
作者&投稿:言伏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)







英语:Russia's unique folk customsThe russians on wine have a special complex. Ladies generally like to drink champagne and wine, and vodka is men's most beloved. Russians like pure white wine, and like mugs big cup to drink down. This is their gracious romantic, informal section of the character of the reflection.Russia useful bread and salt to meet the honored guest habit. A the hotel, and beheld two from a fairy tales out of the Russian girl dressed tender go forward, they affectionately smartly, then handed you a piece of bread rolls, put a little above salt cylinder. You piece of bread with the salt to eat. With bread and salt reception guests, because salt in history is very expensive, has followed so far, say to the honored guest friendly and respect.Set of OuHuo sets conditions is Russia's most typical, one of the most popular folk handicraft. Set of accidentally is using color paint describe, mostly to wear traditional Russian folk dress wrapped head scarf, carrying a-tisket, very bright and lovely. Sets conditions price with wood quality and production process, fine different degree of cheap has $1 to $3.Russia's names always make Chinese headache, Russia's name all by name, the father says and last name three components, and have great gabito, nickname and say, name is equivalent to the Chinese name, namely formal name. Name and great gabito, nickname is mutual correspond. In the actual exchange, to keep shout name is very necessary. The Soviet period, most commonly called a comrade and citizen, and nowadays, men and women are common, "mother ShenNa" namely man, man pronunciation, "connect content assorted honk" is a lady, girl, miss titles. The teen years to five, sixty years old, can use for older women, don't call somebody else granny "ba bush quack,", that is highly polite, Russia are afraid of being said she old. For boys, can keep shout "youth".Etiquette, send a flower is the greatest of gifts, but must remember, flower must send singular. Chocolate is universal gift, value needn't too high, should be "that counts. Chinese if give relatives and friends to bring a gift, wood set of dolls are preferred. Wood of doll also called "matvey, liao assorted card", is small to large layer sets up. Shawl, wood products, uniforms, the military kettle, mementoes, crystal products, as well as telescopes, night-vision goggles, craft watches, pocket watch, etc. Large and Russian tea drink. Of Russian of vodka is the best gift.


South Africa is a country which is little more than a remote (遥远的) and mysterious (神秘的) land for most Chinese people. But recently, the Chinese Government listed it as one of four new countries open to Chinese tourists. So, now it may be your next holiday choice.
From modern art galleries (画廊) to ancient (古代的) cave paintings, museums to cultural (文化的) villages, you can taste the rich history of cultures in this vast land.
A traditional Zulu village, for example, is a favourite place to visit. The Zulus are an ancient tribe (部落) in South Africa. Guests are greeted with traditional Zulu etiquette(礼仪) and entertained with dances and songs. It is part of their traditional culture that only the unmarried girls and young men dance, staying in separate groups.
The rich cultural diversity (多样性) of South Africa is matched by its natural diversity. Wilderness trails (野外追猎), or safaris (游猎), open up the wild bush (灌木丛) to visitors.
There is nothing like standing in the middle of nowhere and getting a close-up view of a black rhino (犀牛) or lion. In the vast silence, you are surrounded by the smell of grass with only the sound of your heartbeat for company.
And South Africa is the land of gold. Johannesburg (约翰内斯堡) was once the biggest gold mining area in the world. And there are many old mines to visit. (about 190 words)

1 England

The United Kingdomof Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) was created by a group of islands lying off the north-west coast of mainland Europe.
Four different nations (England, scotland, wales and Northern ireland) made up one state, The United Kingdom. The central goverment is in London, but Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland each have their separate assemblies for internal affairs.

2 Ireland

As far as tourist appeal goes, the small island of Ireland punches far above its own weight. The country is so packed with delights that visitors are often reduced to describing its charms in hyperbolic clichés: it is the greenest country, full of the friendliest people, all of whom would be geniuses if they weren't distracted by the lure of the pub.

Ireland is indeed a green country - so much rainfall must have its benefits - and the people are justifiably renowned for their friendliness. As for the geniuses, well, the Irish will proudly point to their four Nobel Laureates for Literature and declare that the success rate is unmatched in any other country of its size, all the while ensuring that the sacred 'round' system (where everyone buys a drink for everyone else in turn) is strictly adhered to.

Yet Ireland's charms run far deeper than the legendary craic of the pub or the accomplishments of a bunch of (mostly) dead writers. It has a remarkable history that is woven into virtually everything, from the prehistoric stone monuments of the Boyne Valley to the monuments honouring its fallen patriots, men and women who dared challenge the imperious might of its longtime occupier and contemporary friend, Britain.

