
作者&投稿:化科 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Your name is Li Hua.Your brother and you went to see the film English Composition last sunday.

作文如下:There was a sports meeting in our school last week, It began on Thursday and was over on Friday. Zhang QIang is in Class One.上周我们学校举行了一次运动会,周四开始,周五结束。张强在一班。He is taller than any other boy in the school. He jumped highest of all. ...


Dear _ Mr. _ Smith , It's _ kind _ of _ you _ to _ have _ accepted _ my _ invitation _ to _ dinner on this Saturday evening. But much to my regret I may not be able to keep my promise because one of my close roommates was seriously injured in a...

假定你是李华,你的美国网友 John来信询问你一周当中最喜欢哪一天。请...
I like Friday best in the week, because it will be the weekend after class on Friday. I can do what I want to do on the weekend. I can sleep in, listen to music, draw, play and relax.一周当中我最喜欢周五,因为周五上完课马上就周末了,周末的时间我可以做我自己想做的事情...

Dear Rose,I'm writing this letter to invite you to attend the English song contest. The competition will be hold in the meeting hall at 2pm this Friday. It will be our great pleasure if you could come and give us some suggestions of singing, Besides, I hope you had ...

Dear John,It was Mother’s Day last Sunday. It was a special day, wasn’t it ?Mother ‘s love is great ,she always gives us but never wants to get anything in return . My mother looks after me as well as she can. I love my mother.On that day ,I got up earlier ...


写信时应注意以下几点:1. 文体信息:①文体:记叙文;②语体:非正式语体;③人称:第一人称;④中心大意:你班同学决定为小明举办生日聚会。请你写信邀请外教Susan参加并通知相关事宜。2. 主导时态:一般将来时。3. 内容要点:①时间:周五晚8点至9点;②地点:学生俱乐部;③内容:生日歌、蛋糕、...

One possible version:Carl    I came to visit you this afternoon but you were away. I want to invite you to my birthday party at my home. It’11 start at 7 p.m. this Friday. I will ask my friends to pick you up and they will give you a call in advance...

邢馥13089065686问: 假如你是李华,根据以下信息给你美国朋友Jack写封信,介绍你们班同学上周星期六到人民公园郊游的情况.要假如你是李华,根据以下信息给你美国朋友... -
通山县胆清回答:[答案] Dear Jack, Last Saturday ,my classmates went to PeoplePark to play,...

邢馥13089065686问: 作文翻译假定你叫李华,你班同学约定在本周日上午9点在市中心公园的小树林聚会,想邀请你们的外籍英语老师Sally.告诉她如何到中心公园找到你们 -
通山县胆清回答:[答案] My name Li Hua, My group of students agreed on 9:00 Sunday gathering of small trees in the city park, would like to invite our foreign English teacher Sally, told her to Central Park to find our.

邢馥13089065686问: 假定你是李华,请你根据以下信息给你的美国朋友Jack写一封信,介绍你们班同学上周星期六到人民公园郊游的情况信的内容包括:一,出发时间:上午八点... -
通山县胆清回答:[答案] 答: Hello Jack! Last Saturday, my classmates had a field trip at Renmin Park. We met at the school gate at 8'o clock in the morning. Everybody biked there. In the morning, we played card games. At noon, we picnicked near the meadows. The sight ...

邢馥13089065686问: 假如你是李华,上周末你在公园游玩时不小心进入了2188年,遇到了henry请根据下列要点写一篇语对话1.衣服:轻便,美观,同时可以自动调节颜色和温度2... -
通山县胆清回答:[答案] 跟天使与龙的轮舞一样的世界

邢馥13089065686问: 英语作文假如你是李华,上周末你和父母去了公园,你们过得丰富多彩.请根据提供 -
通山县胆清回答: Last Sunday,My parents and I went to the zoo.8:00, we came to the supermarket to buy bread, ham, beverages. Out of the supermarket, we intend to take a bus. The weather was good, a lot of people go to the zoo, we decided to walk to the zoo. ...

邢馥13089065686问: 英语作文,假如你是李华,你们班同学打算去西山公园爬山,请写一封信邀请...英语作文,假如你是李华,你们班同学打算去西山公园爬山,请写一封信邀请... -
通山县胆清回答:[答案] Dear Mr.Smith: Hello! Our classmates would like to invite you to climb the Western Hills.Time is Sunday at 8 am,location is the... 我们非常期待你能去,因为我们还准备了赏花,野餐等活动. 如果你有空,我们十分希望你能去. 李华 2010年 9月26日

邢馥13089065686问: 英语作文 假设你是李华,星期天班长组织大家一起去城东的龙亭公园义务劳动.你负责通知你们班的交换...英语作文 假设你是李华,星期天班长组织大家一起... -
通山县胆清回答:[答案] Dear Mark: This Sunday 9:00 am our class will arrange a voluntary labor in Longting Park of east city,we will at the school gate collection; wear casual clothes; go ride a bike; 3 labor to four in the afternoon, bring their own lunch.

邢馥13089065686问: 英语作文假如你是李华,上周末你和父母去了公园,你们过得丰富多彩.请根... -
通山县胆清回答: In the movies, robots are common in people's daily lives. At that time, people do not need to do much things. Robots make their lives become simple. Therefore, I hope I can have a robot to do things f..

邢馥13089065686问: 假如你是李华,上周六你和同学刘明去公园游玩.在湖边拍照时刘明不慎落水,危急时刻,一位外国小伙子及时 -
通山县胆清回答: Dear Mike.My name is LiHua,thanks for your help.Couldyou remember last 星期六 you had save a boy who droped into the pool of the park.He is my classmate.For your help,we both feel very lucky.Last 星期六(突然不记得怎么拼了了),we were ...

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