
作者&投稿:黄吕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

















在我国台湾还保存着冬至用九层糕祭祖的传统,用糯米粉捏成鸡、鸭、龟、猪、牛、羊等象征吉祥中意福禄寿的动物,然后用蒸笼分层蒸成,用以祭祖,以示不忘老祖宗。同姓同宗者于冬至或前后约定之早日,集到祖祠中照长幼之序,一一祭拜祖先,俗称“祭祖”。祭典之后,还会大摆宴席,招待前来祭祖的宗亲们。大家开怀畅饮,相互联络久别生疏的感情,称之为“食祖。”冬至节 祖先,在台湾一直世代相传,以示不忘自己的“根”。

冬至是一个内容丰富的节日,据传,冬至在历史上的周代是新年元旦,曾经是个很热闹的日子。 在今天江南一带仍有:吃了冬至夜饭长一岁的说法,俗称“添岁”。






三国时,.魏文帝曹丕《九日与钟繇书》说:“岁往月来,忽复九月九日。九为阳数,而日月并应,倍嘉其名,以为宜于长久,故以享宴高会。”可见当时节俗已定型了。重阳节主题,是求长寿、戴茱萸、酿菊酒、赏菊、酿酒及祭把酒业神等。在流传至今后又添加了敬老等内涵,更具有意义,另外有登高野宴活动及各种游戏等。(《节令琐谈》马大勇编著 金城出版社)





重阳在民众生活中成为夏冬交接的时间界标。如果说上巳、寒食是人们渡过漫长冬季后出室畅游的春节,那么重阳大约是在秋寒新至、人民即将隐居时的具有仪式意义的秋游,所以民俗有上巳“踏青”,重阳“辞青”。重阳节俗就围绕着人们的这一时季感受展开。(《岁时·传统中国民众的时间生活》萧放 著 中华书局)




















端阳节 据《荆楚岁时记》载,因仲夏登高,顺阳在上,五月正是仲夏,它的第一个午日正是登高顺阳天气好的日子,故称五月初五为“端阳节”。

重午节 午,属十二支,农历五月为午月,五、午同音,五、五相重,故端午节又名“重午节”或“重五节”,有些地方也叫“五月节”。

天中节 古人认为,五月五日时,太阳重人中天,故称这一天为“天中节”。

浴兰节 端午时值仲夏,是皮肤病多发季节,古人以兰草汤沐浴去污为俗。汉代《大戴礼》云:“午日以兰汤沐浴”。

解棕节 古人端午吃棕时,有比较各人解下粽叶的长度、长者为胜的游戏,故又有“解粽节”之称。

女儿节明沈榜《宛署杂记》:“五月女儿节,系端午索,戴艾叶,五毒灵符。宛俗自五月初一至初五日,饰小闺女,尽态极研。出嫁女亦各归宁。因呼为女儿节。” 沈榜宛《杂记》载:“燕京自五月一日至五日,家家饰小闺女,尽态极妍。已出嫁之女,亦归宁簪以榴花,曰女儿节”。

菖蒲节 古人认为“重午”是犯禁忌的日子,此时五毒尽出,因此端午风俗多为驱邢避毒,如在门上悬挂菖蒲、艾叶等,故端午节也称“菖蒲节”。





























American table manners 

Chew with your mouth closed. 

When a dish is presented, the food is served to one's plate and then passed on to the next person. 

Do not talk at an excessively loud volume. 

Never leave home hungry. Leave for your destination at least half full just in case your host is late in preparing dinner or the food is displeasing. 

If at all possible, refrain from coughing or sneezing at the table. 

Never tilt back your chair while at the table, or at any other time. 

Tea or coffee should never be poured into the saucer to cool but should be sipped from the cup. Alternatively, ice may be used to cool either. 

Do not make unbecoming noises while eating. 

Do not play with food or table utensils. 

Do not put your elbows on the table or slouch. 

The fork is used to convey any solid food to the mouth. 

Eat soup noiselessly and with the side of the spoon. 

Do not eat food with your fingers unless it is finger foods such as bread, fries, chicken wings, pizza, etc. 

Do not start eating until at least two people are served. Alternatively, wait until the host/hostess lifts his/her fork (or spoon). 

The fork may be used by either the left or the right hand. 

When serving, serve from the left and pick up the dish from the right. Beverages are both served and removed from the right. 

Always ask the host or hostess to be excused before leaving the table. 

