
作者&投稿:众翠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




  It had been three years since King Zhuang of Chu ascended the throne, but he had neither issued a decree nor dealt with any state affairs.


  Furthermore, there were no deeds worth mentioning.


  All the civil and military officials of the court couldn't understand what was the matter.


  One day, a military official quietly asked King of Chu in the carriage:


  "Your Majesty, I heard that in the south, there was a big bird dwelling in the hills.


  Three years passed, it neither flew nor cried.


  Could Your Majesty tell me the reason?"


  King Zhuang of Chu smiled and answered:"It didn't spread its wings to fly for three years in order to grow full-fledged.


  It didn't cry for three years in order to carefully observe the conditions of the people in the world.


  This bird, once it flies, will soar high into the sky;


  once it cries, it will startle the world with a single cry."


  Another half a year passed before King Zhuang of Chu began to personally administer state affairs.


  He abolished ten outmoded rules and regulations, issued nine new policies, sentenced five ministers to death for their evil deeds and promoted six persons with real talents.


  From then on, the State of Chu became stronger and stronger.




  Wang Yuqi was a well-known expert in driving carriages in the State of Zhao.


  When Xiang Zi of Zhao heard of this, he asked Wang to teach him to drive a carriage.


  Not long after, Xiang Zi of Zhao thought he had already mastered the skills, and suggested arace against Wang.


  He didn't expect that after he had changed horses three times in succession, he still lost therace to Wang.


  Xiang Zi of Zhao was flustered and exasperated.


  He said to Wang: "In teaching me to drive, have you held anything back and not taught me allyour skills?"


  Hearing this, Wang smiled and said: "You ought to believe that I have taught you all the skills indriving a carriage.


  But, when Your Highness was racing against me, you always tried to keep in front of me.


  Once you lagged behind, you strove to overtake me; but after you overtook me, you wereafraid that I would catch up with you.


  You focused all your attention on me.


  You forgot that in driving a carriage, the most important thing is to take care of the horseswholeheartedly and pay attention to the handlebars of the carriage and the harness to seewhether they fit or not.


  Only then can you give the rein to the horses and let them gallop for 1,000 li.


  But during the race, you not only strove to be the first but also feared to lag behind.


  How could you concentrate your mind on driving the carriage?"


  Hearing this, Xiang Zi of Zhao was enlightened.


  He gave a deep sigh and said: "Your words certainly hit the nail on the head. That is the veryreason why I lagged behind."




  One day, the miracle-working doctor Bian Que saw Huan Gong, King of the State ofCai, and said:


  "Your Majesty, I think you are ill.


  But your illness is only under the skin and can be easily cured.


  If you do not treat it now,I'm afraid your condition will become serious."


  Huan Gong did not believe him. He said: "I am not ill."


  After Bian Que left, Huan Gong said to his subjects around him:


  "These doctors always like to treat people who are not ill in order to brag about their superbmedical skill."


  Ten days later, Bian Que saw Huan Gong again.


  He said: "Your Majesty, your illness has invaded your muscles.


  If you do not treat it now, your condition will become more serious."


  Huan Gong was displeased with what he heard and did not listen to Bian Que.


  Another ten days later, Bian Que saw Huan Gong and said anxiously:


  "Your Majesty, your illness has invaded your stomach and intestines.


  If your do not treat it, your condition will worsen."


  Huan Gong still would not listen to Bian Que.


  Another ten days later, when Bian Que saw Huan Gong, he turned round at once and left.


  Huan Gong was surprised and sent someone to catch up Bian Que to ask him for the reason.


  Bian Que said:"When a person gets ill and his illness is only under the skin, it can be easilycured with medical plaster or decoction.


  When it is between the skin and the flesh, it can still be cured by acupuncture;


  even if it develops into the stomach and intestines, medical decoctions will still be effective.


  But when it reaches them arrow, then one can only resign to one's fate, for the doctor can nolonger do anything about it.


  Now His Majesty's illness has penetrated into the marrow. I can do nothing to cure him."


  Five days afterwards, Huan Gong felt pain all over his body.


  He sent for Bian Que.


  Since Bian Que had anticipated that Huan Gong would ask him for treatment and that hewould get into trouble if he couldn't cure the illness, he had escaped to the State of Qin a fewdays before.


  Soon afterwards, Huan Gong of Cai died of his illness.


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