It has a vibrant and dynamic capital, Dublin, which has spearheaded a stunning period of economic growth that has seen the country transformed from rural backwater to the envy of Europe. As a result, the Irish have grown in worldliness that continues to propel them to greater heights of achievement. Even the thorniest issue of all - Northern Ireland - has seen a kind of resolution and Ireland looks to the future with untrammelled confidence.

3 canada


Canada, independent nation (2001 pop. 30,007,094), 3,851,787 sq mi (9,976,128 sq km), N North America. Canada occupies all of North America N of the United States (and E of Alaska) except for Greenland and the French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon. It is bounded on the E by the Atlantic Ocean, on the N by the Arctic Ocean, and on the W by the Pacific Ocean and Alaska. A transcontinental border, formed in part by the Great Lakes, divides Canada from the United States; Nares and Davis straits separate Canada from Greenland. The Arctic Archipelago extends far into the Arctic Ocean.
Canada is a federation of 10 provinces—Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia—and three territories—Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, and the Yukon Territory. Canada's capital is Ottawa and its largest city is Toronto. Other important cities include Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Hamilton, and Quebec.

4 Australia

The island continent of Australia
Mainland Australia, with an area of 7.69 million square kilometres, is the Earth’s largest island but smallest continent. It stretches about 3700 kilometres from north to south and 4000 kilometres from east to west.
In area, Australia is the 6th largest nation after Russia, Canada, China, the United States and Brazil. It is about twice the size of the European Union or the ten nations that make up the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Its ocean territory—the third largest in the world—spans three oceans and covers around 12 million square kilometres.
Australia’s average elevation is only 330 metres, the lowest of all the continents. Its highest point, Mount Kosciuszko, is only 2228 metres. The lack of height is more than compensated for in landscape variety. The giant monolith Uluru (formerly known as Ayers Rock) in the Northern Territory and the striking beehive mountains of Purnululu (the Bungle Bungles) in Western Australia attract visitors from every corner of the world, as do the country’s beaches and rainforests.
The responsibility for governing this vast continent is shared between three levels of government—the federal Australian Government, the governments of the six states and two territories, and about 700 local government authorities.
Australia has one of the most urbanised and coast-dwelling populations in the world. More than 80 per cent of Australians live within 100 kilometres of the coast.

5 korea
Korea on the Korean Peninsula geographically occupy very important position. Northwest and China next, each with Japan across. 1960s economic growth policies created Korea, "Han miracle" that the alarming economic development. China and South Korea established diplomatic relations in 1992, after growing economic and trade relations and commercial activities, following the United States after China became Korea's second largest investment destination. Now, only one in Shanghai, there are two long live the Korean 30,000 people, and between Korea and Shanghai Commercial activities in the Korean was up 50,000. Korean language has rapidly grown into a popular Hushang people keen to learn foreign languages, and is expected to replace the Japanese in the 21st century become the most competitive two foreign languages.



1 England The United Kingdomof Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) was created by a group of islands lying off the north-west coast of mainland Europe.Four different nations (England, scotland, wales and Northern ireland) made up one state, The United Kingdom. The central go...

四、古印度 古印度的地域范围包括今印度、巴基斯坦等国。印度是一个文化的大熔炉,这个国家独特的历史背景使得它包含了从远古到现代、从西方到东方、从亚洲到欧洲等多种文化潮流。

2. 古埃及,位于非洲东北部尼罗河中下游地区,文明起源于大约6000年前(前4000年),前王朝始于5100年前(前3100年)美尼斯统一上下埃及,建立第一王朝,至公元前30年被罗马征服而结束。3. 中国,以华夏文明为源泉,中华文化为基础,是一个多民族国家,以汉族为主体民族,通用汉语、汉字。中华民族自称...

印度是一个文化的大熔炉,这个国家独特的历史背景使得它包含了从远古到现代、从西方到东方、从亚洲到欧洲等多种文化潮流。再加上它是一个由五大民族构成的国家,本身就像一个大大的文化博物馆。首都新德里西岸的孟买是文化的中心。 古印度虽然是一个多种姓的、历史包袱较沉重的国家,但依然为世界文化留下...

世界四大文明古国分别是古埃及、古巴比伦、古印度、中国。古埃及 尼罗河流域 约公元前3000年 古巴比伦 幼发拉底河与底格里斯河 约公元前18世纪 古代印度 印度河与恒河 公元前2500年 中国 黄河、长江流域 约公元前2027年 这四大文明古国中,古埃及、古巴比伦、古印度都由于外族的入侵而失去了独立,中断...