A prayer may be customary in some families, and the guests should join in even if they are not religious or do not follow the same religion. Most prayers are made before the meal is eaten. The Hutterites pray both before and after a meal. 

When using paper napkins, never ball them up or allow stains to show. 

Keep napkin on lap. 

Never ask for a doggy bag when having a formal dinner. 

When at formal dinner it is not required to finish plate. 

When at an informal dinner, ask for a box when full. 

Never talk on your phone at table. If urgent, ask host or hostess to be excused, and go outside. Apologize when returned. 

It is acceptable in most places to not finish all of the food on your plate. 

Scandinavian countries follow very similar rules. 

Chinese table manners 

These are mostly concerned with the use of chopsticks. Otherwise generally Chinese table manners are rather more informal, what would be considered rude in other cultures such as talking with the mouth full may be acceptable. 

Chopsticks must always be held in the correct manner. It should be held between the thumb and fingers of the right hand, 

Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only, even by the left-handed. Although chopsticks may now be found in either hand, a few still consider left-handed chopstick use improper etiquette. One explanation for the treatment of such usage as improper is that this can symbolise argument, as the chopsticks may collide between the left-handed and right-handed user. 

When communal chopsticks are supplied with shared plates of food, it is considered impolite to use your own chopsticks to pick up the food from the shared plate or eat using the communal chopsticks. An exception to this rule is made in intimate family dinners where family members may not mind the use of one's own chopsticks to transfer food. 

The blunt end of the chopsticks is sometimes used to transfer food from a common dish to your own plate or bowl (never your mouth). 

Never wave your chopsticks around as if they were an extension of your hand gestures, bang them like drumsticks, or use them to move bowls or plates. 

Decide what to pick up before reaching with chopsticks. Do not hover around or poke looking for special ingredients. After you have picked up an item, do not put it back in the dish. 

When picking up a piece of food, never use the tips of your chopsticks to poke through the food as if you were using a fork. Exceptions include tearing larger items apart such as vegetables. In informal use, small, difficult to pick-up items such as cherry tomatoes or fishballs may be stabbed but this use is frowned upon by traditionalists. 

Chopsticks can be rested horizontally on one's plate or bowl to keep them off the table entirely. A chopstick rest can also be used to keep the points off the table. 

Never stab chopsticks into a bowl of rice, leaving them standing upwards. Any stick-like object facing upward resembles the incense sticks that some Asians use as offerings to deceased family members. This is considered the ultimate faux pas on the dining table. 

Chinese traditionally eat rice from a small bowl held in the left hand. The rice bowl is raised to the mouth and the rice pushed into the mouth using the chopsticks. Some Chinese find it offensive to scoop rice from the bowl using a spoon. If rice is served on a plate, as is more common in the West, it is acceptable and more practical to eat it with a fork or spoon. The thumb must always be above the edge of the bowl. 

It is acceptable to transfer food to people who have a close relation with you (e.g. parents, grandparents, children or significant others) if you noticed they are having difficulty picking up the food. Also it is a sign of respect to pass food to the elderly first before the dinner starts (part of the Confucian tradition of respecting seniors). 

Traditionally, it is polite for the youngest members of the table to address each and everyone of the elderly members of the table before a meal starts and literally tell them to "eat rice", which means "go ahead and start the meal", to show respect. 

The host should always make sure the guests drinks are sufficiently full 

When people wish to clink drinks together in the form of a cheer, it is important to observe that younger members should clink the edge of their drink below the edge of an elder to show respect.

American table manners
Chew with your mouth closed.
When a dish is presented, the food is served to one's plate and then passed on to the next person.
Do not talk at an excessively loud volume.
Never leave home hungry. Leave for your destination at least half full just in case your host is late in preparing dinner or the food is displeasing.
If at all possible, refrain from coughing or sneezing at the table.
Never tilt back your chair while at the table, or at any other time.
Tea or coffee should never be poured into the saucer to cool but should be sipped from the cup. Alternatively, ice may be used to cool either.
Do not make unbecoming noises while eating.
Do not play with food or table utensils.
Do not put your elbows on the table or slouch.
The fork is used to convey any solid food to the mouth.
Eat soup noiselessly and with the side of the spoon.
Do not eat food with your fingers unless it is finger foods such as bread, fries, chicken wings, pizza, etc.
Do not start eating until at least two people are served. Alternatively, wait until the host/hostess lifts his/her fork (or spoon).
The fork may be used by either the left or the right hand.
When serving, serve from the left and pick up the dish from the right. Beverages are both served and removed from the right.
Always ask the host or hostess to be excused before leaving the table.
A prayer may be customary in some families, and the guests should join in even if they are not religious or do not follow the same religion. Most prayers are made before the meal is eaten. The Hutterites pray both before and after a meal.
When using paper napkins, never ball them up or allow stains to show.
Keep napkin on lap.
Never ask for a doggy bag when having a formal dinner.
When at formal dinner it is not required to finish plate.
When at an informal dinner, ask for a box when full.
Never talk on your phone at table. If urgent, ask host or hostess to be excused, and go outside. Apologize when returned.
It is acceptable in most places to not finish all of the food on your plate.
Scandinavian countries follow very similar rules.

