高一英语必修一翻译。 1.当我年轻时,我本应该更努力学习。 2.这场大雪阻止了我们外出。 3.他们

作者&投稿:黄养 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
昨天因为下大雪我们没外出 翻译式成英语~


We did not go out yesterday due to heavy snow.
We did not go outside yesterday because of the snow storm.
We stayed inside the house yesterday because it was snowing heavily.


We should make full use of natural resources


I'll tell him the news as soon as I see him


They are busy preparing for the wedding

4,班主任告知我们这一令人兴奋的消息(要用inform sb of sth)
The head teacher inform us of the exciting news

I should have studied harder When I was young
The big snow prevented us from going out.
they did tell the truth
You should play an active role in struggling for equal rights for black people
it was at that moment that he realized that he had made a big mistake.
i will never gorget the time when we spent in Beijing
the boy would like to make efforts to buy the bicycle
he has no expectation for my success
when in danger,people alawys resort to the police for help

  1. When I was young ,I should have studied harder.

  2. The big snow stopped us from going out.

  3. It's true that they told the truth.

  4. You should take an active part in the activities in which black people struggle for equal rights.

  5. Only at that time did he realize that hehad  made a big mistake.

  6. We will remember the days that we have spent in Beijing..

  7. The child would like to work hard to buy a bike.

  8. I don't have any hope for my success.

  9. People will ask the police for help in time of danger.

when I was young ,I should have been study ing hard .
we were prevent ed going out by this snowstorm .
they did actually tell the truth
you should actively participate in the activities that held for the equal rights of black people
he only realized that he had made a big mistake in that moment
I will remember the days when we spent together
this kid will work hard to buy a bicycle
I don't expect my success
when people stuck in danger ,they always ask policeman for help

When I was young ,I should have study harder

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丰元贝儿:[答案] have no intrest in the * time to dobe addiced towatch outkeep sth opencommunicate withlook down uponprevent sth from happeningsee sthdo sth heart and soul

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