
作者&投稿:简殷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 你好,以下是句子
1. I like going to the zoo and i go there every week
2.She wants to go to see the dolphins first.
3.Many people like pandas because they are cute
4.After the PE lesson, we feel a bit tired
5.Why do you want to play computer games
6.The lion is from South Africa, but now it lives in Beijing
7.Pandas are black and white, and they're very cute
8.Why does he like this game? Because it's interesting
9.Where the koala from? They come from Australia
10.Let's eat an apple first

1. I like going to the zoo and i go there every week 2.She wants to go to see the dolphins first.3.Many people like pandas because they are cute 4.After the PE lesson, we feel a bit tired 5.Why do you want to play computer games 6.The lion is from South Africa, ...


我想:海豚定是一种善良,对人及其友好地动物。怪不得人们都喜欢它。 "快看,海豚顶球了!''叫喊声打断了我得思绪,我回头一看,只见岸上站着五个小朋友,每人手里拿着一只球。第一个小朋友把球抛出去,海豚目不转睛地看着球,当球快要落水时,它迅速用头一顶。哇,顶住了!''全场人欢叫起来。 第二,第三个,...


关于动物园的作文200到300字内容有看海豚 海狮和马戏团

深圳野生动物园作文1 我昨天和妈妈一起去动物园,这是我从出生到现在第一次来到动物园。一进门各种各样的动物展现在我的面前。有鹤驼、蓝孔雀、原鸡、大象……。鹤驼就和驼鸟一样大小,大象力大无比,猩猩像童话里面的泰山,长颈鹿像滑梯一样高高的。那些动物以前只在电视上看到过,现在终于见到了,我心里感到无比的...



大连森林动物园海洋馆(dalian forest zoo oceanarium)大连森林动物园海洋馆内有海洋剧场,定期举行海豚表演。除了海豚之外,还可以看到海狮等其他海洋生物的精彩演出,让孩子们感受到海洋生物的魅力。成都海昌极地海洋世界(chengdu polar ocean world)成都海昌极地海洋世界是一家结合了极地和海洋生物展示的...


东阿县13840126309: 请帮我把这些句子译成英语,请用上提示单词.1.我喜欢去动物园,我每周都去.(like going)2.她想先去看海豚.(want,first)3.许多人喜欢熊猫因为它们很可... -
康逸果导:[答案] 你好,以下是句子 1. I like going to the zoo and i go there every week 2.She wants to go to see the dolphins first. 3.Many people like pandas because they are cute 4.After the PE lesson, we feel a bit tired 5.Why do you want to play computer games 6.The...

东阿县13840126309: 我最喜欢的动物作文 英语 五句话 -
康逸果导: My favourite animal I most like the animal is a porpoise, because they are lovable, they have the black eye and the small nose, they are very docile, they like flattering you, tours in yours side tours, their skin traces very smoothly comfortable, is also very...

东阿县13840126309: 英语作文,动物园我喜欢的动物,100字 -
康逸果导: What animal do you like best in the zoo? Is it an elephant? Or a tiger?My favorite animal is monkeys. Because they have the yellow skin, a big mouth, a small nose, and two big eyes. They climb trees quickly, and they can pick bananas or apples....

东阿县13840126309: 动物的特长、习性、爱好的英语小作文 五句话以上 -
康逸果导: 海豚Dolphinis my favourite animal. It is one of the most precious animals. Their bodies are very long, about one zhang(丈). Dolphins live in the sea. They live on fish, shrimps and so on.Dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. They never attack ...

东阿县13840126309: “我喜欢在水族馆看海豚表演”用英语怎么翻译 -
康逸果导:[答案] I like to watch the dolphin show in aquarium

东阿县13840126309: 我喜欢在水族馆看海豚表演英文I like____a___ - ___ - ____an___ --
康逸果导:[答案] I like watching a dolphin show in an aquarium

东阿县13840126309: i think the most intersting animal in the zoo isdolphin,i like watching them swim and jump -
康逸果导: 我觉得动物园里最好玩的动物是海豚, 我喜欢看他们游来游去和在水中跳跃.

东阿县13840126309: 你好,我叫xx,我是一位中学生,我喜欢到动物园里看动物.翻译英语 -
康逸果导: Hello, my name is XX. I'm a secondary school student. I like to go to the zoo to visit animals.

东阿县13840126309: 帮我写一篇我最喜欢的动物的英语作文,我最喜欢的动物是海豚 -
康逸果导: Dolphin In the vast ocean live many creatures with great intellectual and physical capacities. Dolphin is one of those great creatures, whose capacities to think and move at an astounding rate puzzle those who study their behaviors, Dolphins possess...

东阿县13840126309: 我要一封英文的回信
康逸果导: Dear British friends: 你好! Hello!我叫xxx,我今年13岁,很高兴和你做朋友. My name is xxx, I am 13 years old, I am glad to be your friend. 我是一个活泼开朗的女生. I am a lively and cheerful girl. 我家里有爸爸、妈妈、奶奶和我. I've got ...

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