
作者&投稿:偶祝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


However, no matter how times or spaces changed, the basic requisites which are helping human to go forward are never changed, and people still seek for the common niceness. Now, Lei Fen’ spirit seems gone far away, however, more and more people from other part of world and has different colors of skins is interested in Lei Fens’s spirit. Consider that we could say Lei Fen’ spirit is the most valuable treasure for human inspirit world.

Yes, over 30 years, our life changed rapidly. We do not need to wearing broken clothes; we are no longer suffering from hunger and we are no longer need to face so many tribulations like Lei Fen.
Although we have different life, we should not forget him. He still should be our model and we need to respect him, understand him, no matter how colorful life we have, we will never lose the love to other people and world.

Lei Fen should belong to China forever and his spirit should be every Chinese’s spirit whatever we do. Because this is the only way we can over ourselves to make our country continuing developing and to make us have better life in the future.

Integration of Chinese and foreign cultures, enhance corporate culture
With Datang to get involved in international cooperation projects in the area continuously expand, enterprises are also faced with a series of challenges. Therefore, foreign workers must be cooperation projects in fostering "the honour, dignity of the nation above everything else," the core values. Enterprises should be based on reality, establish a viable business vision and unite all workers continue to forge ahead towards this goal. In international cooperation projects, enterprises should pay attention to credibility around the state, corporate brand as the central task, to guide workers clearly understand the situation and serve the country-plans. Si Dengwo generation such as hydropower stations in Cambodia and Phnom Penh - Battambang power grid construction projects, two projects facing many difficulties, especially the construction of hydropower stations, related to land requisition and complex issues such as immigration, local residents know little of China, the Group Companies can take the initiative to the Chinese Embassy with promotional materials, all the way construction all the way to the local people on China's development status, sending promotional materials, and deepen the local people's understanding of China, in project construction to give great support and assistance, , Also set by the construction of the motherland's image.

Datang overseas subsidiaries to enhance international cooperation in space
Datang the establishment of overseas investment company, is the company to the international cooperation of the major strategic step into. International cooperation, the cooperation projects around the world, different countries and regions, different market, its political, cultural, economic, environmental diversity. Company-wide decision-making should not only focus on the company's total business strategy, effective control of distribution in the world within the scope of the various subsidiaries and affiliated offices, but also gives the subsidiary of a considerable degree of operational autonomy, giving full play the initiative of the subsidiary And enthusiasm, so that they could host accordance with market changes and their accumulated experience, flexibly and effectively to implement contingency measures.
Subsidiary of the parent company of the objectives of management should be implemented. Group of the total overseas investment objective is to the rational allocation of domestic and foreign markets, resources, and minimize cost and maximize profit. To achieve this strategic objective, the Group of overseas subsidiaries must be implemented management by objectives. The company is headquartered needs of each specific provisions of the overseas subsidiaries operating objectives, and to take in line with international practices in a manner to develop monitoring systems and content. This will not only strengthen the subsidiary's financial management, stimulating the enthusiasm of the subsidiaries, and the protection of overseas subsidiaries in accordance with the headquarters of the development strategy in the key business activities.
Datang overseas subsidiary of the internal management of innovation. Overseas enterprises in the internal management mechanism, the implementation of territorial management of Datang Group is the management of overseas-invested enterprises an inevitable choice. Territoriality of management is common in today's world of transnational corporations overseas investment criteria, proven by practice is the most effective form of overseas investment management organizations. Territorial management, including the contents of many, in the final analysis is the establishment of local enterprises and local forms of organization within the legal framework for business and personnel management, financial management and implementation of the local distribution system, this approach can be effective in solving business Human resources and cross-cultural conflicts and other issues.

