
作者&投稿:称吕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   用英语写电子邮件已经越来越广泛了。下面是我为你带来的英语电子邮件格式 范文 ,欢迎参阅。
  Dear Mrs Mark,

  I am giving Miss Fang Li, a classmate of mine, this note of introduction to you and Mr. Mark, when she goes to visit New York City. Miss Li is my good friend. She is invited by a university to study there for a few months. She is a kind young lady. I believe you will enjoy meeting and knowing each other and become friends. It is my hope that you will kindly invite her to stay in your house for a few days.

  Kind regards

  Very affectionately,

  Dear Tony,

  This letter will introduce my best friend Mary Brown of whom you’ve often heard me mention. She is going to be in Washington D. C. next month to lecture. I want very much to have her meet you there.

  And this seems like an excellent chance for you to meet each other. I think both of you will have a lot in common. So far as I know, you both are interested in modern literature. Once you meet her, you will really enjoy her company. Any kindness to her will be duly appreciated by me.

  Yours affectionately,
  Dear Tony,

  This letter will introduce my best friend Mary Brown of whom you’ve often heard me mention. She is going to be in Washington D. C. next month to lecture. I want very much to have her meet you there.

  And this seems like an excellent chance for you to meet each other. I think both of you will have a lot in common. So far as I know, you both are interested in modern literature. Once you meet her, you will really enjoy her company. Any kindness to her will be duly appreciated by me.

  Yours affectionately,

  1. Greeting message 祝福

  Hope you have a good trip back. 祝旅途愉快。

  How are you? 你好吗?

  How is the project going on? 项目进行顺利吗?

  2. Initiate a meeting 发起会议

  I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown. Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben.


  I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A.


  We’d like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30. Same time.


  Let’s make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time.


  I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XXX project.

  我想跟你电话讨论下 报告 进展和XXX项目的情况。

  3. Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议

  Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me know.


  Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule.


  Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon.


  What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed?


  What do you think about this?


  Feel free to give your comments.


  Any question, please don’t hesitate to let me know.


  Any question, please let me know.


  Please contact me if you have any questions.


  Please let me know if you have any question on this.


  Your comments and suggestions are welcome!


  Please let me know what you think?


  Do you have any idea about this?


  It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the user’s behavior.


  At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/issue.


  4. Give feedback 意见反馈

  Please see comments below.


  My answers are in blue below.


  I add some comments to the document for your reference.


  5. Attachment 附件

  I enclose the evaluation report for your reference.


  Attached please find today’s meeting notes.


  Attach is the design document, please review it.


1. BEC商务英语写作:电子邮件Email写作格式及范文

2. 发英文邮件的格式范文

3. 英语邮件的格式及范文

4. E-mail的英文写作的格式及范文

5. 大学英文邮件范文

6. 电子邮件的正文范文


电子邮箱一般格式为:用户名@域名。电子邮箱具有单独的网络域名,其电子邮局地址在@后标注。1、—个完整的Internet邮件地址由以下两个部分组成,格式如下:登录名@主机名.域名 中间用—个表示“在”(at)的符号“@”分开,符号的左边是登录名,右边是完整的主机名,它由主机名与域名组成。其中,域名由...

商务邮件的格式通常包括以下几个部分:1. **称呼**:在邮件的开头,应该使用礼貌的称呼,如“尊敬的先生\/女士”、“亲爱的同事”等。2. **引言**:在称呼后,可以简要地介绍你的身份和目的,让收件人明确你的邮件内容。3. **主体内容**:在引言后,详细描述你的要求、提案或者讨论的内容,确保...

写上你的工作地址或电话号码 Adding links to your social media accounts 注上你的社会媒体工具帐号(例如博客,微博,论坛)英文商务邮件格式范文相关文章:★ 英文商务邮件格式范文 ★ 英文商务电子邮件范文 ★ 商务英语电子邮件写作格式及范文 ★ 英文商务邮件范文 ★ 商务英文电子邮件范文 ...

英文邮件格式一般包括:①、②日期的写法、③称呼、④正文、⑤结束语。具体如下:一、邮件标题,一般是邮件内容的一个概括,让收信人大致了解一下这封信是写什么的。二、日期的写法,英文邮件日期写法不同与中文,一般是月、日、年。如:(1997年7月30日)July 30,1997或July 30th,1997。三、...


