
作者&投稿:承凯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


A Legendary King

The story of King Arthur is one that has been told for hundreds of years. There have been poems, books and even films made of his life, all of them telling the story a little differently.

The basic story is this. There was a sword stuck in a stone. The legend said that whoever could remove the sword would become King of England and save the country. Many brave knights tried to pull the sword out, but they all failed. One day, a young boy called Arthur was walking past the stone. He didn't know it, but he was in fact the son of an old king. He pulled the sword out of the stone and became the new King of England.

The stories of Arthur as King are tales of bravery and nobility. His closest advisor was Merlin, a powerful wizard. Arthur lived in a castle called Camelot with his beautiful wife, Guinevere. In the castle he had a round table, where he sat with his knights. It was round so that there was no one at the head of the table (which is where the most important person would usually sit) and Arthur and his knights were all equal.

Arthur, with his famous magical sword Excalibur, and his closest knights Sir Lancelot and Sir Galahad, fought against the forces of evil in England. These were led by Arthur's half-sister, Morgan, who was a witch. After many battles, there was only one left to fight. Arthur and his knights finally won the battle against Morgan's army, and England was safe! However, Arthur had been hurt, and was dying. He threw his sword into a lake, where the magical Lady of the Lake could look after it, and then he died. He was buried in Avalon, in the south-west of England. According to the legend, Arthur will rise again to save England if it is ever in danger in the future.

But did Arthur really exist? Some say he was a Roman, others say a Briton fighting the invading Saxons, but there is no proof of his existence. But perhaps this doesn't matter. The story of a great, noble and brave king, who died to save his country, is one that people of all generations find fascinating, even today.








How did it survive?

he legend of King Arthur is one that is known the world over. It is steeped in chivalry and romance. To most people it is just that, a romantic story of a king and his exploits involving magic, magicians in an age where good conquered evil. How this legend grew, will be explained. If there were no historical basis for the legend, I would not include it here. This legend however is thought to have been based on an actual person.

The legend

he development of the story of King Arthur is interesting. Like any good story, it gets better in the telling over the years. The first work that mentions Arthur, was that written by Nennius in the 9th century. It was a single paragraph written in Latin and was thought to have been taken from an even older Welsh story. This story may have been centuries old and would have been past from generation to generation verbally. The paragraph concerns itself with the twelve great battles that were fought by Arthur.

Written down

he first evidence we have concerning the stories was a collection of legends written in Brittany in their local language. Why Brittany, I have no idea. By the middle of the twelfth century the legend began to develop with the work of Geoffrey of Monmouth. His work entitled "Historia Britonum" was the first real reference to the legends connected with King Arthur. Geoffrey of Monmouth stated that the original Brittany work was the inspiration for his. Again it was translated into Latin.

Another translation

ot long after Geoffrey of Monmouth's work - the Norman chronicler Wace, translated the work into Norman French.

The culprits

owards the end of the twelfth century, a writer by the name of Walter Map took the work of Wace and others and romanticised them into French prose. It was his working of the old stories that were mainly responsible for legend we have today. Very early into the 13th century, the parish priest of early in Worcestershire wrote the poem now known as "Brut". Written in Old English, as opposed to early Anglo Saxon, he again developed the story making Arthur the hero we love to read about now. One fact that did not seem to get distorted was the original origin of Arthur. In all of the translations his Welsh, Celtic origin was acknowledged.

Sir Thomas Malory

he following three hundred years saw the working at reworking of the original story. Each version becoming more and more glossy as extra detail was added by each writer. In 1470, Sir Thomas Malory completed a work now known as "Morte Darthur" which was probably more responsible for the concept of chivalry than any other work. It is a long book and is difficult to understand, very much like certain scenes in the Bayeux Tapestry, they relates to occurrences that are not understandable by us today. This reference work was the inspiration for Tennyson's " Ideology of the Kings".

