
作者&投稿:陶维 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 25 Tips for Designing Awesome Posters
Posters are a vibrant form of visual communication that can be wildly creative and diverse. They can range from large, bold headers for concerts to information-heavy text-based designs. Regardless of the type, the key is to find a balance between the title, text, images, and logos. Let's delve into 25 tips to help you create stunning posters.
1. The Power of Color - Color has the ability to convey energy, express emotions, and grab attention. Choose colors that align with the poster's theme, whether that's bold, soft, or romantic. For instance, the Savannah music festival poster uses soft spring colors to evoke a sense of outdoor tranquility and the music's gentle nature. Alternatively, using solid color blocks can create a striking background, ensuring the various color combinations are harmonious.
2. Experiment with Fonts - Fonts can alone convey a wealth of information. Serif fonts can convey seriousness, while sans-serif can be elegant, and handwritten fonts can add a touch of whimsy. Select at least two fonts—one for the title and another for the text—to create a visual impact. The event posters below demonstrate how font experimentation can successfully communicate the core content of an event.
3. Establish a Visual Hierarchy - Posters should be designed for quick reading and to catch the eye. Establishing a visual hierarchy is crucial. If the poster contains little text, use bold fonts and pair them with simple graphics or photos, as seen in the ColumbusCreative poster. For posters with extensive text, make the text the focus, perhaps with a large title and the text treated as a single block.
4. Create Visual Interest with Negative Space - Utilizing negative space can create intriguing compositions. The Melbourne Dining Association poster artfully uses the space between fork prongs to incorporate a wine glass. Alternatively, highlight a smaller shape by surrounding it with negative space to draw the eye. Ensure text in negative space is not overwhelmed.
5. Edit Out Unnecessary Elements - Sometimes, less is more. This principle can focus the audience's attention on a simple word or a striking image, effectively communicating more than a cluttered design. Avoid adding elements just for the sake of it. Both posters below share a commonality, using a single, powerful word and a monochrome color scheme to create a clean and impactful look.
6. Lock in Focus - Combining sharp and blurred images can enhance the power of the text. Cropping images to their core element can create a dramatic effect and draw attention. The Chaillot National Theatre poster uses a close-up of lips, avoiding a full face, to create a sense of passion and allure. Notice the heart shape formed by the lips?
7. Shapes Create Visual Clues - Interconnected shapes can form new images, offering a visual hint. Use shapes to hold text, create有趣的构图, or guide the viewer's eye. Shapes are versatile in poster design and highly practical.
8. Explore Various Compositional Possibilities - When all the information, images, or graphics are ready, consider how to arrange them for easy reading and to create a cohesive design. This process is like navigating a maze, guiding the audience on how to absorb the poster's message.
9. Depth through Layering - Place graphics, color, and text on different layers to create depth, leading viewers into a mini world within the poster. The gardening festival poster uses layering to blend text and images, depicting the life of a gardener.
10.PS Design - Employing punk-inspired burst effects can create a dynamic and eye-catching poster. This technique is ideal for posters, special topics, and web design.
By incorporating these tips, you can design creative and effective posters that captivate your audience.




个人海报如何设计? 首先,在photoshop中将所有需要的素材都打开,并新建一个“12cm*8cm”的白色画布。 点击到人物素材,用左侧的“磁性套索工具”沿着人物边缘将其全部框选住,待选择后用“移动工具”将其拖动到白色画布中,并放置好位置。 接着,将一个背景素材拖动到白色画布中,将其放在人物图层和背景图层之间,并用“...




25 Tips for Designing Awesome Posters Posters are a vibrant form of visual communication that can be wildly creative and diverse. They can range from large, bold headers for concerts to information-heavy text-based designs. Regardless of the type, the key is to find a balance ...


信息的重新组合过程就像走迷宫,你决定了受众该如何阅读这张海报,如何取得它所表达的信息。多多思考图形和文字间的互相作用。 下方的海报由Calamargraphic为Malaga盛典设计,文字信息被摆放在海报的右上侧,再利用各个多彩人物图形一齐走向文字信息。 09层层绘制画面深度将图形、颜色及文字置于不同层面,打造出深度,用一块...

清城区18968489598: 海报设计如何想出创意 -
针邢立复: 从以下几个方面为大家做一下分析: 1、首先最重要的一个方面,就是“主题要鲜明”海报设计一定要有一个特定的内容和鲜明的主题,即便是选择的图形设计也要结合这一主题,绝不能毫无目的的随意表达,而应该是在理性分析的基础上选择...

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针邢立复: 关于如何设计具有感染力的海报: 1、宣传海报设计必须有相当的号召力与艺术感染力,要调动形象、色彩、构图、形式感等因素形成强烈的视觉效果;它的画面应有较强的视觉中心,应力求新颖、单纯,还必须具有独特地艺术风格和设计特点...

清城区18968489598: 怎样设计宣传海报 -
针邢立复: 设计宣传海报: 设计步骤 1、这张海报的目的? 2、目标受众是谁? 3、他们的接受方式怎么样? 4、其他同行业类型产品的海报怎么样? 5、此海报的体现策略? 6、创意点? 7、表现手法? 8、怎么样与产品结合? 八个部曲 一、主题明确 二...

清城区18968489598: 如何自制海报 -
针邢立复: 1、确定你的照片有足够的像素,放大成实际海报的大小还能够分辨清楚2、你要会使用photoshop或者其他的图像处理软件(如果不懂只能找人帮忙了)3、中间的设计加工过程就得看你自己的创意和技术了4、在设...

清城区18968489598: 怎样才能设计出好的海报 -
针邢立复: 在海报设计中,图形是不可或缺的重要部分,是设计师重要的语言,通过不同的手法展现给人们,以恰当的形式传达海报的内涵,充分发挥其作用,刺激人们的感知与逻辑思维,使其留下持久的记忆,最终达到目的. 宣传海报设计特点因为商...

清城区18968489598: 怎么制作好的海报 -
针邢立复: 1、先想好素材(需要制作些什么内容)2、在素材网上找一些图片.3、做好主要内容.4、加上花边或装饰、文字等.只要还是经验,多参考一些资料(图片),多练习、多制作,水平就会提高的.

清城区18968489598: 海报怎么设计 -
针邢立复: 海报的基本元素 图\广告语\说明文字\标志\产品形象 就设计上来说, 图是最重要的, 因为人在看海报时, 首先是被图吸引, 然后才过来看文字. 图和文都要简洁有力, 让人一目了然, 知道你用图片说的话是什么意思, 因为人在逛街时, 平均看...

清城区18968489598: 海报设计要怎么设计比较好?公司有新的产品发布要进行宣传,想做一下这方面的海报,有没有熟手的设计师? -
针邢立复: 海报设计的关键是创意,好的创意加上美工处理就得到好的效果.如果你有好的创意也许我可以帮你

清城区18968489598: ps如何制作海报 -
针邢立复: 无论是海报或其他任何形式的平面作品,在PS中都可以通过设置对其的分辨率进行更改.做海报,最基本的是构图.先想好布局,大小. 一般要打印的海报要求300象素每英寸的分辨率.如果只在电脑上仅需72.要打印的颜色模式调成CMYK...

清城区18968489598: 制作海报 - 怎么制作海报,怎么制作海报
针邢立复: 一般如果活动是小型的话,我们就直接手绘了.如果活动比较大型的话,我们就要去专门的广告用品店和比较大型的复印店去打印海报了,一般是喷绘海报居多.首先,你...

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