Chinese table manners
These are mostly concerned with the use of chopsticks. Otherwise generally Chinese table manners are rather more informal, what would be considered rude in other cultures such as talking with the mouth full may be acceptable.

Chopsticks must always be held in the correct manner. It should be held between the thumb and fingers of the right hand,
Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only, even by the left-handed. Although chopsticks may now be found in either hand, a few still consider left-handed chopstick use improper etiquette. One explanation for the treatment of such usage as improper is that this can symbolise argument, as the chopsticks may collide between the left-handed and right-handed user.
When communal chopsticks are supplied with shared plates of food, it is considered impolite to use your own chopsticks to pick up the food from the shared plate or eat using the communal chopsticks. An exception to this rule is made in intimate family dinners where family members may not mind the use of one's own chopsticks to transfer food.
The blunt end of the chopsticks is sometimes used to transfer food from a common dish to your own plate or bowl (never your mouth).
Never wave your chopsticks around as if they were an extension of your hand gestures, bang them like drumsticks, or use them to move bowls or plates.
Decide what to pick up before reaching with chopsticks. Do not hover around or poke looking for special ingredients. After you have picked up an item, do not put it back in the dish.
When picking up a piece of food, never use the tips of your chopsticks to poke through the food as if you were using a fork. Exceptions include tearing larger items apart such as vegetables. In informal use, small, difficult to pick-up items such as cherry tomatoes or fishballs may be stabbed but this use is frowned upon by traditionalists.
Chopsticks can be rested horizontally on one's plate or bowl to keep them off the table entirely. A chopstick rest can also be used to keep the points off the table.
Never stab chopsticks into a bowl of rice, leaving them standing upwards. Any stick-like object facing upward resembles the incense sticks that some Asians use as offerings to deceased family members. This is considered the ultimate faux pas on the dining table.
Chinese traditionally eat rice from a small bowl held in the left hand. The rice bowl is raised to the mouth and the rice pushed into the mouth using the chopsticks. Some Chinese find it offensive to scoop rice from the bowl using a spoon. If rice is served on a plate, as is more common in the West, it is acceptable and more practical to eat it with a fork or spoon. The thumb must always be above the edge of the bowl.
It is acceptable to transfer food to people who have a close relation with you (e.g. parents, grandparents, children or significant others) if you noticed they are having difficulty picking up the food. Also it is a sign of respect to pass food to the elderly first before the dinner starts (part of the Confucian tradition of respecting seniors).
Traditionally, it is polite for the youngest members of the table to address each and everyone of the elderly members of the table before a meal starts and literally tell them to "eat rice", which means "go ahead and start the meal", to show respect.
The host should always make sure the guests drinks are sufficiently full
When people wish to clink drinks together in the form of a cheer, it is important to observe that younger members should clink the edge of their drink below the edge of an elder to show respect.