The birth of King Arthur

t befell in the days of Uther Pendragon, when he was king of all England, that there was a mighty duke in Cornwall that held war against him a long time. And the duke was named the Duke of Tintagil. Ten miles away from his castle, called Terrabil, there was, in the castle Tintagil, Igraine of Cornwall, that King Uther liked and loved well, for she was a good and fair lady, and passing wise. He made her great cheer out of measure, and desired to have her love in return; but she would not assent unto him, and for pure anger and for great love of fair Igraine King Uther fell sick. At that time there lived a powerful magician named Merlin, who could appear in any place he chose, could change his looks as he liked, and at will could do wonderful things to help or to harm knights and ladies. So to King Uther came Sir Ulfius, a noble knight, and said, " I will seek Merlin, and he shall do you remedy so that your heart shall be pleased." So Ulfius departed, and by adventure met Merlin in beggar's array, and made him promise to be not long behind in riding to Uther's pavilion. Soon Merlin stood by the king's side and said : " I know all your heart, and promise ye shall have your desire, if ye will be sworn to fulfil my wish." This the king solemnly agreed to do, and then Merlin said: "After ye shall win Igraine as wife, a child shall be born to you that is to be given unto me to be brought up as I will; this shall be for your honour and the child's avail." That night King Uther met in battle the Luke of Tintagil, who had protected Igraine in her castle, and overcame him. Then Igraine welcomed Uther as her true lover, for Merlin had given him the appearance of one dear to her, and, the barons being all well accorded, the two were married on a morning with great mirth and joy. When the time came that Igraine should bear a son, Merlin came again unto the King to claim his promise, and he said: "I know a lord of yours in this land, a passing true man and a faithful, named Sir Ector, and he shall have the nourishing of your child. Let the young Prince be delivered to me at yonder privy postern, when I come for him." So the babe, Arthur Pendragon, bound in a cloth of gold, was taken by two knights and two ladies to the postern gate of the castle and delivered unto Merlin, disguised as a poor man, and by him was carried forth to Sir Ector, whose wife nourished him as her own child. Then within two years King Uther fell sick of a great malady. Wherefore all the barons made great sorrow, and asked Merlin what counsel were best, for few of them had ever seen or heard of the young child, Arthur. On the morn all by Merlin's counsel came before the King, and Merlin said: "Sir, shall your son Arthur be king, after your days, of this realm with all the appurtenance ? " Then Uther Pendragon turned him and said in hearing of them all, "I give him God's blessing and mine, and bid him righteously and honourably to claim the crown upon forfeiture of my blessing." Therewith he died, and he was buried as befitted a king, and the queen, fair Igraine, and all the barons made great sorrow.

From: Stories of King Arthur and his Knights ( by Waldo Cutler ).


What proof exists about King Arthur?

he development of the legend above gives some idea how stories become distorted over the years. The question is, did he really exist? I have briefly mentioned him in the main text and who he could possibly have been. Here I will attempt to go into more detail. There is not a lot of proof that he really existed but certain historical facts lead one to the conclusion that a character did exist who was involved in fighting the Saxons.

Battle of Mount Baldon

here was a battle fought against the Saxons in 518 known as the battle of Mount Badon. This is a obscure part of British history because we do not know who was the leader of this combined Celtic force that defeated the Saxons. The first detail we have about Arthur possibly being the general in this conflict comes from Nennius . As his work was written over 300 years after the event, and considering the way information was passed to later generations, the question has to be asked. Can we trust this account. One thing remains and this is the name Arthur. If we can't categorically prove that he existed, we might be able to vouch for the authenticity of a character alive at that time who fills the criteria, that is the legend we know today. Any work later than Nennisus's or the Brittany chronicles can be discounted.


rthur has been attributed to many areas and to many races. It seems that his reputation is such that people would like to be associated with him, or at least what he stood for. During the early stages after the evacuation of the Romans, the Saxons took the opportunity to step into their place. This could only be done by subjugating the indigenous Celts by brutal means. They were pushed north and west into Cornwall and Wales. Removed form their homelands, their situation became dire. The gains and cultural advancement made during Roman occupation dissipated in hunger and barbaric treatment. The Celtic people fought for their lives but were fighting a losing battle. This existence would have destroyed them if this new strong leader had not come along when he did.