在写电子邮件时候,要采用日常办公运用的商业信函格式,使用正规的文字,不用或避免应用网络语言,诸如3Q、IFU等。下面是我为你带来的电子邮件求职信 范文 ,欢迎参阅。电子邮件求职信范文1:尊敬的领导:您好!感谢你能在百忙之中垂阅的我的求职信!贵银行的良好形象和员工素质吸引着我这位即将 毕业 ...

下面是一封西班牙语外贸人会常用到的电子邮件模板:Estimado \/ Estimada 客户名字,(西班牙语语法有阴阳性之分,如果是男客户,用Estimado, 如果是女客户,用Estimada)不要用错了偶,不然客户会很不开心)Que tenga un lindo dia.Esta es 自己名字, somos 自己公司名字, es un ...

正文保持简短,只需写该任务的必要信息,并让领导知道TA是否需要批复。 模版 [产品某某资料翻译完成] 王总,您好! 上周几下发的产品部某项目某某资料,某日已完成翻译并交由A同事校对。 现已定稿并发送给B同事安排后续印刷。附件为终稿电子版,供审阅备份。谢谢! 2、信息共享 (如会议记录,定期发送的分析报告等) 主...

我方当照此办理。我方希望上述答复将满足贵方的要求,并等候贵方的答复。猜你喜欢:1. 中文商务电子邮件范文 2. 中文推销邮件写作技巧 3. 中文电子邮件写作范文 4. 中文推销邮件写作技巧 5. BEC商务信件的写作格式及模板范文 6. BEC商务英语写作:电子邮件Email写作格式及范文 ...

微山县18585428540: 用英语的电子邮件范文怎么写呀 老师? -
琴殃司巴: 英语的电子邮件范知文. 英语道电子邮件与一般信件格式专相同,只是更为简属明扼要. 例如: Dear xxx, Many thanks for your response about the product inquiry. Please see the attached update price for all items. Please don't hesitate to tell me if you have further requist. All the best, xxx.

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琴殃司巴: 原发布者:13780077426英文电子邮件格式DearMary,ThisisTom.....Lookforwardtoseeingyousoon.Bestregards,TomYu(以上每一行,或者每个段落,都是左对齐的)例子:一、主题主题(Subject)框的内容应简明地概括信的内容,短的可以是...

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琴殃司巴:[答案] 格式: 1、信头(发信人的地址和日期),一般放在右上角 2、信内地址(收信人的姓名和地址),一般放在信头下的左上角 3、称呼(Dear...)放在信内地址下面 4、正文 5、表示敬意的结尾语(yours faithfully,yours sincerely),类似于汉语中的此...

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琴殃司巴: 一般的格式就是 Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss...,介绍一下自己,然后说明你想要表达的事情或者要问的问题.最后表示感谢或者希望早日收到回复这些类似的话.Thank you very much for your time and I will be really appreciated if you could reply me ASAP.Best Regards,你的名字

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琴殃司巴:[答案] Dear Mr./ Ms, We are much concerned that your sales in recent months have fallen considerably.At first we thought this might be due to a slack market,but on looking into the matter more closely,we find that the general trend of trade during this period has...

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琴殃司巴: 开头用不用Dear都无所谓,Dear后面跟Manager of XXXXXX(公司名字) 结尾用 Regards,你的名字

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琴殃司巴: 原发布者:yearnforever英文电子邮件的基本要素是主题、称谓、正文、结尾用语及署名.电子邮件最重要的部分是主题,假设我们都是很忙的人,在打开邮箱阅读邮件时,第一眼看到的就是邮件的主题.所以,主题应当做到言简意赅并突出邮...

微山县18585428540: 英文邮件格式
琴殃司巴: 如果你是比较正式的信件的话,格式可以这么写 Dear sir/madam, I am writing to .... 结尾的部分写上 yours faithfully 这样比较正式 Hello 也不是不礼貌,只是非正式信件可以用

微山县18585428540: 英文电子邮件的格式 -
琴殃司巴: Dear sirs,It's my honor to know your esteemed company through the internet, we are very interested your product. We have the intention to purchase your product,Could you pls send your product catalogue by email attachment for us to know the detailed information.Awaiting your early reply.Best regards.signature.!

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