
作者&投稿:寿倩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
假定你是李华,你们学校要举行一次英语 短剧比赛,请你代表学生会写一封信,邀 请外教Smith先生参加~

Dear Mr. Smith, I’m Li Hua, one of your students. I’m writing to tell you there’ll be an English short play competition. On behalf of the Students’ Union, I invite you to it as a judge. The competition will be held at 8 a.m. on March 1st in the school lecture hall. As a judge, you are expected to give scores to each group according to their performance. And after their performance, we hope you can make comments on their presentation. We would appreciate it if you could give us some suggestions. We’re looking forward to your reply and your presence at the competition. (101 words) Yours truly, Li Hua

Race will be on March 1, from the morning in the school lecture hall, would like him to come when the judges, and on students' comments, looking forward to him to accept the invitation.

Dear Mr Smith,
I am very pleased to let you know that I have been recommended as a candidate for our school to participate the English Poem Reading Contest in our city.
I would like to ask you to give me advice how to make the reading beautiful .
Please let me know if you have time to do so.
All the best,

able to show you around. I am sorry about that. However, I would like to recommand my classmate Li Lei to you. He is such a good person and you can trust him to be your guide.Yours,Li Hua 以上是我按照题目写的文章,仅供参考,希望你看了以后有一点启发,并独立完成哦。

Dear Mandy,How are you. Glad to recommend to you the books." One hundred thousand" is the first Chinese why popular edition of the Encyclopedia of physics, chemistry, astronomy, meteorology, agriculture, health volume 5. China children's Publishing House in 1961January published. Its...

游泳和垂钓。另外,公园内的花园和动物园,可以让你欣赏到各种美丽的植物、鸟类和动物。最重要的是,公园内还有很多有趣的活动,像是举办一些户外运动比赛、文艺演出和展览等,可以让你更好地体验当地的文化和生活。希望这个推荐能给你一些帮助,期待听到你的回复。祝你周末愉快!最好的祝福,李华 ...

写封邮件内容包括宗旨:1推广健康生活的价值观念,2组织:学生会,3时间7月13日(星期六\/晚)7:00开始,4地点:教学楼的屋顶花园,5活动:茶文化进社区表演(茶艺展示、舞蹈、唱歌、游戏.。英语作文:Dear Herry,We are going to have a tea ceremony at the Roof Garden on the Teaching Building at ...

假设你是李华,要用英语为朋友李明给一家外企负责人Brown写一封推荐信,要点如下 1.专业:计算机软件设计 2.在校表现:成绩优秀,每年都获得一等奖学金,已获“优秀毕业生”的称号 3.性格:热情,积极向上,具有很大潜力,善于解决难题 Mar.9th, 2014 Dear Mr. Brown:Recommending Mr. Li Ming We a...

三、假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter 来信询问你校学生体育运动情况。请给他回信,内容包括:1、学校的体育场馆。2、主要的运动项目。3、你喜欢的项目。注意:1、词数100左右。2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【范文】Dear Peter,I am exceedingly delighted to hear from you. You asked me ...

英语作文: 假如你是杭州某中学学生李华,你的朋友Mike打算来杭州游玩,推 ...
Dear Mike,I'm so happy to hear that you will come to visit hangzhou, which is beautiful city.There are many famous cites here, of which I would recomment the Xixi national wetland park in particular. As we know, wetland, kidney of the earth, plays a critical role in the...

Hi Tom,I am very sorry to tell you that I can‘t attend your school's cultural exchange publicity week activity next Friday. Because I have a English speech contest that day and it's very important to me.I asked may classmate Zhao Qing to be there and give the keynote ...


英国推销员的电文是:此地人均不穿鞋,产品无销路,近日即回国。日本推销员的电文是:此地人均光脚,亦无穿鞋历史,产品销售潜力大,拟长驻此地。在机遇面前,不只需要天分、努力等,还要有发现机遇的眼光。思路三:善用机遇 抓住了机遇并不意味着就能一步登天。很多时候,你还必须付出艰辛的努力,才能发挥...

延边朝鲜族自治州13628805233: 假设你是李华,是我校一位高二学生.最近你收到来自友好学校朋友Tom的邀请,请你下个周去他们学校参加文 -
陀伯硫酸: Dear Tom, Thank you very much for your invitation. I'd like to accept it and take this opportunity to introduce the traditional Chinese painting to foreign friends, but I'm sorry to inform you that I can't. The reason is that I, together with my ...