The facts

ryt is the early name for a Briton or in other words Brythonic people are almost always associated with Celts. These people were not only form Britain but had dealings with other Celtic strains in Europe, especially Brittany in France. If Nennius whetted our appetite for this saviour, a more reliable source who was born the same year as the Battle of Mount Badon and was named Gildas, makes no mention of Arthur. When the Saxons reached their limit of advancement, the Celts of Cornwall were cut off from the Welsh strain by the Bristol Channel, who in turn were annexed from the Northern Celts. We have therefore, three separate peoples of the same racial origin, all cut off from each other on the British Mainland. The Legend of Arthur states that his castle was in Camelot. This would have made him a Cornwall Celt. The early folk stories contradict this in stating that he was from Wales. Legends of characters exist that could possibly place him between the two Roman walls in Scotland. The French like to think he came from Brittany originally. The sad part of all this is that we do not know the location of Mount Badon. If we did, we would have a better idea of his origins. We could therefore speculate that it was not Cornwall because it has no mountains.

Where Arthur was killed

rthur was said to have been killed in the Battle of Camlan in 537. Again the location of this battle is not known. It is interesting to note that the word Kambria or ( Cambria ) was used almost exclusively to mean Wales in the 12th century. Possibly, Camlan was in Wales? To avoid going round in circles through lack of evidence and to avoid repeating myself. In the section entitled "The Saxons", I have included further information on this subject with possible contenders.

