翻译为英语--把这几句歌词翻译下了 谢谢,尽量美一些别出错

作者&投稿:佘佳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译为英语--把这几句歌词翻译下了 谢谢,尽量美一些别出错~

1 last night how many sad tears涌上my mind, only the stars know that my heart
2 Cangcangbaiwu the vast green grass, a beauty in the water side
3 At first you inadvertently by the World Bank and the young do not I, Red Dust in the love life because it does not rush the phrase Jiaozhuo
4 you said you should not love the love of people, your heart is full of wounds, you said you made a mistake should not be committed, he is full of remorse
5 I was unable to resist the special-Oh night to think you can not breathe. Hen Buneng immediately in the wild to you loudly to tell you willing to you and I are willing to what you and I are willing to
What are you willing to

When sky is dark,
When the air is cold,
Yet with your spark,
They will all fold.

In face of judging glare,
And piercing rant,
You gently repair,
through rainbow's end.

So much tearful sorrow came upon my mind yesterday, only the stars can understand my heart.

green grass and white fog come into sight
A beauty is beside a river.


Careless you and immature me,love in this earthy world is because of the speechless burning life.

You say you loved someone unworthy of your love and you're hurt. You say you made mistakes which can be avoided. Regret and hatred are in your mind.

5我无力抗拒特别是夜里喔~想你到无法呼吸。恨不能立即朝你狂奔去 大声的告诉你~愿意为你 我愿意为你 我什么都愿意 什么都愿意为你

I have no strength to refuse. especially in the evening. breathless when thinking of you.
I can't help rushing to you at once.
tell you loudly.
I will, I will, anything I can do for you

1 Last night how much sad tears surge forward the at heart, onlying have the stars to know my heart
2 Limitless and boundless and white fog of green grass is open and spacious and distant, having a beauty at one square of water
3 The inception pay no attention of you and young not through a life time of I, the love fate in the world of mortals is only because that life is in a hurry not the language is very worried
4 You say that you loved the person that shouldn't love, full is a scar in your heart, you say that you made and shouldn't make wrong, full is a regret in the heart
5 I have no the dint to resist especially at the mid-night oh~ think that you arrive and can't breathe.Hate can't run about wildly toward you immediately to go to loudly of tell you~ would like to be you, Is and would like to be you, Is what would like to,
What would like to be you

1. last night how many tears fall into my heart, only the stars know my heart
2. green grass under white mist, there is a lady out there somewhere
3. you, who was free at the beginning, and me, who was young and naive, our affinity in this world is all because of the unspoken hardships in life
4. you said you loved someone you shouldn't love, your heart is covered with scars; you said you made a mistake you shouldn't have made, you heart is full of regret
5. I cannot deny, especially during the night, thinking of you until I cannot breathe. How I wish I can instantly run to you, loudly tell you, I'm willing, for you I'm willing, I'm willing to do anything
I'm willing to do anything for you

1 last night how many sad tears涌上my mind, only the stars know that my heart
2 Cangcangbaiwu the vast green grass, a beauty in the water side
3 At first you inadvertently by the World Bank and the young do not I, Red Dust in the love life because it does not rush the phrase Jiaozhuo
4 you said you should not love the love of people, your heart is full of wounds, you said you made a mistake should not be committed, he is full of remorse
5 I was unable to resist the special-Oh night to think you can not breathe. Hen Buneng immediately in the wild to you loudly to tell you willing to you and I are willing to what you and I are willing to
What are you willing to

1.With so many tears falling down my heart last night, only stars know me inside
2.Amid green grass and heavy mist, a beauty is waiting somewhere
3.You were absent-minded at first and I was young and pure, we were meant to be in this earthy world as silent life is burning and fast-flowing away
4.You said you loved someone you shouldn't love, you felt the pain inside. And you said you made a mistake you shouldn't make, you felt regret inside.
5.I can't resist missing you, especially at night. It makes me breathless and wanna run towards you and shout on you: I will, I do will, whatever it is , do it for you.

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长治市17369804146: 帮忙把几句歌词翻译成英文
尾呢欣然: 汗,全是Google翻译来骗分数的,哇哈哈还是怪蜀黍翻的稍微像样点, 后半段我改了下 In my dream, I seek for nothing in a flurry, suddenly awake in the deep night only to find myself alone. 咳咳 真是伤脑筋啊

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