
作者&投稿:尉迟骅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.英语 短句变长句

That old man you talked about just now lives in an old house.

My son liked the toy car i bought for him on his birthday.

Do you dare to board a plane which has no pilot in it ?



2.英语句子简写 长句变短句

Competition, technologies, organizational design and strategies are the potential change

drivers which have different roles and factors in the process of change. Change in

environment also implies uncertainty and risk which create management accounting

change in the form of 'non-financial' measures


1. In the feelings of desperate and all alone, I walked stumbly to the kitchen, tore open the drawer,and decided to live.

2. My garden where the lettuce was ate by rabbits,the tomatoes were got by worms or stepped on and squashed by the insulation people .

3. By the steam drifting forth from dashboard,an acrid odor permeating the air and the smoke from the hood,something must be wrong with our car.

1.英语 短句变长句 That old man you talked about just now lives in an old house.My son liked the toy car i bought for him on his birthday.Do you dare to board a plane which has no pilot in it ?--- 呵呵 2.英语句子简写 长句变短句 Competition, technologies, organizat...

1、使用自己的实验数据 写论文是需要有实验数据的,同时还需要对数据去进行分析,这样差异化的内容会比较少,在写论文的时候是需要完善自身的实验数据,而不仅仅只是去利用别人的一些实验数,据悉,如果是论文中缺乏必要的数据,有可能会让重复率增高,所以一定要把实验数据补齐,要有自己的实验数据。2、...


辛弃疾 茅檐②低小,溪上青青草。醉里吴音③相媚好④,白发谁家翁媪。 大儿锄豆⑤溪东,中儿正织⑥鸡笼。最喜小儿无赖⑦,溪头卧剥莲蓬。 注释①村居:选自《稼轩长短句》。清平乐,词牌名。村居,这首词的题目。 ②茅檐:指茅屋。 ③吴音:作者当时住在江西东部的上饶,这一带古时是吴国的领土,所以称这一带的方言...

陇西县14745407084: 英语短句变长句,急.5个句子.1,it is a very powerful means of communication.It communicate much more that spoken words.2,parents smile at their child.They ... -
宿庞安可:[答案] 1.it is a very powerful means of communication and it communicates much more that spoken words.2.Parents smile at their child because of they communicate love,acceptance,and reassurance.3.The child fe...

陇西县14745407084: 英语短句扩展长句例句 -
宿庞安可:[答案] 这个挺简单的.比如,I got dressed.我穿好了衣服.然后扩展句子就有:(today )I got dressed (quickly)(and emerged into glorious sunshine.)一般而言,英语短句扩展,可以加上时间词等状语、可加修饰形容词的副...

陇西县14745407084: 如何把几个英语短句变成一个长句 -
宿庞安可:[答案] 借助连词或者关系副词、代词,前提是注意分清各个短句之间的逻辑关系.有关系的可以适当合并成为长句,否则还应该保持短句的形式.

陇西县14745407084: 英语短句扩展长句例句 -
宿庞安可: 这个挺简单的. 比如,I got dressed.我穿好了衣服. 然后扩展句子就有:(today )I got dressed (quickly)(and emerged into glorious sunshine.) 一般而言,英语短句扩展,可以加上时间词等状语、可加修饰形容词的副词如quickly,亦或是延长句子,说明你要去干某事.掌握了这个,你想加多少个词,扩展多长都行. 希望能帮到你.

陇西县14745407084: 把几个英语短句改成复合的长句例题:Fido is a dog.Fido belongs to me.Fido needs a baths.Fido has muddy paws.Fido has fleas.A:My dog Fido,who has ... -
宿庞安可:[答案] In the feelings of desperate and all alone, I walked stumbly to the kitchen, tore open the drawer,and decided to live.My garden where the lettuce was ate by rabbits,the tomatoes were got by worms or stepped on and squashed by the insulation people .By ...

陇西县14745407084: 英语 短句变长句!!!急 -
宿庞安可: That old man you talked about just now lives in an old house. My son liked the toy car i bought for him on his birthday. Do you dare to board a plane which has no pilot in it ?----------------------------------- 呵呵

陇西县14745407084: 如何把几个英语短句变成一个长句 -
宿庞安可: 借助连词或者关系副词、代词,前提是注意分清各个短句之间的逻辑关系.有关系的可以适当合并成为长句,否则还应该保持短句的形式.

陇西县14745407084: 怎么样把短句变成长句 -
宿庞安可: 在不改变原来的句意基础上,加一些形容词. 比如:天上飞着气球 变成:蓝蓝的天上,彩色的气球正随着风静静地飘 这样不就美多了么

陇西县14745407084: 英语短句变长句 -
宿庞安可: 就向语文扩句一样 但是英语 这个内容 应该理解透 就是把两个简短的句子变为相对长的从句 定语从句,主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,同位语从句等句子.首先要弄懂这些从句的连接词,然后是词序.

陇西县14745407084: 求英语大神帮我把短句合成长句 -
宿庞安可: The steep surrounding slopes were capped with snow feeding two streams plunging down to join in the valley below.

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