  Shakespeare said: swindlers successful, no longer make a living by telling lies, because they have been cheated people has become an advocate for him, I say anything else is wasted.
  Shakespeare said: to be or not to be, that's a question.
  Shakespeare said: people can dispose of their own destiny, if we are controlled by others, and that mistake is not destiny, and in our own
  Shakespeare said: good love, so that fighters relax tense mood
  Shakespeare said: jealous of the hand, foot and is a lie!
  Shakespeare said: God is fair, hands the fate of people always stand at the two ends of the scales, the fate of people only understand that God has given him only destiny!
  Shakespeare said: strong-willed and not to argue, because they can change the truth
  Shakespeare said: When the hearts were injured when honor, friendship are good medicine to cure it
  Shakespeare said: You, dead.
  Shakespeare said: jealous of the hand, foot and is simply a lie.
  Shakespeare said: sympathy with the love, the biggest difference is that at?
  King Arthur: perfect love, sad伤身Also, as the corners of their children, not that闲工夫
  King Arthur: there is doubt there is truth, because truth is a shadow of doubt.
  King Arthur: Woman skin deep, as Circle wearing nose up at Pig, hey ~ sorry
  King Arthur: This is indeed not common people do, have, please call me Arthur
  King Arthur: ah woman woman, a man's stage, Forever you are standing outside the aperture and applause
  King Arthur: I fainted when there is not very difficult to watch posture, POSE pendulum is also OK
  King Arthur: a woman ah woman, looks OR choose your knowledge, both are too, both are missing, is a tragedy
  King Arthur: the people are ambushed at night in the most terrible opponent
  King Arthur: dazzling when to rotate, their pain of grief to other people's grief, it can heal!
  King Arthur: the truth ah truth, the closer we get to the truth more difficult to win the trust of the people are!
  King Arthur: mobile phone, watches, necklaces, rings as a whole, was not accustomed to the empty chaos. What is a Friend? Friend Forever are you committed an unforgivable error at the time, still standing over there you fool!
  King Arthur: really poor of the people there must be hateful, you finally succeeded in angering me.
  King Arthur: Here are guavas advanced middle school, ... ... Unfortunately, I hate this ... ... low-level educators at school where guavas?
  King Arthur: a group of monkeys early Teacher will Say, I can be regarded as an eye-opener.
  King Arthur: This is indeed not common people do, have, please call me Arthur!
  King Arthur: the people are lying in ambush at night the most horrible killers
  King Arthur: a real fighter, always willing to admit their own failure
  King Arthur: The wise are Forever Lonely
  King Arthur: the strong are always the last to leave the battlefield
  King Arthur: No! Light rain recognize me. ... ... So you know it. (Shakespeare: dressed this way, anyone know them.) ... ... No! I have such a bad disguise true吗? Look at backs are actually recognize them. (Aristotle: Yes, your poor, posing as true ... ...)
  King Arthur: megalomaniac, Do you know your crying so true I find it difficult to sympathize with you, King Solomon said: 'Void the Void, Void the Void, all things are void. 'Wang Dadong, you Kuba! Anyway, all is vanity
  King Arthur: ignorant people's mouth, do occasionally spit out words of wisdom
  King Arthur: Prince with the crime of breaking the law and the common people.
  King Arthur: our family is to pay the salaries of his bodyguards, and was the way you spoil, not now.
  King Arthur: the desire to bring any food to become food. Yes, This is my most praise of pizza eaten.
  King Arthur: the more perfect Integrity, the more people will be facing a very affordable disaster.
  King Arthur:断肠people, the recent rate increase you a lot of exposure, not afraid of the audience will look greasy吗?
  King Arthur: We must pay attention to ignorant people say, because words will be useless occasionally holding treasures.
  King Arthur: great love, often happened at the beginning of trivial details. This killed me, I will not agree with it.
  King Arthur: the perfect love, people are weak, non-perfection of love, hurt people.
  King Arthur: Revenge of things to hide behind, is usually more frightening than revenge.
  King Arthur: Hide nothing has not been disclosed.
  Aristotle said: mental violence, bloodshed that can not take human life.
  Aristotle said: to cover up the truth of the concessions, it will only make people far away from the truth!
  King Solomon said: one to blame if the smart people, strong责打ignorance such as one hundred people, the corruption of the first, proud people, Zunrong before there must be humility.
  King Solomon said: At the heart Which, in which treasure.
  Rabindranath Tagore: "may" ask "impossible": what place you live in? "Impossible" replied: In that dream where powerless.
  Rabindranath Tagore: Juvenile bear with the situation and to avoid old bullied
  Churchill said: never lost hold of now than in the hands of many
  King Solomon said: The Void Void Void Void of all things are void. No nothing new under the sun, everything is catching the wind, everything is catching video.
  Churchill said: would rather fight the enemy on the battlefield alone, nor alone in the face of unreasonable people.
  Churchill said: the quiet before the storm is brewing at what happened next.
  Mark. Twain said: the truth of late, just as suddenly hit on the head of the horseshoe, hey,痛啊!
  Mark. Twain: There is no emotional kiss, just like at the pro-pork die.
  Alexander the Great said: When the lead at just the sword.哭嚎heard the perpetrators are inevitable!
  Bernard Shaw said: prefer to live alone the wild, and not to the foolish and obstinate people the same room.
  Faust said: to betray one's soul, you have to find the people to afford the costs.
  Bible, Proverbs: You make the parents happy, so happy with you.
  The Bible says: is more blessed to give than to love.
  King Arthur: "Cai 10, a male voice called the name of Health has been very sad, and why also so take things too hard, people everywhere are looking for a fight ... ... clearly are boys, the drop of a hat is also stamped, looking very disgusting Ye. I do not man does not beat woman, men and women are not people, can you! ... ... hey, Miss 10, Bernard Shaw said: 'would rather live alone the wild, and not to the foolish and obstinate people the same room.' It makes sense, Miss 10 , I believe you do not understand, because I believe you are not reading the virtues of peace. "
  Shakespeare said: to be or not to be, that's a question.
  King Arthur: The wise are Forever Lonely
  Bible: Fu more than to receive
  Bible, Proverbs: You make the parents happy, so happy with you.
  Is that your brother Pikachu skin itch at?

  120 days of Sodom, author of Prince Sade said that the lack of evil virtues of elegance, is it not more noble, not have a high quality, frankly, it is better than the virtues of soft, monotonous charm, evil is always so desirable than the United States and Germany !
  Wanted to take such a thing is to stop the more you will care about more out of control.
  Juvenile warrior who had to die to stop it? They can not hear. . . . . .
  "Well you were the Buddha and demons inside plus ONE PIECE clown Bucky and grunt and Habib people simply paradise inside your magic fairy consort 50 charter darkness dare to deceive us both good classes guided look impatient you are to live "
  Beauty riot are the best weapons
  . Musashi Miyamoto: Who can stop the juvenile warrior of them die? They can not hear ~!

