
作者&投稿:韶红 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语周记 中秋节~

Mid-autumn Day falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month(农历). On that night the moon is brighter and fuller than any other night. In China, Mid-autumn Day is a time for family reunions (团圆).
On this day, many families enjoy watching the full moon. Some families will bake(烘) cakes, called “moon cakes.” Then, each member of the family will eat a piece of cake to show their unity(团圆). Some moon cakes are made of wheat flour (面粉), sugar and lotus seed powder (莲子粉). They're delicious!
In ancient China, poets considered the moon as a symbol of brightness, purity and goodness. They wrote many beautiful poems about the moon. The most popular one was a story about a lady on the moon. She flew to the moon and lived in the Moon Palace .

When Mid-autumn Day is approaching, people get more and more hilarious. They begin to plan what they are going to do on Mid-autumn Day. Life is somewhat too long, so long that we need some markers to remind ourselves what time is it now. Like Uncle Vanya's nurse who counted the years by remembering how many winters she had gone through, we need some special days to mark our life and make it more recognizable. And fortunately, we have Mid-autumn Day to fullfil this need.
So, naturally, this day is attached with great importance and meaning and people spare no efforts to make it special. Mooncake is thus created, and looking at the moon becomes an activity of peculiar meaning. Mooncake serves to characterize MId-autumn Day, and to some voracious people, Mid-autumn Day is tantamount to a pile of mooncakes, which make this day certainly a happy one to these people.
I came to found that people who actively embark on preparing for Mid-autumn Day are actually doing a solemn ritual. They are run in a loss in order to make themselves feel not lost. They are afraid of being lost in the procession. So they keep up their pace, look around to see what others are fumbling around, and finally imitate. The funny thing is by this miorring and copying, the Mid-autumn Day ritual is preserved.
So, when Mid-autumn Day is approaching, mooncakes begin to emerge on the shelves in supermarkets; people get more and more excited in sight of these mooncakes.At least they have some target to aim at: buy as much mooncakes as one can. That's what makes life fun and appreciable.
Love you, mooncakes.You have made someone's life complete

The Mid-Autumn day is a traditional festival in China, Families get together, eating mooncakes and enjoying the full bright moon. However, some of the traditions are fading away in modern times, especially in big cities. Take my family for example, we live in a small rented flat in a tall building, it's not convenient to take a glimps of the moon which is hiden bebind the thick industrial smog. we didn't buy any mooncakes, either. Simply because it's not only unhealthy but also quite expensive, the money should be better used for the necessities. The 3-day festival is a good chance for my working Mom and Dad to take a break, so I didn't bother them to play with me or take me out. Oh, by the way, there's a huge amount of homework awaiting me. That's how we celebrete this damn festival.

三年级周记中秋节可以写:自己的亲身经历、中秋节的由来和习俗和自己对中秋节的看法和感想。1、自己的亲身经历 描述中秋节当天的活动和感受,体现出对传统节日的喜爱和对家人的亲情。这种写法可以突出个人的特色和情感,让读者感受到作者的真诚和热情。例如:今天是中秋节,我和爸爸妈妈一起去奶奶家吃团圆...


听爸爸说,很多人不能在中秋节和家人团圆,我更觉得自己很幸福。 中秋节四年级作文4 八月十五到了!我梦想中的欢乐中秋节终于来了,我的心真是又高兴又兴奋! 中秋节是一个特别的日子,为什么特别呢?因为十五的月亮圆又圆,中秋节不但可以赏月,还可以吃那美味的月饼,想起来我都流口水了!中秋节可不是光吃月饼的,里...


moonlight sprinkles the full earth immediately.The moon is very round.We enjoy the glorious full moon as well as,eating moon cake.Happy days has go by all of a sudden ,in the mid-autumn this is really happy!今天是中秋节,爸爸带我们去海边赏月.我看见月亮从楼角慢慢上升,好像害羞...

中秋介绍词100字怎么写,写给外国人看,中文,有题目如下:题目:中秋节的魅力和温馨 亲爱的朋友们,欢迎来到中国的中秋节。在这个美好的夜晚,让我们一起感受中秋节的魅力。中秋节,又称月圆节,是每年农历八月十五日,与家人、朋友共度的团圆佳节。在这个特别的日子,人们聚集在一起,品尝美味的月饼,...

中秋四年级作文1 盼星星,盼月亮,终于盼到中秋节了!中秋节这天,我和爸爸妈妈、弟弟一起团圆了! 这天晚上,妈妈正在做饭,我和弟弟还有爸爸在开心地看着电视。不一会儿,我便闻到了一股香喷喷的味道。我到厨房一看:“哇!是我最爱吃的鱼肉,还有鸡肉……”我迫不及待地把菜端上饭桌,一滴口水从我嘴里流了下来。我...

