
作者&投稿:甫店 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

🍉在一个英文句子中,确实只能有一个谓语动词。在句子 "I saw the sun rise today" 中,只有一个谓语动词。

  • "saw" 是这个句子的谓语动词。它是动词 "see" 的过去式形式,表示主语 "I" 的动作,意思是“看到”。

  • "rise" 并不是谓语动词,而是一个不定式形式的动词,用作谓语动词 "saw" 的补足语,是see sb. do sth.的语法应用。也就是说,当句子里有see时,后面接的动词用原形,表示“看到什么东西怎么样了”

  • 所以,整个句子的意思是“我今天看到太阳升起了。”句中只有一个谓语动词 "saw",而 "rise" 则是作为补足语使用的不定式动词。


一个句子当然可以有很多动词,但英语的动词分为两种,谓语动词和非谓语动词。谓语动词是句子的主要动词,受到主语,时态,语态的限制而发生各种变化。这句话里的谓语动词是过去式动词saw。非谓语动词不受主语、时态或语态的影响,主要包括分词、动名词和动词不定式三种。原句中,名词the sun后面的动词rise不是谓语动词,而是非谓语动词,其实是省略to的动词不定式to rise。

He is the man whom\/ that I saw yesterday. 他就是我昨天见的那个人...
楼上是对的,我来简单地解释下吧:该句有两个句子组成:He is the man. (他就是那个人) I saw the man\/him yesterday. (我昨天见到他的)。因为句子中有一个共同的名词the man,所以可以用定语从句,the man就是先行词 你可以看到the man作为see的宾语,同时又是is的表语。所以用who\/that...

I saw the whole thing _as__ a game. 为什么不能填like?
to play this game作like的宾语。动词一般不能直接用原形作宾语,要用to do(不定式)或doing(动名词).这里用的是不定式,所以加to.

He saw the gecko run under the refrigerator after the nearest cockroach it saw. "Well, at least he is doing his job." he said after he heard the loud "GECKO, GECKO," sound that geckos make when they swallow. 他到了家,按照商店女营业员所说的那样把壁虎放了出来。壁虎看见了身旁最近的...

3.I don't think she saw the point of the story.我觉得她没有领会故事的中心意思 4.Her father is sawing wood.她的父亲正在锯木头。5.The old saw "you should learn something new every day" is a good one.古老的格言“每天你都应该学些新的东西”说的很好。see和saw的用法和区别 se...

求歌词和翻译 The Silent Comedy乐队的bartholomew
You might make it, boy, but by the skin of your teeth 你也许能挺过去,孩子,但希望渺茫。”I rambled with the worst of them 我曾与暴徒同行,Fell in love with a harlequin 爱过一条毒蛇,Saw the darkest hearts of men 见过最黑暗的人性,And I saw myself starin' back again 然...

I never saw the Sea-- Yet know I how the Heather looks And what a Billow be. I never spoke with God Nor visited in Heaven-- Yet certain am I of the spot As if the Checks were given-- 云暗 天低又复云暗, 飞过雪花一片。 穿越车辙马圈, 去留择决艰难。 谁人这样待风, 令其整天抱...

您好亲!首先,这两个句子的意思是相同的,都表达了在大厅里看到学生聚集在一起的意思。在这里,“assembled” 是过去分词,用来描述学生集合在一起的状态。这两个句子中,“The students were seen assembled in the hall” 使用了被动语态,而“I saw the students assembled in the hall” 使用了...

with my grandparents yesterday. 我昨天晚饭后和爷爷奶奶去散步了。② Did you go shopping yesterday?你昨天去购物了吗?③ She didn't get up at seven thirty this morning. 今天早上7:30,她还没有起床呢。④ I did close the door this afternoon. 我今天下午确实把门关了。

Seeing the teacher entering the room,the students stood up。(=When the students saw the teacher entering the room,They stood up。)学生们看见老师走进房间,都站了起来。 (时间)Heated,the Metal expands。 (=The metal expands if \/when it is heated。)金属受热而膨胀。(条件、时间)Bei...

