
作者&投稿:瞿行 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 你女儿个子高,身体好,又漂亮,将来可以当舞蹈家。
Your daughter is tall, fit and pretty. She can be a dancer in the future.

2. 为了掩盖他的罪行,他编了一个故事。
In order to cover his crime, he made up a story.

3. 别放弃!继续试下去。
Don't give up! Keep trying.

4. 他说的太快,要跟上他实在困难。
He speaks too fast for others to catch him.

5. 你还没有完全复原,不要过度劳累。
Don't make yourself too tired because you haven't recovered yet.

6. 咱们等他考完试之后再把这坏消息告诉他吧!
Don't tell him the bad news until he finished the exam.

7. 他说了个笑话使大伙都笑了起来。
We all laughed by his joke.

8. 我不明白他为什么不嫌麻烦要亲自把信送去。
I don't understand why he sent the letter himself with patience.

They don't know where i am from.
Mother asked me whether I have finished my homework.
The teacher told us that the sun is larger than the earth last week.
We all know that Taiwan is to the east of Fujian.


除了去公园之外,我的活动范围仅限于邻近地区。(apart from going to the park, my scope of movement is confined to the neighbourhood)
2.没有足够的证据很难作出结论。There is insufficient evidence to (draw a conclusion)
3.这些科学家的探寻将有助于我们项目的成功。(The scientific enquiry by the scientists contribute to the success of our project)
4.居斯特夫.埃菲尔(Gustave Eiffel)对他修建铁塔的计划满怀热情,而这座塔使他闻名于世。(Gustave Eiffel is enthusiatic about his plan to construct the tower. This tower will let him well renown in the world )
5.他常提出些不同寻常的计划。你加入之前要慎重对待。(He always put forward unusual plans, so be cautious to this before you join in the plan)
6.谁是第一个反对“地心说”的人?(Who is the first person to reject the theory of the earth as the center of the universe)
7.虽然他的写作没什么意思,但弗雷德还是确信自己的作文会得高分。(Although his writing does not make sense, however Federick is positive about scoring high marks for his writings)

1. In addition to parks, I limited the scope of activities in the neighbouring regions.
2. Not enough evidence to a conclusion
Three of these scientists will help us to explore the success of the project.
4. Habitat Site Fu. Ai Feier he built the Eiffel Tower on the plan with enthusiasm, and this made him famous tower.
5. He often made more unusual projects. Before you join to treat seriously.
6. Who was the first against the "geocentric said" the people »
7. Although he's writing no meaning, but Fred is convinced that its composition will be a high score.

Apart from the park, the range of my movements is limited to my neighbourhood.
It is hard/difficult to draw a conclusion without sufficient evidence.
The scientific enquiry made by these scientists will contribute to the success of our project.
Gustave Eiffel was very enthusiastic about his plan to construct the tower, and the tower made him well known in the world.
He often puts forward some unusual plans. You should be cautious to consider them before you join in on them.
Who is the first man to reject the theory of the geocentric model of the universe?
Though his writing didn't make much sense, Fred was still positive that his composition would get a high mark.


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He taught that the way to be happy was to own as few things as possible.他说,使人快乐的秘诀,就是尽可能不计较得失。All he owned was a big jar that he lived in,a coat,a bag and a cup.他所有的一切就是,他住着的一个大罐子,一件外套,一个包,和一个杯子。

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19. 阅读下面的文字,按要求作文 水手等待风起,帆船才能起航;雄鹰等待气流,才能翱翔蓝天……人生中有很多东西值得等待,你等待的是什么。 请以“等待___”为题,写一篇文章。 要求:(1)把题目补充完整;(2)自选文体;内容不少于600字; (3)文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名;(4)认真书写,力求工整、美观。 附加题(...

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麻烦翻译成中文下! 急,非常感谢!!!


大化瑶族自治县13140637751: 麻烦帮我汉翻英下面12个句子1 炉子着的很旺 2 她着凉了 3 上不着天,下不着地 4 你猜着了 5 老李躺下就睡着了 6 他有点儿着慌 7 他走错了一着 8 老王说,... -
柳凌脑血:[答案] 1. the oven is scorching2. she caught a cold3. can't reach the sky or the earth4. you got it5. Lao Li slept soon after lying down6. he is a bit flurried7. he made a mistake8. Lao Wang said he had no m...

大化瑶族自治县13140637751: 急:按要求翻译下面的句子(汉译英)谢谢啦!
柳凌脑血: 1. In addition to parks, I limited the scope of activities in the neighbouring regions. (apart from; movement; neighbourhood) 2. Not enough evidence to a conclusion. (draw a conclusion) 3. These scientists will help us to explore the success of the ...

大化瑶族自治县13140637751: 英语翻译麻烦大家帮忙翻译下下面的几个句子,1)我坐火车经过上海去北京时,得在上海换车.由于从南昌来的列车误点,我在上海错过了去北京的14次特快.... -
柳凌脑血:[答案] 1.when I took a train to BJ ,I had to pass through SH,where I would have transfer another train.Because the train from NC was delayed,I missed the 14th-shift express train to BJ.I was anxious about ...

大化瑶族自治县13140637751: 麻烦帮忙翻译一下下列句子! -
柳凌脑血: 闹饥荒的年份也是工钱最是低的时候,正是寺院大兴土木建院修造的大好时机.

大化瑶族自治县13140637751: 麻烦帮忙翻译几个英语句子~(汉译英) -
柳凌脑血: 展开全部1 Even without higher education, you can be the same person as the movie star Jackie Chan, or the successful businessmen like Bill Gates2 Although in some degree, the University contributes to the success, but not the decisive factors of ...

大化瑶族自治县13140637751: 麻烦下下列语句翻译成文言文 -
柳凌脑血: 纯站在古代的立场上这样写: 吾每餐耗钱十文、用时一刻.然吾每刻之薪仅八文.悲呼!薪何低也! 注:古代一个时辰2小时,每个时辰占4刻,1刻即相当于现在半小时. 现在的话: 吾每餐耗十元钱、用半小时.然吾半小时之薪仅八元.悲呼!薪何低也!

大化瑶族自治县13140637751: 英译汉,这几句话麻烦翻译下
柳凌脑血:1.交通峰时的就是交通最繁忙的时段. 2.信息高速公路使世界越来越小. 3.他带警察看了他被殴打的那个地点. boiled是指状态,指水烧开的状态,是形容词;而is boiled则是指水被烧得一个动作,不一定是水烧开了,也可能水在被烧但还没有烧开

大化瑶族自治县13140637751: 请帮我翻译一下下面几个句子(英→汉) -
柳凌脑血: 1: I think that has always been a man and nature should live in harmony 2: the development of the industry led to increasingly serious pollution, resulting in many parts of the world have been destroyed, a large number of dead plants 3: direct ...

大化瑶族自治县13140637751: 英语翻译麻烦翻译一下以下几个句子,谢拉!1.如果汽车到站了,请通知我一声2.请帮我叫一辆打表的的士3.请帮我把下面的地址写成泰文 -
柳凌脑血:[答案] if the bus get to the station ,please tell me ..please take me a taxi with taximeter ...write down the address in thai please .你不是要去泰国吧.那的出租车分N种.好多司机不认路 ..

大化瑶族自治县13140637751: 帮我翻译下这几个句子 -
柳凌脑血: The refrigerator is in the kitchen. How many chairs in the living room或者parlor? Is there any magazines on the chair? Where are the magazines?Those magazines are on the radio.

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