
作者&投稿:毓明 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译成英语 .谢谢~

Background Noise?
Answer: Disconnect the input cable of the amplifier and turn up the sound to the full position, then you can verify if noise is from the amplifier or the sound source itself.
Noise in output?
Answer: Firstly, please try to play another song and check if the noise is within the song itself; secondly, check if the cables are connected firmly; lastly, check if the front-end output signal is of standard 2.0 Vrms, if it is over this data, the amplifier output will make noise.

there is a story
Beauty is around us to be found.
They didn`t found beauty because they do not have the eyes fot it.
They have taken that for granted.

厌烦了向人道谢的时候总是说"Thanks"、"Thank you!"?下面就教你一些"不同凡响"的道谢语,可以派上大用场哦!
I really appreciate it.
You're one in a million.
You're the greatest.
Thanks to you (we made it on time.)
I couldn't have done it without you.
I'm truly grateful for your help.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
非常感激您的帮助。 (很正式!)
I'd like to express my gratitude.
我要表达我诚挚的谢意。 (相当正式!)

thanks 谢谢
thank you 谢谢
thank you very much 非常感谢
thanks a lot 非常感谢

thank you简写thanks

Thank you!


我明白了,谢谢。 翻译成英语
I see,thank you.

谢谢你给我的温暖。Thank you for giving me warmth.介词后的动词用ing形式

谢谢你的帮助和耐心的英文:Thank you for your help and patience patience 读法 英 ['peɪʃns]     美 ['peɪʃns]n. 耐心;忍耐;毅力 例句 1、Her endless patience made her the best nurse in the hospital.无限的耐心使她成为这个医院最好的护士。2、His ...

thank you for my care and concern for such a long time, you are a good man ,I want to meet you again, if I have time to Huadu ,could I phone you to a diner together? Really thank you very much,will we always be good friends?部分用谷歌翻译 另有部分修改 ...

Thank you for showing up. Thank you for bringing me happiness. I'm gone. Bye。感谢你出现,谢谢你带给我地快乐,我走了,拜拜

“谢谢大家,我的演讲完毕。” 用英语的说法是:“Thank you. I have finished my speech”。这个句子的语态为一般现在完成时现在完成进行时是英语中动词的一种基本时态,其构成为:主语+助动词(have\/has)+been+动词的现在分词+其他成分。表示动作从某一时间开始,一直持续到现在,或者刚刚终止,或者...

我已收到你的邮件,谢谢你提供的信息的英文:I have received your email. Thank you for your information.句式语法:I have received 表示:”我已经收到“。"I have received"不能接具体时间,只能接一段时间或不接时间,不强调结果,只表示收了这么回事,可用于时间不确定等情况。receive 读法 英...

谢谢家人,谢谢朋友们。翻译成 thank you for my family,thank you for all my friends.成吗?不成,thank you是谢谢你 thanks to my family and thanks to all my friends.请告诉我你将要和我们讨论的计划内容,我可以先准备好。could you tell me the plan you want to discuss with us?Then...

第三,通信能力。不同的管理人员使自己在不同的理解。有些传达观念最好面对面,其他都是电话主人,还有一些则是有说服力的作家。这种或那种方式,他们都沟通清楚。第四,在压力下平静。没有商人能获得多大的,如果他脸孔 翻译网站http:\/\/translate.google.cn\/translate_t?hl=zh-CN#en|zh-CN|What...

Because playing basketball last weekend when he in the hospital treatment of leg fracture.Dear Mr. Li, please tell me English make-up time, and this several days didn't come to class falls the homework, so I can immediately fill Of course, these few days at home, I would ...

沙依巴克区17155619155: 英语翻译,,谢谢.. -
徒弦猴头: 1)你应该更礼貌些. You should be more polite.2)我喜欢金鱼因为观看它们游来游去真是一种享受. I like goldfish because it is a pleasure to watch them swimming around. (注:goldfish 这里是复数)3)你不应该喂它太多的食物. You ...

沙依巴克区17155619155: 谢谢的英语 翻译 -
徒弦猴头: Thank youThanksThanks a lotThank you very muchThank you for sth. / doing sth.I appreciate it .(多用于书面语,正式文体中)

沙依巴克区17155619155: 谢谢这两个字翻译成英语 -
徒弦猴头: Thanks!Thank you!Thanks/Thank you very much! 非常感谢 Thanks/Thank you a lot! 非常感谢 希望采纳

沙依巴克区17155619155: 谢谢英语怎么翻译 -
徒弦猴头: Thanks

沙依巴克区17155619155: 谢谢翻译成英文 -
徒弦猴头: his name is Vista, and he was born on February 19, 1981. Almost nobody know his real name and don't know where to find him, he is mysteriuos, as he never accept the interview by the media, he is special, and he dare to put on the most shining ...

沙依巴克区17155619155: 翻译成英语谢谢 -
徒弦猴头: 1、我上个月没收到他的信 I didn't receive his letter last month.2、10年前他们互相不认识 They didn't know each other ten years ago.3、她在大学读的不是数学,而是商务. He didn't major in Mathematics,but Business.4、他不会说日语,但会说...

沙依巴克区17155619155: 翻译成英语 谢谢 -
徒弦猴头: Excuse me, do you have a check in the post office? What is the result?望采纳 谢谢

沙依巴克区17155619155: 翻译成英语,谢谢! -
徒弦猴头: i never learned english ,so i can not understand well i do not learn english for a long time i study in the mainland ,so my english level is bad 翻译好了,但我觉得因为在内地读书英语不好,会给别人造成不好的印象

沙依巴克区17155619155: 翻译成英语,谢谢 -
徒弦猴头: Hello, I'm sorry to inform you, because we negligence, did not obtain the authorization of the brand, so can't in the web site selling the goods, but your goods have been shipped in, 护袱篙惶蕻耗戈同恭括is through the post office transports you ...

沙依巴克区17155619155: 翻译成英语,谢谢.
徒弦猴头: 1.Thank you for accompanying me on the visit of the whole factory. This visit gave me a well understanding about your product range.2.Taking our clients to visit our factory is our pleasure. May I have your overall impression on it?3.Terrific, especially the speed of your NW machine.

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