The necessity carrying out the internationalization cooperation's points out , realizes an objective of economic development in 17th National Congress of the CPC report, the investments abroad being innovative and the way working together, the internationalization support enterprise is carried out in the respect of grinding getting rich , giving birth to a child , selling and so on manages, accelerate the multinational corporation cultivating our country and the famous brand of international. Carry out the international energy resources mutual beneficial cooperation actively. One. Have had tremendous strength what the relationship carrying out big Tang of internationalization cooperation front in 11 electric power generation stock delivering the institute and the London certificate successfully in Hong Kong couplet hangs out shingle , have become Chinese appearing in the market in London of family Chinese electric power enterprise , head family appearing in the market in Hong Kong enterprise , have been to dig "the first barrels of gold " develop , have come true starting an undertaking being to rise rapidly. On December 20 , 2006, in Shanghai, Stock Exchange is listed successfully. "Flourishing age return " domestic capital marketplace, big Tang internationals become family large state-owned enterprise appearing in the market in Hong Kong , London , in the homeland distance of three , are to pour lease of life and the vigour in again develop. Advancing thought has rushed to grasp opportunity , preeminent administration has strengthened construction , magnificent strategy has planned to develop , Corp. has created big Tang not only the pattern is transported- entire estate of electric power generation by "big Tang speed " that the job inner commends for , growing up having used benefit power deduction of closing vertical and horizontal more be in a class by self by putting coal resources into practice preserving and owning strategy , making coal- chain , the product developing the coal resources added value, accomplish the independent electric power generation company that fire , wind , water , core multielement develop from being an utensil concurrently, Face collection coal develops , transportation, generates electricity , synthetical coal chemical industry the sources of energy company strategy in an integral whole transforms. Two carries out the international energy resources mutual beneficial cooperation a task of top priority over the past this year, electric power generation enterprise has entered the very difficult period , financial statement of five important electric power generation Corp.s has shown, besides being able to earn profit except China first quarter, the electricity , the middle electricity go to the others important Tang , China , the country for help appearing without exception huge sum deficit. Lead to electricity of main common electric power generation enterprise deficit cause as plain as the nose on one's face coal price crazyly go up, electric power generation cost expands rapidly. Always in the past, the coal electricity does not let pass after staling for a long time including moving, burden having aggravated enterprise. Chinese electric power generation enterprise answers manage the pressure way is to tap the talent power from the inside mainly , reduce electric power generation cost thereby by saving fire coal , reducing energy consumption and so on. Coal price continues increasing by but, the cost that enterprise brings about less than in order to dealing with coal price going up increases by. Overseas, three join the need buying the increase welcoming the globalization trends , Chinese economic strength coming to historic opportunity with economy as well as enterprise develops internationalization , are close to 2 years, Chinese enterprise " steps out " buys overseas assets being raging like a storm together. Tom abdicates finance data display , the Chinese buyer denounces money in 2007, being close to 25 billion U. S. dollar buy the overseas company , put up 60% are high than 2006 , also be 7 times of 2004, but in 10 front, external population of Chinese invests in but several hundred millions U. S. dollar. The expert being expressed , being being a Chinese enterprise overseas investment and the best opportunity buying at present"has been not to be that international market , especially international financial market price are low exactly because of home market price is high but, cheap price has brought about many rare chances ".

International and the need for cooperation
The 17 largest party in the report pointed out that to achieve economic development goals, innovation and investment cooperation, support enterprises in the development, production and sales for international operations, accelerating the development of China's multinational corporations and international famous brands. Actively carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in the international energy resources.

1. With the strength of strong international cooperation,
11 years ago, Datang Power Generation success in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange listing, became the first Hong Kong-listed Chinese power enterprises, the first in the London-listed Chinese companies for the development of digging in the "Diyitongjin" And realized the business is taking off.
December 20, 2006, successfully listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. "Spirit return to the" domestic capital market, Datang International became the first in Hong Kong, London, the domestic listing of three large state-owned enterprises, and to inject vigor and vitality.
Thinking ahead to seize the opportunity, strengthen the building of excellence in management, the grand strategic planning development, Datang Group was the industry not only created a commendable "Datang speed," He even beneficial aspect of the potential of a unique interpretation of the growth Model - through the implementation of strategic reserve of coal resources, build coal - transportation - generating a complete industrial chain, the development of coal resources of value-added products, both completed by fire, wind, water, the diversified development of independent power companies, to collect coal development , Transportation, power generation, coal chemical industry in an integrated energy company strategic transformation.

二. International energy resources and mutually beneficial cooperation priority
This year, generating enterprises to enter a very difficult period, five major power generation Group's financial statements show, in addition to Huaneng first quarter profit, the other Datang, Huadian, State Power, the CLP to have a huge loss. Lead to loss of power generation enterprises generally the main reason for obvious - electricity prices Feng Zhang, power generation costs of rapid expansion.
Has been linked to delays in coal and released, the heavier the burden on enterprises. China's power generation enterprises should operate the way the pressure is from within tap potential, through saving coal, reducing energy consumption, thereby reducing power generation costs. However, coal prices continued to grow, enterprises can not cope with coal prices rising costs brought about by growth.

三. Historic opportunity to usher in overseas mergers and acquisitions
With the economic globalization trend, China's economic strength and growth of international business development needs of the past two years, Chinese enterprises "going out" mergers and acquisitions overseas assets surging. Thomson Financial data show that in 2007, the Chinese buyers spend Nearly 25 billion U.S. dollars acquisition of overseas companies in 2006 than 60 percent higher, 2004 is seven times, but 10 years ago, China's overall foreign investment but hundreds of millions of dollars. Experts said that at present is a Chinese enterprises overseas investments and acquisitions The best time, but "not because of the domestic market prices high, and it is precisely the international market, in particular the international financial market prices are low, low prices bring a lot of unique opportunity."

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