
作者&投稿:唐薇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Small and medium-sized enterprises (smes), also called small and medium-sized enterprises, or smes, it is compared with large enterprises industry personnel scale, asset size and scale are relatively small economic units. Such enterprises usually provided by a single person or a minority of funds, its employment and turnover is small, so in business, for the most part, is direct management by the owner, less from outside interference. In this paper, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises of shenzhen environment were analyzed, and the thought from the point of view of industry structure, the small and medium-sized enterprises in shenzhen city belongs to the types of high and new technology enterprise. Then this article on the problems existing in the small and medium-sized enterprises in shenzhen city are analyzed, and puts forward the countermeasures and thinking.

Without limiting the Contractor's obligations and liabilities under Clauses 38, 39, 40 and 41, the Contractor shall take out and maintain in the joint names of the Contractor, Supplier, Employer and Engineer from the Commencement Date until the Final Certificate a combined 'All risks' and Public Liability Insurance Policy on usual commercial terms in accordance with Good Cement Industry Practice ("the Contractor's CAR/TP Policy") covering loss of or damage to the Works and Plant and the legal liability of the insured to third parties arising out of the carrying out of the Works and Supply.


Without limiting the Contractor's obligations and liabilities under Clauses 38, 39, 40 and 41, the Contractor shall take out and maintain in the joint names of the Contractor, Supplier, Employer and Engineer from the Commencement Date until the Final Certificate a combined 'All risks' and Public Liability Insurance Policy on usual commercial terms in accordance with Good Cement Industry Practice ("the Contractor's CAR/TP Policy") covering loss of or damage to the Works and Plant and the legal liability of the insured to third parties arising out of the carrying out of the Works and Supply.

条款第38 39 40 41项均未限制合同方的业务和职责 ,基于通常的经济术语,从开学到最后毕业组成了一个"组合全险"和公众责任险 , 故合同方应该用 签约人 供应商 员工 和工程师的名字代替 依照比较好的水泥工业生产( 合同者的 CAR/TP 政策)覆盖了不能再工作和生的提供

在不限制承包商的义务和责任,根据条例草案第38 , 39 , 40和41 ,承包者应采取和保持中英联合的名称,承包商,供应商,雇主和工程师从生效日期,直到最后证书相结合的全险'和公众责任保险的政策,对一般商业条款,按照良好的水泥工业实践(下称“承包商的汽车/总磷政策” ) ,涵盖灭失或损坏的工程,植物和法律责任的被保险人向第三者所产生的进行有关工程和供应。


Without limiting the Contractor's obligations and liabilities under Clauses 38, 39, 40 and 41, the Contractor shall take out and maintain in the joint names of the Contractor, Supplier, Employer and Engineer from the Commencement Date until the Final Certificate a combined 'All risks' and Public Liability Insurance Policy on usual commercial terms in accordance with Good Cement Industry Practice ("the Contractor's CAR/TP Policy") covering loss of or damage to the Works and Plant and the legal liability of the insured to third parties arising out of the carrying out of the Works and Supply.
在不限制承包商的义务和责任,根据条例草案第38 , 39 , 40和41 ,承包者应采取和保持中英联合的名称,承包商,供应商,雇主和工程师从生效日期,直到最后证书相结合的全险'和公众责任保险的政策,对一般商业条款,按照良好的水泥工业实践(下称“承包商的汽车/总磷政策” ) ,涵盖灭失或损坏的工程,植物和法律责任的被保险人向第三者所产生的进行有关工程和供应。


没有限制在条目38, 39, 40和41之下的承包商的义务和责任,承包商在承包商的联合名字将去掉并且维护从开始日期的、供应商、雇主和工程师直到最后证明被结合‘所有风险’和以通常商业方式的公共责任保险政策与好水泥工业实践(“承包商的CAR/TP政策”)覆盖物对工作的损失符合或损伤和植物和被保险人的法律责任对出现从执行的第三方工作和供应中。

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兴娥力贝:[答案] Today our financial department is going to the bank to pay money of this order.We except that you will receive the money these two days.We will be off on September 30th to October 5th during the National Day.Therefore I hope you could arrange the ...

珠海市13464234628: 急!求高手翻译几句英文!有赏!将以下几句话翻译一下!谢谢!1 为了理想努力就一定会成功2 学会在平凡的生活中挑战并享受3 美好的梦境令人向往4 不... -
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珠海市13464234628: 急,请高手帮助翻译下面这一段话,万分感谢!
兴娥力贝: 积分达到1500就可以点亮了

珠海市13464234628: 请高手帮忙把下面一段文字翻译成英语,谢谢! -
兴娥力贝: The Milky Way is by our own galaxy, the at least 200 billion star nebulae and many of the stars and nebulae out of the light, as well as all kinds of interstellar matter merge the more than 7000 light years in diameter of the giant spiral shape galaxy. S ...

珠海市13464234628: 求英文高手帮翻译以下这段话,一定要人工翻译!谢谢 -
兴娥力贝: 标题:致即将分别的同事 很开心在这个酷热的六月和大家在这里相识,我知道你们大部分都是在校的学生,而且成绩出类拔萃;都是很懂事的孩子,懂的利用假期来赚取自己的学费,我很欣赏你们.到现在已经和你们相处了差不多两个月的时间...

珠海市13464234628: 请高手帮我翻译一下下列段落,谢谢 -
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珠海市13464234628: 请高手帮忙翻译一段话,中译英!...
兴娥力贝: Hello, I have already received your remittance and the total number is 3066 yuan. I was informed by aunt Helen's sister. We were all happy after hearing the news. Here I would like to thank every uncle on behalf of my family. Chinese New Year is ...

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