
作者&投稿:古裕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

One Saturday, a bear was flying a kite.The kite was flying higher and higher. Suddently, when the kite flew over a tree, it stopped. The kite dropped in the tree. The bear thought:" I have to get an idea". He thought out to climb up the tree. But the tree was too high for the bear to climb up, and he even fell down. The bear cried out. Just then, Uncle giraffe saw him and he knew the kite fell in the tree. So Uncle giraffe held the kite down with his mouth to the bear. The beat saw the kite back, and said surprisingly " who get the kite for me?:" The bear looed up to find it was Uncle giraffe. The bear thanked him very much. Uncle giraffe said:" bear, you should not fly your kite in the woods any more. You should fly it on the grass." The beat nodded and agreed.


one day, lily went to the park by bike.On her way there, she saw two people were cpmpeting swimming,so she stopped to watch. Unexpectedly,a man took this chance and stole her bike.Lily rushed to tell the police


Lily had an unforgettable experience last Sunday.It was a sunny day,Lily rode her new pink bike to a park near her school at 11:00 in the morning.She saw two boys having swimming match and stopped to have a look.She put her bike behind a big tree and after five minutes,a man took her bike away quietly!Lily wanted to ride her bike back but she couldn't find it anywhere.When she was looking for it anxiously,she realized that her bike was stolen.She cried sadly and called the police and told them about it.


one day morning,Lily went to a park by bike,she saw two person were having swimming competition,so she stopt and took a look ,unfortunately her bike was stolen by a man.she called the police right away.

One morning, Lily was riding her bike to the park. She saw a swimming competition between two people, so she stopped to watch them. What she didn't realise was that at the same time a man was stealing her bike. She called the police immediately.

One day morning, Lili riding her bike to the park to play, she saw two swimming competition, they stopped to watch, Who knows at this time on her bike stolen by a man. She hastened to the police.


through you, to all those who have contributed to the Beijing Olympic Games.借此机会,我对国际社会为中国抗击汶川大地震提供的真诚支持和宝贵帮助,表示衷心的感谢!世界各国人民的深情厚谊,中国人民将永远铭记!I also wish to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the international community ...

...我四年级 暑假作业本上要写的 请各位大虾帮帮忙 好的我会加分_百度...
我刚上初一,像你这么大的时候也老想着上网查作文来抄,或者改一改,现在才觉得其实写作文很简单,你应该从夏天里的小事写起,或者是景色,建议你多多看看作文书,如果时间不够了的话,就上网查查优美的语句,用自己的话把它改一改,写景作文最简单了。寻找夏天 大家都说夏天到了,可我总觉得还没有...



她公然宣称∶ “我从来不信什么阴司地狱报应的,凭什么事,我说行就行!”她极度贪婪,除了索取贿赂外,还靠著迟发公费月例放债,光这一项就翻出几百甚至上千的银子的体己利钱来。抄家时,从她屋子里就抄出五七万金和一箱借券。王熙凤的所作所为,无疑是在加速贾家的败落,最后落得个“ 机关算尽太聪明,反算了...

翁虹的电影全部谁有! 很欣赏她的,希望可以得到.各位大虾帮帮忙!!
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...刚买三天 请各位大虾帮我鉴定下是不是翻新的?

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将泳诺辰:[答案] 亲爱的朋友,你能帮我吗?我有一个问题.我14岁的女儿凯蒂今年上8年级,每到周末,我们就陷入了与家庭作业的挣扎之中.... 【D 从句中do缺少宾语,选B】,你有什么主意吗? 终于打完了... 你要不选我 就太对不起我了... 不过说真的,这篇短文很简...

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将泳诺辰: Mary wants to have a dress.

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将泳诺辰:[答案] Success needs a lot of time to realise,but I will always carry on and deeply believed I am sure to success eventually!

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