高中英语必修一the road to modern english课文翻译

作者&投稿:鄢磊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
高一英语 the road to modern english 这篇文章的翻译~

通向现代英语的路在16世纪末,有5到7百万人说英语。他们大部分都住在英国。随后的一个世纪,英国人的航行征服世界的其他地区,因为这一点,英文开始展到许多其他国家今天,比以前更多的人以英语作为第一,第二语言。英语是母语的人可以明白不同地区的人说的英语例如:你想看看我的平房吗?是的,我希望去你的公寓。那么,为什么英语随着时间推移而改变呢?事实上每个语言都随着文化和交流的发展而改变。最初的英语口语公元450到1150年完全不同与今天的英语.最初的英语和德语很像随后大约在公元800和1150 ,英语变得不像德语那么流行了,因为英国统治者先学丹麦语,然后法语,最后才是英语这些新的定居人(丹麦人和法国人)带来了新的词汇和口语。因此,在1600年的莎士比亚(王朝名称)能够利用比以往任何时候更广泛的语言18世纪后,很多英国人被带去了澳大利亚.英语开始在这些国家中流行开来。问题补充:最后到19世纪,英语就固定住了那时,英语有两次大的拼写变化:第一次是塞缪尔·约翰逊写了字典,随后是诺亚韦·伯斯特为英语写了美国字典.后者单独划出了美国式拼写。现在英语也在南亚地区作为第一,第二语言来流行。例如:印度有大量的人说英语,比以往1765到1947年都多。这时英语也被作为官方和教学语言.英语还在新加坡,马来西亚和非洲例如南非等国家流行起来。今天,在中国说英语的人也迅速的增长起来。实际上,中国有最大适量的英语学习者。中国的英语会发展成中式英语吗?只有时间能说明一切。【100分太少了老大,再给点儿鼓励分吧!】


At the end of the 16th century, about five to seven million people speak English. Nearly all of them lived in England. In the next century, people from England started moving to other parts of the world, so English began to be spoken in many other countries. Today, more people speak English as their first, second or foreign language than ever before. China may have the largest number of English speakers.
Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English. However, they may not be able to understand everything. For example, a British person may say to her friends, “Would you please come up to my flat for a visit?” One of her American friends may then ask her, “Come up where?” Her Canadian friend might explain, “She means we should come up to her apartment.”
So why has English changed over time? All language changes when cultures communicate with one another. The English spoken between about 450 and 1150 was very different from the English spoken today. Actually, it was based more on German than present day English. Then from about 1150 to 1500 English change even more. It became less like German, and more like French because those who ruled England at that time spoke French. It became closer to the language you are learning now. In the 1600’s, Shakespeare made use of a wider vocabulary than ever before, one big change in English usage happened Noah Webster wrote the American Dictionary of the English Language, giving American English its own identity. Later, when some British people went to Australia, English began to be spoken there. Now Australian English has its own identity.
English is also spoken as a foreign or second language in South Asia. India has a very large number of English speakers. This is because Britain ruled India from 1765 to 1947. During that time, English became the language for government and education. English is also spoken in many other countries of Africa and Asia, such as South Africa, Singapore and Malaysia. In China, English has been used in Hong Kong since about 1842. Today the number of people learning English is increasing rapidly.. Will Chinese English become one of the world Englishes? Only time will tell.

本土英语发言可以了解对方,即使他们没有讲同种英语。不过,他们可能无法理解的一切。举例来说,英国的人可能会说她的朋友, “请你来我单位进行了访问” ?之一,她的美国朋友可能,然后问她, “来了哪里? ”她加拿大的朋友,或许可以解释, “她手段,我们应该拿出她的公寓“ 。

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捷齐喘络: The Road to Modern English At the end of the 16th century, about five to seven million people speak English. Nearly all of them lived in England. In the next century, people from England started moving to other parts of the world, so English began to ...

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捷齐喘络:[答案] The Road to Modern English At the end of the 16th century,about five to seven million people speak English.Nearly all of them lived in England.In the next century,people from England started moving to...

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捷齐喘络: 现代英语之路~~好像是.

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