plan。 Below is mine:said a summer vacation traveling schedule to teacher。1。 Summaries my summer travelling and activities to my teachers and clas *** ates2。 Compete to be a missary in charge of classroom study3。 Improve the homework quality in order to well prepare graduation examinationThat,the new semester, I have e!!! O(∩_∩)O ha ha ha~2009年8月30日 晴哎呀,明天就要去学校报到了!我又可以见到分开两个月的老师们和同学们了。“新学期”总该有“新计划”,下面就是我的“新学期新计划”。1。把一个暑假的行程给老师说一遍。2。争取竞争上学习委员。3。提高作业质量,为毕业考做好准备。4。多看书,多做摘抄。那么,新的一学期,我来了!!!O(∩_∩)O哈哈哈~O

I will work harder in the school year of 2009-2010。(^o^)\/YES!2009年6月30日 晴今天我们去学校领报告单了,我数学考了99加7;我英语考了94加4;而我语文考了93加5。我还拿到了6张奖状呢!最让我高兴的是我今年被评为“三好学生”,不过“谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人退后”我明年会更努力的!(^o^)\/耶!

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常要雷公: 日记一:It is very hot and wet today and is called sauna weather. During my mom did the cooking in the kitchen, I saw her head was sweaty.I told her I could help her and she accepted. After cooking,we were all sweaty .However, mum and I all felt ...

沂源县17727693780: 小学英语日记20篇 -
常要雷公: Today my parents took me to my grandfather's house.I played with my cousin.Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest.“that's a good idea.” I said.Then we prepared for the traveling.After lunch,the sky turned dark.After...

沂源县17727693780: 英语日记30字 -
常要雷公: 一 今天早上,天空万里无云,春风拂面.我和朋友们一起去公园放风争,公园里放风争的人可真多,有的是小燕子;有的是小鸟;还有的是我最喜欢的凤凰.天空一片五彩缤纷,像一朵朵五颜六色的彩云真美丽啊!我们玩得可开心! This ...

沂源县17727693780: 小学寒假25篇英语日记 带翻译 -
常要雷公: 您好:第一篇:现在,我很苦恼.我买了一本英语书,可是我不知道它的意思.我一点也看不懂.我想,也许我要好好的学习英语.只有这样我才能学会很多知识,才能看懂英语和别人交流.我要对自己说一句:加油!I was depressed because...

沂源县17727693780: 小学英语日记10篇 -
常要雷公: 1....this morning I very late. Almost sleeps for a morning. I very hungrily on eat the thing. I played in the afternoon in the home. Evening I listen to the sound recording in the home and write the work. But the before dawn 3 o'clock talents sleep 2 I went ...

沂源县17727693780: 英语小短文或小日记
常要雷公: My holiday was very interesting. I did my homework on first day. I played table tennis on second day. I watched TV on the third day. I went shopping on the fourth day. I… But I liked my going shopping best. On Sunday, I went to a shopping center with ...

沂源县17727693780: 急求10篇英语小日记
常要雷公: This summer vacation, I took part in the English extra class. I found many interesting things here. First, the teachers are very kind. For example, our headteacher Miss Zhou, and many foreign teachers. They teach us English and help us improve ...

沂源县17727693780: 英语日记8篇,要日常生活的小分50送上 - .- -
常要雷公:[答案] July 6 2007 It was the first day of our summer holiday.All of us were very happy.Why?Because we have one months to do things we love to do.We are free.Although we have some homework.But we can finish ...

沂源县17727693780: 三年级学生英语小日记(要简单的) -
常要雷公: Oh,it's 8:00 am ,I get up.八点了,我起床.The weather is very cold,but I very happy.天气非常的冷,但是我却很高兴.Because today is Springfestival.因为今天是春节.Suddenly,my mom is coming,“Happy new year!”I said.突然,妈妈来了,我说道“新年快乐”“Oh,the seme to you,my son.”my mom answer and smiled.“我的儿子,你也一样.”母亲笑着回答. 以上都很简单 自己写的 也是很基础的对话.禁止抄袭!!

沂源县17727693780: 小学英语曰记十篇日记寒假期间 -
常要雷公: A TRIP TO the COUNTRY One Sunday my mother (Mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him. While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the ...

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