1. While he was walking in the street, he saw the accident happen. (当 ... 时)While I admit he is smart, I don't like him.(虽然,尽管)2. When he was still a little boy, his father died from an accident.When I saw the pictures, I couldn't help crying.3. ...

商南县17513899071: i saw the sun - -----.(是用rise还是rising?) and tell me why,ok?thank you -
斗安凯妮: 我觉得…应该放在具体的语境中分析吧…因为see可以和动词原型和动名词连用,然后,如果是看到了日出的全过程,或者说是刻意地去看日出,就用动词原型,如果是无意中看到日出,只是看到日出的一个瞬间,看到它正在升起,那么就用动名词!

商南县17513899071: the+单数名词与a+单数名词的区别 -
斗安凯妮: 1、the+单数名词:一种是专属名词,如:the sun,the moon, 一种是特指前文提到过得东西,如:I saw a car yesterday,the car is beautifull,这里的the就是特指上句提到的car,是这辆 car特别beautifull,不是别的车. 2、a+单数名词:是泛指某一个东西,还用上一句举例:I saw a car yesterday,the car is beautifull 中a car,a就是泛指,仅表明看到了一辆 car,无其它意义.希望帮到你

商南县17513899071: 拜伦的《我看过你哭》全文 -
斗安凯妮: 是【我见过你哭】~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw thee weep 我见过你哭 (拜伦) I saw thee weep 我见过你哭 The big bright tear 晶莹的泪珠 Came over that eve of blue 从蓝眼睛滑落 And then I thought it did appear 像一朵梦中出现的紫罗兰 A ...

商南县17513899071: i saw the sun rise.she saw thick smoke coming out of the kichen.这里为什么see 的用法不同 -
斗安凯妮: see是感官动词 后面接动词有两种用法1、加动词原形 see sth. do 表示看到事情的全过程2、加动词的ing形式 see sth. doing 表示看到动作正在进行

商南县17513899071: 求拜伦这首英文诗I saw thee weep的赏析......最好是英文的 -
斗安凯妮: I saw thee'weep 我看见过你哭 the big bright tear 晶莹的泪珠 Came over that eve of blue 从蓝眼睛滑落 And then me thought it did appear 像一朵梦中出现的紫罗兰 A violet dropping dew 滴下清透的露珠 I saw thee' smile 我看见过你笑 the ...

商南县17513899071: 拜伦的一首诗 -
斗安凯妮: I saw thee weep 我见过你哭 (拜伦) I saw thee' weep 我见过你哭 the big br'ight tear 晶莹的泪珠 Came o'er that eve of blue 从蓝眼睛滑落 And then me thought it did appear 像一朵梦中出现的紫罗兰 A violet dropping dew 滴下清透的露珠 I saw ...

商南县17513899071: 第一句是i for you的一首英文歌 -
斗安凯妮: Samira - I saw you walking in the rain http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=+i+saw+you+walking+in+the+rain&lm=-1

商南县17513899071: 拜伦的《I saw thee weep》谁知道? -
斗安凯妮: 我看过你哭一我看过你哭——一滴明亮的泪 涌上你蓝色的眼珠; 那时候,我心想,这岂不就是 一朵紫罗兰上垂着露; 我看过你笑——蓝宝石的火焰 在你之前也不再发闪; 呵,宝石的闪烁怎么比得上 你那灵活一瞥的光线.二...

商南县17513899071: I saw thee weep 《我见过你哭》 (拜伦)
斗安凯妮: 更方便看的 I saw thee' weep 我见过你哭 the big br'ight tear 晶莹的泪珠 Came o'er that eve of blue 从蓝眼睛滑落 And then me thought it did appear 像一朵梦中出现的紫罗兰 A violet dropping dew 滴下清透的露珠 I saw thee' smile 我见过你笑 the ...

商南县17513899071: 求拜伦的诗
斗安凯妮: 题目: 我看过你哭 (一) I saw thee weep --- the big bright tear 我看过你哭-一滴明亮的泪 Came o'er that eye of blue; 涌上你蓝色的眼珠; And then, me thought, it did appear 那时候,我心想,这岂不就是 A violet dropping dew: 一朵紫罗兰上...

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