The Mid-Autumn day is a traditional festival in China, Families get together, eating mooncakes and enjoying the full bright moon. However, some of the traditions are fading away in modern times, especially in big cities. Take my family for example, we live in a small rented flat...

农历八月十五,是传统的中秋节,也是我国仅次于春节的第二大传统节日。 在这一天,全家团圆,可以吃月饼,还可以赏月。天渐渐地暗下来,爸爸妈妈从自己的单位回来,哥哥的学校也放假了。月亮出来的时候,团圆饭做好了,我们一家人坐在饭桌旁,看见各式各样的菜,真是丰盛呀!大家在一起谈笑风生的,开心极了!突然,哥哥妈妈的...

中秋节这天早上,我和爸爸妈妈一起去姥姥家过中秋节。一路上,我心情高兴极了,一家人开开心心的去了一家超市买月饼和各式各样的零食。买月饼的人可真多,一眼望去这里好像不是超市了,更像是变成了一个菜市场,所有人都忙忙碌碌的挑选自己喜欢的月饼。月饼的形式多样,有大有小,花纹不一,真诱人啊! 走了个多小时...

南宫市15735092372: 七年级下册的英语作文请写一篇短文,介绍你和家人一起过中秋节的情景,字数70左右 -
闻肺达路:[答案]The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important Chinese festival.It's on the fifth of August. We can hang lanterns in the house.In the evening,we have a big dinner.Look, there is lots of food on the table.They are chicken,fish,crabs and so on. They're very ...

南宫市15735092372: 请写一篇英语短文,介绍你和家人一起过中秋节的情景,词数70字左右 -
闻肺达路: the mid-autumn festival the mid-autumn is a very important chinese festival. it falls on the 15th day of august. a few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. lanterns will be hung in front of the ...

南宫市15735092372: 请帮我写一篇,中秋节时,我和我的家人吃月饼和赏月的英语作文 -
闻肺达路:[答案] 昨天是中秋节,晚饭以后,我和爸爸、妈妈高高兴兴地坐在阳台上,一边吃月饼,一边吃柿子,一边赏月. 一轮金黄的圆月已经高高地挂在天空中,向地上洒下皎洁的月光,像轻纱似的一般温柔.天空中云很淡,风很轻,月光很美,这构成了一幅漂亮...

南宫市15735092372: 关于我们家如何庆祝中秋节的英语作文至少60词 -
闻肺达路:[答案] During the festival, my family members got united and have mooncakes together. THere were various kind of mooncakes, such as bean paste, egg-yolk or meat. The shape of a mooncake was round as it sym...

南宫市15735092372: 请用英语一段话写出你和家人在中秋节的感受不少五句话 -
闻肺达路:[答案] Today is Mid-autumn Day.All of my family members get together and have a celebration .Everyone is happy and you can feel this from our smiling faces.Especially my grandma,who is 90 years old ,hopes that all her children can aconpany her every day....

南宫市15735092372: 写一家人过中秋节英语作文六句话,要最简单的 -
闻肺达路: 最简单的中秋节家人团聚六句话: My family always get together on the day before Mid Autumn festival. My father will plan games for us. My mother prepares the moon cakes and fruits. We sit in a yard with the food on the table. The moon was coming up then moonlight shining. We enjoy the night very much.

南宫市15735092372: 中秋节怎样过英语作文 -
闻肺达路: The Mid-Autumn FestivalThe Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the ...

南宫市15735092372: 书面表达(共1小题,计15分)假如你是李磊,向你的美国笔友Tom介绍中国的中秋节,以及你和你的家人是如何度过刚刚过去的中秋节的?请用英语给他写... -
闻肺达路:[答案] I'm very glad to tell you something about Mid Autumn Festival. Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of China. It used to be as important as Spring Festival. It is usually celebrated i...

南宫市15735092372: 请写一篇关于中秋的英语周记,不是写中秋的由来,是写自己的感受的. 不要写得太好,写成高一的水平的可以 -
闻肺达路: Today is the Mid-Autumn festival. After dinner, my dad and mom in the small courtyard, tasting the moon cakes, chatting. The silent night. Blue sky, the moon is already not usual disc, the curved boat. It put pieces of white light to the earth. It is not so ...

南宫市15735092372: 介绍中秋节英语作文80词初三 -
闻肺达路: Mid-autumn Festival Mid-autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese day,just like Thanks giving Day in American.Families got to gether to celebrate the festival and they usually have a big dinner .There are all kinds of mooncakes with nuts ,meat or ...

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