圣诗般的纯美曲调 印度是一个文化的大熔炉。这个国家独特的历史背景使得它包含了从远古到现代、从西方到东方、从亚洲到欧洲等多种文化潮流。 再加上它是一个由五大民族构成的国家,本身就像一个大大的文化博物馆。首都新德里西岸的孟买是文化的中心,而加尔各答则每天都有关于文化的新闻,多元化的音乐、舞蹈、舞剧和笑...

雅努斯 Janus 门神,具有前后两个面孔或四方四个面孔,象征开始。朱庇特 Juppiter 神王。相对应于希腊神话的宙斯Zeus.朱诺 Juno 神后,相对应于希腊神话的赫拉Hera.墨邱利 Mercury 神的使者,相对应于希腊神话的赫耳墨斯Hermes.维纳斯 Venus 美神、爱神,相对应于希腊神话的阿佛洛狄德Aphrodite。玛尔斯 Mars...


巴西的桑巴舞 西班牙的斗牛 意大利的黑手党 古巴的雪茄 韩国的泡菜 俄罗斯的伏特加 泰国的人妖 朝鲜的父死子继制度(古巴的兄终弟及制度)苏格兰的男士裙子 德国的不限速高速公路 法国(普罗旺斯)的薰衣草 挺有意思的问题。呵呵


砚山县18479806581: 200字左右的英美国家文化背景知识,英文! -
在泰域大: a.part 1 The uk is one nation,with a single government having sovereignty over it all,but as the full name of the nation suggests,it is made up of different clements.it includes 4 parts within the nation-state:the island of great Britain is made up of ...

砚山县18479806581: 南非的历史文化、背景、及国家特色、习俗的英文版介绍 -
在泰域大: 南非(South-Africa) 让我们一起走进南非,感受它深厚的文化底蕴和优美的自然风光.South Africa is a country which is little more than a remote (遥远的) and mysterious (神秘的) land for most Chinese people. But recently, the Chinese ...

砚山县18479806581: 南非国家的历史文化,背景及国家特色的英文版介绍, -
在泰域大: South Africa has an area of 12,221 square kilometers and a population of 37,900,000 people, is located in the capital, Pretoria, the original religion to religion, mainly Christianity, the major language is Afrikaans and English, using the money for the ...

砚山县18479806581: 牙买加这个国家的文化背景故事,要英文的介绍 -
在泰域大: Jamaica is an island nation of the Greater Antilles, 234 kilometres in length and as much as 80 kilometres in width, amounting to 11,100 square kilometres. It is situated in the Caribbean Sea, about 145 kilometres south of Cuba, and 190 kilometres ...

砚山县18479806581: 找一个与说英语国家有关的文化背景.随便哪个国家的都行,只要是说英语的.作业.,. -
在泰域大: 新西兰~~!官方语言是英语~kiwi除了用来称呼奇异鸟,这个词还用来称呼新西兰人,最早可追溯至第一次世博会新西兰毛利人舞蹈[2]世...

砚山县18479806581: 用英语介绍一个国家的文化 2分钟 -
在泰域大: Hi,you and you,and you you you ,I am xiaoshenyang~~

砚山县18479806581: 用英语简要介绍一下日本文化 -
在泰域大: 中英文对照的,楼主觉得长可选一段,满意记得给个小旗哦``` Korea(韩国): Main Korea Republic food and drink characteristic: High protein , much vegetable , happy event delicate , abstain from greasy food, sense of taste is burned with the ...

砚山县18479806581: 200字左右的英美国家文化背景知识,英文! -
在泰域大: 可以说说英美国家的餐饮文化,比如西餐的时候先吃开胃的点心再吃正餐,正餐又是按照上面顺序来上菜的,还有饮料是些上面东西,然后还可以说说餐桌的坐法、餐具的数量和使用方法等等,基本上就有200多字了,我就是用这些来给我的学生上课的,把刀叉和那些点心的英语写出来给学生,说完英语再说一遍汉语就OK拉,不知道能不能帮到您

砚山县18479806581: 用英语介绍一个国家或城市 -
在泰域大: 简单写一个新加坡的国家介绍希望能帮到你 Singapore The English language name Singapore comes from Malay Singapura, "Lion-city," but it is possible that one element of its name had a more distant original source. Singapore is a popular ...

砚山县18479806581: 请各位大侠帮我用英文介绍一下爱尔兰的饮食文化和音乐文化.在线等候,绝对高分!还有补贴! -
在泰域大: Culture Irish culture derived from Celtic culture, mainly by literature, music, dance and sports the traditional pose.Belong to the Celtic Irish language, with the Scottish Gaelic language, is closely related to Welsh, since there are many things in ...

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