American table manners
Chew with your mouth closed.
When a dish is presented, the food is served to one's plate and then passed on to the next person.
Do not talk at an excessively loud volume.
Never leave home hungry. Leave for your destination at least half full just in case your host is late in preparing dinner or the food is displeasing.
If at all possible, refrain from coughing or sneezing at the table.
Never tilt back your chair while at the table, or at any other time.
Tea or coffee should never be poured into the saucer to cool but should be sipped from the cup. Alternatively, ice may be used to cool either.
Do not make unbecoming noises while eating.
Do not play with food or table utensils.
Do not put your elbows on the table or slouch.
The fork is used to convey any solid food to the mouth.
Eat soup noiselessly and with the side of the spoon.
Do not eat food with your fingers unless it is finger foods such as bread, fries, chicken wings, pizza, etc.
Do not start eating until at least two people are served. Alternatively, wait until the host/hostess lifts his/her fork (or spoon).
The fork may be used by either the left or the right hand.
When serving, serve from the left and pick up the dish from the right. Beverages are both served and removed from the right.
Always ask the host or hostess to be excused before leaving the table.
A prayer may be customary in some families, and the guests should join in even if they are not religious or do not follow the same religion. Most prayers are made before the meal is eaten. The Hutterites pray both before and after a meal.
When using paper napkins, never ball them up or allow stains to show.
Keep napkin on lap.
Never ask for a doggy bag when having a formal dinner.
When at formal dinner it is not required to finish plate.
When at an informal dinner, ask for a box when full.
Never talk on your phone at table. If urgent, ask host or hostess to be excused, and go outside. Apologize when returned.
It is acceptable in most places to not finish all of the food on your plate.
Scandinavian countries follow very similar rules.

Chinese table manners
These are mostly concerned with the use of chopsticks. Otherwise generally Chinese table manners are rather more informal, what would be considered rude in other cultures such as talking with the mouth full may be acceptable.

Chopsticks must always be held in the correct manner. It should be held between the thumb and fingers of the right hand,
Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only, even by the left-handed. Although chopsticks may now be found in either hand, a few still consider left-handed chopstick use improper etiquette. One explanation for the treatment of such usage as improper is that this can symbolise argument, as the chopsticks may collide between the left-handed and right-handed user.
When communal chopsticks are supplied with shared plates of food, it is considered impolite to use your own chopsticks to pick up the food from the shared plate or eat using the communal chopsticks. An exception to this rule is made in intimate family dinners where family members may not mind the use of one's own chopsticks to transfer food.
The blunt end of the chopsticks is sometimes used to transfer food from a common dish to your own plate or bowl (never your mouth).
Never wave your chopsticks around as if they were an extension of your hand gestures, bang them like drumsticks, or use them to move bowls or plates.
Decide what to pick up before reaching with chopsticks. Do not hover around or poke looking for special ingredients. After you have picked up an item, do not put it back in the dish.
When picking up a piece of food, never use the tips of your chopsticks to poke through the food as if you were using a fork. Exceptions include tearing larger items apart such as vegetables. In informal use, small, difficult to pick-up items such as cherry tomatoes or fishballs may be stabbed but this use is frowned upon by traditionalists.
Chopsticks can be rested horizontally on one's plate or bowl to keep them off the table entirely. A chopstick rest can also be used to keep the points off the table.
Never stab chopsticks into a bowl of rice, leaving them standing upwards. Any stick-like object facing upward resembles the incense sticks that some Asians use as offerings to deceased family members. This is considered the ultimate faux pas on the dining table.
Chinese traditionally eat rice from a small bowl held in the left hand. The rice bowl is raised to the mouth and the rice pushed into the mouth using the chopsticks. Some Chinese find it offensive to scoop rice from the bowl using a spoon. If rice is served on a plate, as is more common in the West, it is acceptable and more practical to eat it with a fork or spoon. The thumb must always be above the edge of the bowl.
It is acceptable to transfer food to people who have a close relation with you (e.g. parents, grandparents, children or significant others) if you noticed they are having difficulty picking up the food. Also it is a sign of respect to pass food to the elderly first before the dinner starts (part of the Confucian tradition of respecting seniors).
Traditionally, it is polite for the youngest members of the table to address each and everyone of the elderly members of the table before a meal starts and literally tell them to "eat rice", which means "go ahead and start the meal", to show respect.
The host should always make sure the guests drinks are sufficiently full
When people wish to clink drinks together in the form of a cheer, it is important to observe that younger members should clink the edge of their drink below the edge of an elder to show respect.


