
作者&投稿:谭苏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the Great Archives估计是指吸血鬼中流传的一种书或典章(Archive是档案)
the Great Archives规定你以Aziz Mare之名死亡(存活)
在世界的某些区域你被称作(假名)Thor of Bessarabia

The Great Archives中对你的记录是:这孩子曾经活得很痛苦,曾经劳动也曾经受难,但是现在他自由了



Mr Clegg also said he believed 2008 would be the "crucial year" to restore his party's fortunes.
Mr Clegg 同时说到他相信未来2008年对于重整他的政党实力是比较关键的一年。

His comments came as he finalised his frontbench team by announcing his full list of junior spokesmen and women.

The Lib Dem leader said the list of 22 frontbenchers formed a "strong team".

Mr Clegg was named party leader in December after beating Chris Huhne by just 511 members' votes in a two-month contest.

Mr Clegg是在两个月的竞选中以311票击败Chris Huhne 在12月份成为该党主席。
Beginning his first new year as party leader, the Sheffield Hallam MP said his message to the public was: "We are on the way to reinventing politics.
在开始他的第一年的政治领导生涯,Sheffield Hallam MP 对外界公布“我们已经在重整政坛”。

"The days of two-party politics are numbered."

He added: "I have set a very clear long-term objective which is that I want to see us over the next two elections break the two-party system for good, establish three-party politics for good."

Mr Clegg also said he believed 2008 would be the "crucial year" to restore his party's fortunes.Mr Clegg 同时说到他相信未来2008年对于重整他的政党实力是比较关键的一年。His comments came as he finalised his frontbench team by announcing his full list of junior spokesmen and women....

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We can understand from the poem to the poet, the bitterness of life, Kula, find spiritual resonance

with the contestants behind me. Therefore, I need your support and encouragement, thanks.Then, let me introduce myself briefly. At the meeting yesterday, I was lucky to have drawn the theme I dreamt of. I hope the good luck will be with me throughout the competition....

本文介绍了成都依波实业有限公司ERP系统实施的过程,比分析更重要的是如何选择ERP软件提供者(商):这应包括ERP软件的成熟度和使用者,顾客的满意度,OMP8工作效率(度)和二次开发的力度,最后还包括软件升级周期和培训工作力度,这样才能选择到好的ERP软件提供商。--- 纯手工~希望对你有所帮助~--- ...

Hui. Here is the dialogue between Bob,Anna.Wang Tao and Li Hui.)现在是晚上十点钟,Bob Anderson和他的妻子Anna正要离开。他们对王涛和他的妻子刘慧表示了感谢。以下是Bob ,Anna,王涛和刘慧四个人之间的对话。纯人工翻译,应该没有什么问题。好辛苦啊~楼主看着给分吧。谢谢了O(∩_∩)O!

one …not a one.”And then he added, “I didn’t forget one, not a single one.”但他几乎听不到她的话。他脸上神采奕奕的走进来。他只是在说:“一个也没有……一个也没有。”然后他补充道:“我一个人也没有漏掉,一个也没有。”罹烟的质量认证:人工翻译。挺感人的小文章~~...


We are a group of warriors from the nightmares of hell...We are a group of warriors that always charge forward and do not know of fear...Eliminate any and all foes that are in our way forward.

武城县15195816266: 英译汉 要人工翻译 万分感谢 -
语咽天晴: 该公司已经将其专业业务延伸至不同领域,特别是工业、服务业、教育和办公楼.它在智利建筑双年展上的出色表现得到了数不清的赞誉.这些项目被发表在不同的建筑技术杂志上,并且被一些专业书籍收录.在这些标志性项目中,有他们重点...

武城县15195816266: 英译汉(人工翻译)
语咽天晴: I never would have thought of it if you hadn't mentioned it. 如果不是你提起,我从来都没有想过它 He went to grade school in New York and high school in Chicago. 他在纽约初中,去芝加哥上高中.

武城县15195816266: 英语人工翻译,谢谢 -
语咽天晴: 翻译:您好,欢迎致电...........,正在为您转接中,请您稍等........求采纳~

武城县15195816266: 会英语的来翻译一下,那些翻译都是不同意思,我要人工翻译的,谢谢 -
语咽天晴: 1.您辛苦了.You have a rough day. Thank you.[英语没有(你辛苦了)这种说法]2.这些是在网上翻译的,其实我不会英语.These are translated from the net (internet), in fact, I know nothing about English.3.老师您好Hello Mr.xxx / Ms xxxGood morning Mr. xxx / Ms xxx. [英语没有(老师您好)这种说法, 用早安/午安, 已是问候]

武城县15195816266: 求助中英文翻译~~人工翻译..多谢 -
语咽天晴: ***, earned Bachelor of Engineering in industrial automation with Hunan University, and Master of Arts in communication with School of Journalism and Communication of Tsinghua University.

武城县15195816266: 翻译英文(人工翻译)多谢!
语咽天晴: This shippment is responsible by our sales manager Mr. Jiang, and he will reply you soon. Dear Manager Jiang, please follow this shipment and get back to related people.

武城县15195816266: 求翻译一段话汉翻英,要人工翻译急呀!谢谢大家
语咽天晴: and water are harmful to our health (polluted hamfulLeeison ,翻译表述不唯一, 原创翻译,满意就采纳吧.

武城县15195816266: 中译英,需要人工翻译~~谢谢 -
语咽天晴: I would like to go to Provence,because it's a beautiful place.Provence lies to Mediterranean Sea,in the south of France.The people is very friendly there.And the sky is clean and blue.I like the lavender,the purple flowers have good smell. But the weather changes very fast in there,it is too bad.

武城县15195816266: 哪个中英文翻译网站最好,要人工翻译的 -
语咽天晴: 中英文的翻译网站有很多,但全人工的不多我给您推荐一个,365翻译,是人工翻译的,在线平台可以实时监控,速度很快因为是电子平台的成本低,他们价格也便宜,

武城县15195816266: 急!中译英(人工翻译),谢谢! -
语咽天晴: I'm worried that we can't communicate well, so if you can, please contact the property staff to help us to translate.

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