
作者&投稿:望发 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一段 Where stress come from? 应该是 Where does the stress come from?

第二段 class 改为 classes

第三段Adults also has pressure. has 改为have, boss 改为bosses




number one 前最好加个the 显得更通顺
various class 应该是classes
or the elder变为and the elders
the edler 为 the elders
though 和but不能一起用的,只能用一个,这个错误给改卷老师看到会大打折扣的哦
sometime 在这里必须改为sometimes,才能表示“有时”
还有一个错误,刚才没仔细看,不好意思。就是倒数第二行的will makes will后面要加原型,所以为will make

My favorite singer is Hebe. she is in the team whose name is SHE.They are popular among the young.

My favourite singner is Hebe.
She is in the music team.
The team's name is S.H.E.
The team S.H.E is popular.

popular 拼错了


She is in the music team

不要怕犯错,继续多读多写,写完后读几遍,把自己能读出来的错误先改了。老师批改作文的时候也会找出你其它的病句,你再问老师或者同学哪里错了,改正过来。慢慢来,你一定会进步的。相信我! 老写病句 证明你语文基础不过关 应该多读多看 报纸和文段还有就是文集什么的 慢慢你的语感就出来了 到高中老师会帮你重新...

英语作文修改~(在线等) 求高手指出语法和结构上的错误(有加分)
In my opinion, the most valuable personal quality of a university student is passion, which can not only help him keep up a good momentum of studying the expertise, but also stimulate him to be involved in the gaining of all-round knowledge. As FOR English translation major ...

第一篇:Dear Mr. Tan:I'm writing this letter to tell you something about our canteen.This canteen's waiters and waitresses are friendly;and the canteen is very tidy.But there still have some problems. For example: the price is little high;the variety of the food is limited;We...

有些地方有点小小的漏词,有些句子也有重复。所以我帮你改了点点,拿掉重复的句子,希望对你又帮助。Thins I don't like I'm a student, I've got some hobbies and somethings that I don't like. The things I don't like the most is basketball. Many student likes to play it, but...

拼写错误较多,注意在你文章里too应该改成so ,下面是我修改后的: My last vacation My last vacation, l was so happy.becausel went to my grandmother's home. there was a beautiful beach! l love there! In the morning,we went to the beach.the sun was beautiful and the beach ...

6.In other words, one successful job does not mean the money they have earned---In the other words, the reason why you describe the job is a success doesnt just depend on the money you made(你的表达方式有点怪)7.Futhermore you couldnt match money with happiness.8.A job i...

I had an unforgettable trip.I went to The Happy Valley with my friend in the summer vacation.It only took us thirty minutes to arrive there by the subway.We were surprised, because The Happy Valley is very huge and there were many interesting things in it.Such as Roller ...

这句话I go to bookstore for buying a book that called How To Improve Your Writing Skill.1.bookstore前面要有冠词,可以是泛指的一间书店a bookstore,也可以是特指的一间书店the bookstore 2. go to the bookstore to do sth.\/ go to the bookstore for sth. 前者表示去那里干嘛...

Greener city,better life Nowadays,with rapid development... 我把有的句子调了顺序哦,写作文要注意主动与被动,还有就是一个句子一个主谓宾,你的第一个句子society后要改成逗号喔 Greener city,better life Nowadays,with rapid development of our societythe green land in city is becoming an...

看看这个作文有没有语法错误 ,帮忙改正一下. hell
hello,everyone! nice to meet you! today is Tuesday ,April19th.the weather is sunny.my English nameis Molly miller.I am in grade nine class fifty two.How time flies! My middle school life is coming to an end. I can’t forget the happy time that I’ve spent with my ...

施甸县15621007099: 高中英语作文有哪些经常错误的地方 -
雀包甘瑞: 但最容易犯的是从句使用错误,从句又是必不可少的单词拼写、从句使用、倒装句结构、词组固定搭配、应用文文体格式、单复数使用,为作文的语言增色.当然,但是如果想要英语作文的高分,一篇作文不能大量使用长句,要适当穿插有特色的简单句,所以建议多联系从句的使用,可以背一些固定、有特色的句型,长短结合是最理想的

施甸县15621007099: 麻烦各位英语大佬看一下这篇作文哪里有错误(初二的)? -
雀包甘瑞: 第一行:Sunday 一个星期的七天名称要大写.把how删除,学骑自行车,无须"学如何骑车".bike,可数名词单数, 前要加不定冠词 a. 第三行 建议把held改为 supported (扶着). 第七行,计划plan 的过去式要双写最后的n再加ed,planned . 倒数第二行,successful 拼错了.倒数第一行中bike 前要加a.

施甸县15621007099: 两篇英语作文,帮我看看哪里有错的November 10th sunday snowyToday was sunday .In the morning .I ate breakfast .I did my homework .In the afternoon .I had ... -
雀包甘瑞:[答案] November 10th sunday snowy Today was sunday.In the morning,(这里逗号) I ate breakfast and (如果是改错别字就不... (What would you do if you had a million dollars?)这个通顺一点 好啦,提醒一句其实上网也有很多类似的作文 用英文搜寻就行...

施甸县15621007099: 我写的英语作文,请帮看一下哪里有错误 -
雀包甘瑞: some dogs do not eat vegetables,but they love vegetables.one day,in the middle of night,some one picked the lock and came in.then it shouted at him.

施甸县15621007099: 帮我看看我的英语作文哪里有错?Nowadays,with the development of society,people have a lot of pressure.Where does the stress come from?What should they ... -
雀包甘瑞:[答案] number one 前最好加个the 显得更通顺various class 应该是classeslost在这里用过去式不是很好,因为整段都是一般式,会显得很突兀,还是用回原型lose比较好pressure用pressures更好companion加复数companionsor the el...

施甸县15621007099: 这个英语作文有哪些地方错了? -
雀包甘瑞: 1、第一行in->on2、第一行is->was.3、第二行will->would4、第二行studied->studying5、第三行a lot->a lot of6、第三行came -> came to7、第四行builded->build8、第四行hospital->hospitals9、第四行soldier->soldiers10、第五行friend->friendly

施甸县15621007099: 英语作文容易错的地方 -
雀包甘瑞: 时态,单三(加不加s或ed了)..语法,,,,,基本就是这些

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雀包甘瑞:[答案] John Gurdon ranked last out of the 250 boys in his Eton year group at biology. His schoolmaster have told him he did not have the gift of study the subject However,sixty-five year later,he awarded the Noble Prize in medicine for his pioneering work on ...

施甸县15621007099: 帮忙改下英语作文错的地方 -
雀包甘瑞: William is my good friend, I like him very much, because he is very enthusiastic. He often helps the students solve their difficulties, including me.Two years ago, I rode my bike to home, because of I was not careful, I fell and then I felt my feet very ...

施甸县15621007099: 40分.看下这篇英语作文哪里有错 -
雀包甘瑞: 那篇作文基本上要通篇重写,大致要写成:Dear Mrs. Wilson,If you are not seeing me when you are back home, please don't worry, because I am out for shopping in the aftern...

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