American table manners
Chew with your mouth closed.
When a dish is presented, the food is served to one's plate and then passed on to the next person.
Do not talk at an excessively loud volume.
Never leave home hungry. Leave for your destination at least half full just in case your host is late in preparing dinner or the food is displeasing.
If at all possible, refrain from coughing or sneezing at the table.
Never tilt back your chair while at the table, or at any other time.
Tea or coffee should never be poured into the saucer to cool but should be sipped from the cup. Alternatively, ice may be used to cool either.
Do not make unbecoming noises while eating.
Do not play with food or table utensils.
Do not put your elbows on the table or slouch.
The fork is used to convey any solid food to the mouth.
Eat soup noiselessly and with the side of the spoon.
Do not eat food with your fingers unless it is finger foods such as bread, fries, chicken wings, pizza, etc.
Do not start eating until at least two people are served. Alternatively, wait until the host/hostess lifts his/her fork (or spoon).
The fork may be used by either the left or the right hand.
When serving, serve from the left and pick up the dish from the right. Beverages are both served and removed from the right.
Always ask the host or hostess to be excused before leaving the table.
A prayer may be customary in some families, and the guests should join in even if they are not religious or do not follow the same religion. Most prayers are made before the meal is eaten. The Hutterites pray both before and after a meal.
When using paper napkins, never ball them up or allow stains to show.
Keep napkin on lap.
Never ask for a doggy bag when having a formal dinner.
When at formal dinner it is not required to finish plate.
When at an informal dinner, ask for a box when full.
Never talk on your phone at table. If urgent, ask host or hostess to be excused, and go outside. Apologize when returned.
It is acceptable in most places to not finish all of the food on your plate.
Scandinavian countries follow very similar rules.

Chinese table manners
These are mostly concerned with the use of chopsticks. Otherwise generally Chinese table manners are rather more informal, what would be considered rude in other cultures such as talking with the mouth full may be acceptable.

Chopsticks must always be held in the correct manner. It should be held between the thumb and fingers of the right hand,
Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only, even by the left-handed. Although chopsticks may now be found in either hand, a few still consider left-handed chopstick use improper etiquette. One explanation for the treatment of such usage as improper is that this can symbolise argument, as the chopsticks may collide between the left-handed and right-handed user.
When communal chopsticks are supplied with shared plates of food, it is considered impolite to use your own chopsticks to pick up the food from the shared plate or eat using the communal chopsticks. An exception to this rule is made in intimate family dinners where family members may not mind the use of one's own chopsticks to transfer food.
The blunt end of the chopsticks is sometimes used to transfer food from a common dish to your own plate or bowl (never your mouth).
Never wave your chopsticks around as if they were an extension of your hand gestures, bang them like drumsticks, or use them to move bowls or plates.
Decide what to pick up before reaching with chopsticks. Do not hover around or poke looking for special ingredients. After you have picked up an item, do not put it back in the dish.
When picking up a piece of food, never use the tips of your chopsticks to poke through the food as if you were using a fork. Exceptions include tearing larger items apart such as vegetables. In informal use, small, difficult to pick-up items such as cherry tomatoes or fishballs may be stabbed but this use is frowned upon by traditionalists.
Chopsticks can be rested horizontally on one's plate or bowl to keep them off the table entirely. A chopstick rest can also be used to keep the points off the table.
Never stab chopsticks into a bowl of rice, leaving them standing upwards. Any stick-like object facing upward resembles the incense sticks that some Asians use as offerings to deceased family members. This is considered the ultimate faux pas on the dining table.
Chinese traditionally eat rice from a small bowl held in the left hand. The rice bowl is raised to the mouth and the rice pushed into the mouth using the chopsticks. Some Chinese find it offensive to scoop rice from the bowl using a spoon. If rice is served on a plate, as is more common in the West, it is acceptable and more practical to eat it with a fork or spoon. The thumb must always be above the edge of the bowl.
It is acceptable to transfer food to people who have a close relation with you (e.g. parents, grandparents, children or significant others) if you noticed they are having difficulty picking up the food. Also it is a sign of respect to pass food to the elderly first before the dinner starts (part of the Confucian tradition of respecting seniors).
Traditionally, it is polite for the youngest members of the table to address each and everyone of the elderly members of the table before a meal starts and literally tell them to "eat rice", which means "go ahead and start the meal", to show respect.
The host should always make sure the guests drinks are sufficiently full
When people wish to clink drinks together in the form of a cheer, it is important to observe that younger members should clink the edge of their drink below the edge of an elder to show respect.

参考资料:百度图片里有很多的 经经经经



中美文化差异主要表现在饮食、送礼、语言、人际关系和教育等方面。1. 饮食:- 在中国,主食往往是面食和茶,筷子是常用的餐具。- 美国则更多肉食和咖啡,使用刀叉进餐。2. 送礼:- 中国人送礼倾向于选择有实用价值且高雅的物品,接受礼物时常会推辞以示客气。- 美国人则喜欢送有创意的小礼物,如小手帕...

