
作者&投稿:学童 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear (写客户名字) Please allow me to take this opportunity to apologise for the delayed delivery of your order. We at (写本公司名字)always try to ensure that our orders arrive promptly and will do our best to ensure that this never happens again. Thank you for your patience and understanding and once again please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience which resulted from the wrong delivery of your order. If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, (写本名字) (写本姓名

The teacher
I was wrong! First of all, I didn't write my homework behavior review. Secondly, my attitude to me review. Because I know no matter I reason did not hand in his homework, did not finish the task you gave me is my wrong, it is I should not act. This makes you angry, I am very guilty. I will correct, finish the homework on time, no longer let you angry. Please forgive my mistake, I promise not to do so, please see in my attitude to forgive me, give me a chance.
The * * * * intentionally correct


I’m so sorry . I shouldn't don't hand in homework on time .Please forgive me .You are so beautiful .I love you forever

第一段;我于20xx年3月17号,我没能按照单位规定的时间按时守库,当检查人员进行检查时,没有验视“三证”就将营业间门打开受检:严重违反了单位的 规章制度 ,抛除所谓的一些原因,值班时也没准时到达,对业务的范围不够熟悉,我个人认为这只能说明我的工作态度极不认真,对工作责任心欠缺,没有把自己的工作做好,在自...

写作思路及要点:以迟交论文的英文道歉信为题,围绕这一主题展开详细描写,接着表达自己的想法以及观点。正文:Dear XXX,I apology that I didn't get my thesis done on time, sorry I caught a bad cold one week ago, and feel better now, I started the drafting already, and will try m...

真诚的道歉信 篇1 尊敬的xxx同学: 您们好!首先,对于这次院运会报名的事件,请允许我表示由衷的歉意! 由于工作疏忽,在这次院运会过程中做出了一些对您们不尊重的事情,给您们造成了十分不良的影响,这是我的失职。这次事件中,作为体委,我没有做好自己的本分工作,做事不够认真,以致于自己犯下了通知不到位等低级...

我是xx汽车4S店的维修部xx经理,关于你的xx车在我店进行日常零部件换装清晰保养过程当中,我们的技工师傅由于粗心马虎漏装零件以及交付车辆前没有仔细检查车轮螺丝拧紧情况,在此我满怀愧疚的心情向您递交这份道歉信。 车辆作为日常交通工具,车辆保养是确保车辆能够在一个阶段行驶使用之后重新恢复安全可靠性能的关键工作。您...

写作思路:根据题目要求,以放假没有写好作业向老师致歉为主题,以检讨作为主线,描写出自己为何没有写好作业,并且进行道歉,正文:Dear teacher:亲爱的老师:I'm sorry that I didn't finish my homework in winter vacation. The reason why I didn't finish my homework was that I didn't ...

工作道歉信 篇1 尊敬的行管一班同学: 您们好!首先,对于这次院运会报名的事件,请允许我表示由衷的歉意! 由于工作疏忽,在这次院运会过程中做出了一些对您们不尊重的事情,给您们造成了十分不良的影响,这是我的失职。这次事件中,作为体委,我没有做好自己的本分工作,做事不够认真,以致于自己犯下了通知不到位等低...

范文一 因为小贝壳近期事务繁忙,工作人员在坛子里的工作严重失职,坛子冷清影响朋友们的心情。此向大家道歉了!其实各位版主和朋友的每一分付出我们都深深记着,并为认识这么多正直善良朋友而感到世事的温暖。小贝壳这片净土为大家敞开着,希望大家有空还来并指出我们的不足,一起努力好不好!范文二 亲...


物业公司的道歉信范文一 尊敬的各位业主\/住户:您好!首先,执笔感谢小区全体业主,一直以来对我们客服中心的信任及各项工作上的理解、配合与支持。针对今天因电业局的设备检修,致使小区停电的突发事件。我们未能及时采取相应措施。给您及家人所带来的不便,我谨代表康新花园客服中心全体工作人员向各业主\/住户...

英语道歉信范文100【1】Dear Frank:I am terribly sorry to tell you that I have lost the valuable book you were so kind to lend me last week.I read it everyday and intended to finish it next month.Last night when I came to my room, it was nowhere to be found.I will try...

大冶市19111229569: 因生病不能及时交作业的英语道歉信 -
龙贩金匮:[答案] 这种信件不需要特别长 30 50子就可以Dear ...I'm sorry i couldn't hand in my homework on time because of my sickness.Plwase accept my apology.Yours,.最好是中间加上你得了什么病,这点一定要写....

大冶市19111229569: 跪求大神给我一篇没交英语作业的英语道歉信因为没带作业所以英语老师让我用英语写一篇道歉信!50个词即可,大神们帮帮忙好不好……最好是自己原创的... -
龙贩金匮:[答案] Dear teacher, I am sorry for not handing in my homework in time. I know any explanation can not become my excuse. I promise from now on I will finish my work on time and work hard to live up to your expectation! Thank you for your patient teaching! ...

大冶市19111229569: 因未交作业而道歉信英语作文 -
龙贩金匮: Dear Mr.Zhang,I'm sorry that i didn't hand in my homework.没有其他的要求吗?或者是一些没交作业的原因之类的.

大冶市19111229569: 跪求大神给我一篇没交英语作业的英语道歉信 -
龙贩金匮: Dear teacher,I am sorry for not handing in my homework in time. I know any explanation can not become my excuse. I promise from now on I will finish my work on time and work hard to live up to your expectation! Thank you for your patient teaching! Yours,**

大冶市19111229569: 英文道歉信没及时交作业 -
龙贩金匮: 那就再补出来,我一般都是补出来的,要及时补,不要等老师骂你了,你才补

大冶市19111229569: 用英语给老师写一封道歉信 说明没有按时完成作业的原因 60字左右 -
龙贩金匮: Dear 老师: i'm very Sorry. i might be late to submit job.Because it was 自己编写个原因.so i was delayed to 时间. ....i'm very sad....Wish my application be accepted. thank you.. best regards, 你的名字

大冶市19111229569: 求一片英语作文,关于我作业没交,向老师道歉,字数不要太多 -
龙贩金匮: sorry,teacher.I forget bring my homework I swear bring my homework tomorrow.

大冶市19111229569: 用英语写没有及时如约道歉的信信内容1 对自己不能如约道歉 2不能如约的原因 3 请求他再安排一个时间 -
龙贩金匮:[答案] 因为是翻译器翻译的如果你有更好的翻译请代替. 因为不知道你是几年级什么水平如果不懂请用其他容易理解的词语. 因为词... 亲爱的 Alice, 我为我的行为感到抱歉. 因为我必须完成我的家庭作业.昨晚约定的时候没有考虑到这些是我的疏忽,同时很抱...

大冶市19111229569: 写一篇英语道歉信,在英语课上做数学作业被张老师发现,写作要求如下:1表示歉意2解释上课做数学作业的原因3请求归还作业本并保证不再犯错 -
龙贩金匮:[答案] Dear Mr/Mrs **, I am so sorry about doing the mathmatics homework during your class. "then tell the reasons why you diid math“ But could you be so pleased to forgive me and give me my homework note back? ”I promise I will never do such thing ...

大冶市19111229569: 英语翻译老师同学们,我因为没能按时交作业所以站在这里反思自己.我按时完成了它,但今天早上我到学校比较晚,所以交作业很匆忙,一时的粗心大意,... -
龙贩金匮:[答案] Teacher and classmates, because I can't hand in the homework on time so to stand here to reflect on their own. Layout of history homework yesterday, I finish it on time, but this morning I went to school late, so the homework in a hurry, temporarily be ...

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