延边朝鲜族自治州13628805233: 假定你是李华,为了丰富学校生活,你们班同学准备去参观黄石市历史博物馆,并想邀请你们的英语口语老师Sophie和你们一起去.请你用英语写一封邀请函.... -
陀伯硫酸:[答案] One possible version: Dear Sophie, My name is Li Hua from Class 5,Grade 1.In order to broaden our vision and extend our mind as well as toenrich our school life,the students in our class are planning to pay a visitto Huangshi Municipal Museum of ...

延边朝鲜族自治州13628805233: 假设你是李华,是我校一位高三学生.最近你收到来自友好学校朋友Jack的邀请,请你下个月去他们学校参加文化交流活动并介绍中国的传统绘画. 但是你... -
陀伯硫酸:[答案]Dear Jack, Thank you very much for your invitation. I'd love to accept it and take this opportunity to introduce traditional Chinese painting to foreign friends, but I'm sorry to inform you that I can't. The reason is that I, together with my classmates, am ...

延边朝鲜族自治州13628805233: 一篇英语作文假设你是李华,你的学校开始组织学生参与社会实践活动,同学们对此有不同观点.请根据以下讨论结果向一份英语报纸的编辑写一封信.并在... -
陀伯硫酸:[答案] Dear editor, My school wants to start organizing students to take part in social activities.For this purpose,we discussed and got the data below.60% of the students say its good and its a chance to learn something useful.But 40% of the students think ...

延边朝鲜族自治州13628805233: 英语作文假如你是李华,有朋友来你家玩,介绍一下活动安排!1上午由学校统一安排,2下午由你家负责安排市内游览,名胜观光或购物,3晚上看电视,聊... -
陀伯硫酸:[答案] We are going to do some sightseeing ,them We are going to go shop , in the afeernoon , We are going to watch TV .them we are going to skat or chat with he. This is my day, It is very happy.i love This doy,

延边朝鲜族自治州13628805233: 假如你是李华,你的外籍教师linda邀请你去参加她周日下午举办的生日聚会,可你因为周六要和父母一起去...假如你是李华,你的外籍教师linda邀请你去参加... -
陀伯硫酸:[答案] Dear Linda: may 8th I am sorry to inform you that i can not attend your sunday affternoon birthday party because i have to go to countryside to see my grandfather who is sick with my parents.And i am back home on that night . I fell so sorry that i could not ...

延边朝鲜族自治州13628805233: 跪求英语作文一篇 急用作文标题:假定你是李华,学校组织夏令营,欢迎外国同学参加,请用英语写一封信约请你的美国朋友Tim参加并通知她夏令营的详细... -
陀伯硫酸:[答案] Dear Editor,I have joined an English summer camp recently but I am very disappointed because the organiser didn't keep ... which couldn't arouse students's interest in English.What's more,there was no lunch at the school so we had to walk thirty minutes ...

延边朝鲜族自治州13628805233: —假如你是李华你的外教老师邀请你去参加她本周日下午举办的生日派对可是你有事不能去,请用英语说明原因和表达祝福.原因是计划和父母去看 -
陀伯硫酸: Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party on Sunday afternoon.But I am afraid that I can not make it.My grandpa, who lives in the countryside, fell ill suddenly, so my parents are taking me to see him on Saturday.We won't come back home until Sunday

延边朝鲜族自治州13628805233: 急 英语月考100词作文 请半小时内回假如你是李华. 是一名学生会干部 . 你校最近将组织一场秋游活动 . 请你根据以下内容写一封100词左右的邀请涵给外教... -
陀伯硫酸:[答案] Dear Jimmy,This is Li Hua, i'd wanna to known whether you are available on XX March since we will have a spring outing at XX March, which all student of grade one of higher school will take part in,if...

延边朝鲜族自治州13628805233: 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,准备参加学校举办主题为“How to protect ourselves in the s -
陀伯硫酸: One possible version: Life is not easy. As a student, we should learn how to protect ourselves in the school. When an earthquake happens ,first we should calm down ,which is the most important .shouting ans crying is of no use .follow the ...

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