中美文化差异主要表现在饮食、送礼、语言、人际关系和教育等方面。1. 饮食:中国的饮食文化以面食和茶为主,常用筷子作为餐具。而美国则以肉食和咖啡为主,使用刀叉作为餐具。2. 送礼:在中国,送礼通常选择具有实用价值和珍贵性的物品,在接受礼品时,人们喜欢推辞以示礼貌。相比之下,美国人在送礼时更...

中美文化差异主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 饮食文化:在中国,主食往往以面食和米饭为主,茶文化也根深蒂固。传统餐具是筷子。而在美国,肉类和咖啡更为常见,餐具则主要是刀叉。2. 送礼习惯:中国人在送礼时,倾向于选择既实用又有价值的物品,并且在收受礼物时,常常会表现出推辞的态度,以示谦虚。

中美文化差异主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 饮食文化:在中国,饮食以面食和茶为主,传统餐具是筷子。而美国饮食中肉类和咖啡较为常见,使用刀叉作为标准餐具。2. 送礼习俗:中国的送礼习惯倾向于选择有实用价值和体现心意的礼物,接受礼物时,人们通常会表现出谦虚推辞,以示礼貌。美国人在送礼时更偏好选择...


dragon,汉语指龙,辉煌和神圣的象征;英语:[口语、贬义]脾气暴躁的人,凶暴的人;(尤指)凶恶而又严厉的女监护人;在社交场所陪伴未婚少女的严厉的年长妇女 pig:汉语指猪,形容人懒;英语:令人不快(或讨厌)的人;贪婪(或肮脏)的人 (对警察的蔑称) ;[美国俚语]赛马用的马(尤指劣马)8....

微微一笑伸出手表示欢迎,皱眉表示不满,点头表示同意,挥手表示再见,听报告或讲演时,身子往椅背上一靠,伸一下舌头表示厌烦,不感兴趣。这些都是交际手段的一部分。肢体语言与学外语一样,都是文化的一部分。 “跨文化交际”的英文名称是cross-cultural communication或intercultural communication,指的是不同文化背景的人...



黄石市15613372104: 关于中美文化的英语手抄报(图文并茂)最好在明天晚上之前给我 今天给最好了 要是好的话加分 (因为我的份本来就不多) 求求各位哥哥姐姐了 照顾一下小... -
赧谭丽珠:[答案] 我个人觉得这张比较好啊中国和美国餐桌上的礼仪,American table mannersChew with your mouth closed.When a dish is presented, the food is served to one's plate and then passed on to the next person.Do not talk at an excessively loud volume....

黄石市15613372104: 跪求英语手抄报内容(图文并茂)
赧谭丽珠: The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, China in 2008. Beijing chooses five friendlies as Olympic mascots. They are Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying and Nini. They mean “Welcome to Beijing”. The Blue Beibei is a fish, the black ...

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赧谭丽珠: My Friend And I My name is Wu Jie. I am a student of Dongzhou Middle School. I like playing basketball and singing. Zhang Jiong is my good friend. He wears a white T-shirt and blue jeans. He is very handsome. He likes playing football and singing...

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黄石市15613372104: 电子手抄报怎么做,用什么程序做 -
赧谭丽珠: 1、大格局:编辑思路清晰准确,报名和报头设计合理,文章地位、布局规范,文章条数适当,字号、字体运用规范,图文并茂,图文关系明确,疏密有序,轻重有度,善于运用留白.2、报头:报头设计合理(报名,字体,实字与反白字、浮雕...

黄石市15613372104: 关于“My family"的英语手抄报.要求:图文并茂 -
赧谭丽珠:[答案] My Happy Family There're five members in my fmaily —— my parents ,my grandparents ,my sister and me . My mother is a teacher.She teaches Chinese in our school.She likes music.My fater is a teacher,too.He teaches art in the GuangMing pirmary ...

黄石市15613372104: 电子手抄报怎么办 -
赧谭丽珠: 一、电子手抄报的制作原则和要求 1、大格局:编辑思路清晰准确,报名和报头设计合理,文章地位、布局规范,文章条数适当,字号、字体运用规范,图文并茂,图文关系明确,疏密有序,轻重有度,善于运用留白. 2、报头:报头设计合理...

黄石市15613372104: 有关中外习俗及习惯的英语小报 -
赧谭丽珠: 你找找 英语沙龙 应该有吧

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