Shakespeare said: swindlers successful, no longer make a living by telling lies, because they have been cheated people has become an advocate for him, I say anything else is wasted.Shakespeare said: to be or not to be, that's a question.Shakespeare said: people can dispose of ...





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秀城区13917884570: 求电影《亚瑟王》中的经典语句10句,中英对照的,谢谢 -
夫单双黄: 不要和意志坚定的人争辩,因为他们可以改变事实.亚瑟王: 有怀疑就有真理,因为真理是怀疑的影子. 亚瑟王:虚有其表的女人,就象金环戴在猪鼻上,哎~可怜 亚瑟王:这的确不是常人做得到的,还有,请叫我亚瑟王 亚瑟王:女人啊女人,男人的舞台,你们永远是站在光圈和掌声之外的 亚瑟王:我昏倒的时候,姿势有没有很难看,POSE摆的还好吧 亚瑟王:女人啊女人,容貌 OR 知识择其一吧,两者俱得,两者俱失,都是悲剧收场 亚瑟王:复仇背后的隐藏之事,通常是比复仇更可怕的 亚瑟王: 人心才是埋伏在黑夜中最可怕的对手 亚瑟王: 目眩时更要旋转,自己痛不欲生的悲伤,以别人的悲伤,就能够治愈! 亚瑟王: 真相啊真相,越是接近事实的真相就越是难以取信于人!

秀城区13917884570: 求外国战争片里开战前激励士兵的演讲类的电影! -
夫单双黄: 《巴顿将军》,影片开始巴顿就有一篇慷慨激昂的演说,这个桥段非常经典.《亚历山大大帝》,伊苏斯之战前亚历山大的演讲.《特洛伊》,即将登陆特洛伊海滩前,阿喀琉斯对跟随自己武士的演讲.《亨利五世》,莎士比亚对亨利五世激励士气的话有一段很著名的描写(大侦探福尔摩斯曾引用).《指环王3》,阿拉贡率领联军进攻黑大门,索隆的大军压境,阿拉贡有段著名的演讲.

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夫单双黄: 经典台词一:最多的台词 I SEE YOU 经典台词二:最震撼的台词 THEY CAN NOT TAKE WHATEVERY THEY WANT~! 经典台词三:鼓舞士气的经典台词 People heaven sent us a message 人类给我们带来了信息 I can take whatever they want ...

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夫单双黄: 这既不是有助于英语初学者观看: 1. The Graduate 2. 毕业生 3. 4. 2. Arthur 5. 亚瑟王 6. 7. 3. A fish called Wanda 8. 一条叫旺达的鱼 9. 10. 4. Sabrina 11. 情归巴黎 12. 13. 5. Something to talk about 14. 爱情魔力 15. 如果英语水平比初级好点可以...

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夫单双黄: 你看这个行不行?Historians have thought for centuries that King Arthur was only a myth, but the legend was based on a real hero, torn between his private ambitions and his public sense of duty. A reluctant leader, Arthur wishes only to leave Britain ...

秀城区13917884570: 电影亚瑟王 对白
夫单双黄: Lancelot: You look frightened. There's a large number of lonely men out there. Guinevere: Don't worry, I won't let them rape you. Lancelot: [about approching Saxon army] There sure are a lot of lonely men out there. Guinevere: Don't worry I won't let ...

秀城区13917884570: 亚瑟王电影简介? -
夫单双黄:亚瑟王 King Arthur 导演: 安东尼·福奎阿 编剧: 大卫·弗兰佐尼 主演: 克里夫·欧文 / 凯拉·奈特莉 / 麦德斯·米科尔森 / 乔尔·埃哲顿 / 休·丹西 / 艾恩·格...

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夫单双黄: 这是《芝加哥时报》著名影评人Roger Ebert的评论:For centuries, countless tales have been told of the legend of King Arthur. But the only story you've never heard ... is the true story that inspired the legend. -- Trailer for "King Arthur" Uh, huh. ...

秀城区13917884570: 求电影亚瑟王的英文影评800到1000字 -
夫单双黄: I have always been and always will be a die-hard fan of the King Arthur stories. My family is from that area of that area of the world, so there is some deep-seated calling to it.However, I tire greatly over the focus of the Arthur-Guenivere-Lancelot plot ...

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