
作者&投稿:天晴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

are distributed through the whole body

Paper cutting is my most favorite arts style. Doing papercut need no efforts at all but time and tools are also very easy to get. Paper cutting has a long history in China and it's almost accepted by all walks of life. Pasting a self made papercut, especially during the Chiense new year, has been a custom for most part of China. It represents auspicious, lucky and wealth. We usually use red color doing the papercut, but other colors are fine, too. Every year, i design the patterns and ask help from my parents to help me with the papercut. It also brings our family with great joy and happiness.

I'm writing this letter to apologize to you for the mistake that i have done yesterday. I have acknowledged that my fault has brought you great trouble and unconviniences. I hereby express my deep sorrow for this matter and we are going to do our best to make it up to you.I assure you that this mistake will not happen once again and would appreciate very much if you could give me a chance to show my sincerity on this matter. Hope we can be friends forever.
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道歉信 我道歉是因为我那天情绪太激动了,所以跟你吵架了。对不起,几天前你弄丢了我的书,我因为太激动了,所以就跟你吵了架。我很后悔,所以想和你重归于好。望体谅。对不起,请你原谅我。我会请你吃顿饭,作为补偿。英文版: An apology letter I apologize because I was so excited mood...

understanding.Thank you for your understanding and I doappreciate ir very much. | will make every effortin making up what | may miss from your lesson.Yours XXX 我写这封信是为了请你原谅我在你们班缺席。当六级考试即将来临的时候,我意识到我在准备工作上落后了很多。时间表。我唯一的...

Sorry, my dear friend I know I do anything is - all in vain. But I don't want you misunderstood me, because I have urgent urgent things to do, so there is no time for appointments.I know you are a prime minister belly ","For this, I'm very sorry, but I don't ...


Hi Miss Liu(男的用Mr)I am writing to express my sorry for the breaking of an appointment. We were agreed that I will go to your office to discuss my homework on ten o'clock Monday morning, but I was busy with something else which is important for me. I am so sorry for...

Letter of Apology Dear MR\/ MS (加上老师的名字):I am XX(你的名字) your student who was absent from class this morning. I got your email address from my classmates.Sorry for what happened this morning, But I am not in mind to do that. After I got up,I prepared my...

看了客户的信感到和他们一样发火的感觉, 你们也太过份了啊, 如果帮你写了道歉信而你们不改,那还不是帮你到忙啊。 但又想,都是中国人帮中国人,提高中国人的信誉吧。我写的信十分诚恳,客人看了定会感动和原谅,但如果你们不改,客户是不会再相信你们啦。 最重要的一点还不是不及时发货,...

写作思路及要点:以迟交论文的英文道歉信为题,围绕这一主题展开详细描写,接着表达自己的想法以及观点。正文:Dear XXX,I apology that I didn't get my thesis done on time, sorry I caught a bad cold one week ago, and feel better now, I started the drafting already, and will try ...

Dear George I am really sorry that I lost your books which you lent it to me two days ago. It is really a wonderful book. I am going to finish reading it next month and then give it back to you. Suddernly I couldn't find it yesterday evening and I tried my best to ...

but I'll certainly be correct. Look at my future performance. I'll work harder you back 亲爱的爸爸妈妈:在昨天晚上,我和你们大吵了一架.现在我认识自己错了,在此特地向你们道歉.我知道我有时是很任性,但是我以后一定会改正.请看我以后的表现.我会更加努力回报你们 望采纳,十分感谢。

吕梁市19439752933: 今天就要啊!求一篇英语的道歉信.内容:我向朋友借了本书,但是未能按时归还. -
夹雷疏清:[答案] Dear friend,I wrote this letter to apologize.I'm so sorry that I didn't return your book back on time because of some emergency.I will bring it go school tomorrow.I hope that you can forgive me.

吕梁市19439752933: 急需一篇英文的道歉信,昨天晚上我在同学的寄宿家庭家未经他们家人同意留宿了一晚,他们大发雷霆,我有点惭愧,请英文高手帮下忙!感激不尽 -
夹雷疏清:[答案] Dear, I'm writing this letter to apologize to you for the mistake that i have done yesterday. I have acknowledged that my fault has brought you great trouble and unconviniences. I hereby express my deep sorrow for this matter and we are going to do our ...

吕梁市19439752933: 我需要一份道歉信(英语) -
夹雷疏清: Dear Director(或Manager): Please accept my regret for my leving early on Jan. **,2010 without asking for leave. I promise it will not occur again! ***

吕梁市19439752933: 求各位高手写封英语道歉信.因为老师是外教,所以希望各位高手能翻译的地道些,内容如下:我以为一个星期只有一节英语课,所以上次英语课我给忘记了,... -
夹雷疏清:[答案] I apologise for being absent from previous English class, because I thought there would be only one English class in a week. I ensure that this will not happen again. I beg for your forgiveness. thak ...

吕梁市19439752933: 跪求大神给我一篇没交英语作业的英语道歉信因为没带作业所以英语老师让我用英语写一篇道歉信!50个词即可,大神们帮帮忙好不好……最好是自己原创的... -
夹雷疏清:[答案] Dear teacher, I am sorry for not handing in my homework in time. I know any explanation can not become my excuse. I promise from now on I will finish my work on time and work hard to live up to your expectation! Thank you for your patient teaching! ...

吕梁市19439752933: 求英语高手帮忙写一篇上课没听,给英语老师的英语道歉信~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -
夹雷疏清:[答案] Hello, Mr Chen ! I am writing to say sorry to you. Yesterday in you lecture I happened to get terrible sick so I pay no attention to your lecture . Anyway I should do as you tell us but then I really could not bear the suffering . I missed most of your lecture and I ...

吕梁市19439752933: 帮忙啊···急需一篇英语范文,道歉信,题目在下面,(写作题)Suppose you have made an appointment with Mr.Green for a business talk this afternoon... -
夹雷疏清:[答案] Dear Mr.Green I am truly sorry that I can't have a business talk with you this afternoon The reason is that this morning my manager asked me to go to Shenzhen on business and I won't return until next week. Once again,I am sorry for any inconvenience...

吕梁市19439752933: 大家帮忙写篇英语作文,一封道歉信.假如你是新华中学的学生李华,上周你在外教Mr.Smith的口语课上使用手机,被老师发现,手机被外教拿走.请用英语给... -
夹雷疏清:[答案] 看你的英语水平了,你可以先把这件事用中文写,写好后再把它放到翻译网上

吕梁市19439752933: 求帮写英文道歉信 -
夹雷疏清: 道歉信英语怎么说 Apology Letter道歉信常用英语词汇: apologize to sb. for sth 因为...向某人道歉 fault 错误 remedy 补救 forgive 原谅 make an apology 道歉 shoulder the responsibility 承担责任道歉信常用英语句型: He wrote a letter ...

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