
作者&投稿:傅旺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1、I’m Thankful!
I thank my family.
I thank my teachers.
I thank my friends.
I thank everyone!
I love my family.
I love my teachers.
I love my friends.
I love everyone!
I am kind!
I am smart.
I am thankful.
I am a great kid!

2、Sometimes it takes adverse conditions
for people to reach out to one another
Sometimes it takes bad luck
for people to understand their goals better
Sometimes it takes a storm
for people to appreciatethe calm
Sometimes it takes being hurt
for people to be more sensitive to feelings
Sometimes it takes doubt
for people to trust oneanother
Sometimes it takes seclusion
for people to find out who they really are
Sometimes it takes disillusionment
for people to become informed
Sometimes it takes feeling nothing
for people to feel everything
Sometimes it takes our emotions and feelingsto be completely penetrated
for people to open up to love
I have gone through many of these things
and I now know that
not only am I ready to
love you
but I do

About 170 ten thousand yearses ago, original mankind of period crowd the life is on the Chinese earth.

The dollar of Yunnan strive for person is the our country history ascend up to the present discover of the earliest ape person.

Go to the new stone age, live in the pond of , Eel Lake nearby people, have already can use a simple implements of production of the stone ax, be engaged in the agriculture production of the originality, some persons of place will still construct the simple wood structure building, and become the bigger small village gradually. T

hird centry B.C., the Chuang faces west the south aggression through a county in ," with its many WANG2 DIAN, change to obey it vulgar with long of", built up the country of .The Chua

ng the culture and production that etc. will compare the forerunner technique, brought in Yunnan, promoted Yunnan develop, symbolize Yunnan to join the government to cure up with the beginning that hinterland contact. 221 B.C.,

the Qin Shi huang unifies China, establishing the county County in Yunnan, open" five Chinese foots of ways"s, from Szechwan proper guest to the song in Yunnan neighborhood, because of the road breadth only five Chinese foots, so call" five Chinese foots of ways"s.Five Chinese

foots of ways developped to communicate the salty sun of capital city through Szechwan with the eastern region in Yunnan of contact, and appoint the officialdom to go into the to manage, make it become Qin's constitute of empire part. The west dol

lar seals two years(109 B.C.), the soldier of the parties general rate faces the , establishing the benefit state county,24 counties of inferiority, the county mansion establishes in pond County of ( now Jin rather county), Yunnan is an among those County, the county city establish the auspicious clouds county now of," the in Yunnan".King of 汉 toward adjusted the county Co

unty, change the tribe to sign mutually, not mutually the condition that 统 belong to, brought in some feudalisms to produce the relation.This expects the usage of the bronze too

l at that time, the emergence of the cow further raised the agriculture farming level.The superb technique of created the brill

iant bronze culture, various bronze vessels product sprout, showing consummate technical skill of civil artists.The cow, horse, sheep and goats and domestic a

nimal pig, dogs that big cluster was put to pastures are a, symbolizing the flourishing livestock husbandry of country of 滇 .The still sends Tang to receive" five Chinese

foots of ways"s of extension, changing name" southwest way of 夷 ".King of 汉 toward still organize the manpower to ope

n to dig the south ancient way of , gradually multifarious company the 贾 come-and-go, promote southwest and all countries of Southeast Asia, particularly is with Burma, the international trade and the cultural interaction of India.This is the last 汉武 of history to open the 滇 . The

various 葛 is bright to cure the south:The Three

Kingdoms is period, Yunnan and west of 黔s o

f now, the parts of region of the southwest of the 川 knows together as" south in".225 A.D., the prime minister of 蜀汉 various 葛 brig

ht 统 three road battalions lead the army personally Yunnan, he adopts the policy of" not with dint system, but take it admire sincerely", being into the 滇 west region Eel Lake( manage greatly on take), quelled the insurrection that main nobility of slave of Yunnan launch quickly, surrender big surname 孟 in the region to get, get" seven capture seven 纵s" to the 孟 , make 盂 get surrender submit gladly, the well swears to rebel never.So the various 葛 is bright to very quickly quell in t

he south, Yunnan becomes the 蜀汉 of a part. 317 years take charge of MA3 RUI4 CHENG帝 , setting u

p the east Jin, the east Jin early year, from the 爨 ( the sound flee cuan) influence that the hinterland moves to Yunnan gradually strong, the 爨琛 independence is a king, ruling the 滇 pond region, the 爨 surname 历 rules more than 400 years, calling the 昆川 ( or 昆 thirty) to the 滇 pond region, and with with, Tang's king toward keep the economic cultural contact. The 贞 view of 738 A.D. is period, Tang's king toward

support to receive to give up the 诏 to unify" six 诏s"s, establishment with Eel Lake is" south country of 诏 " of the base, main skin of 诏 Luo the 阁 is seal for" king of Yunnan", the south 诏历 spreads 13 kings, ruling more than 200 years.A 937 years, the segment think even put out the south

诏 to set up the big reason country,1117, the Sung Dynasty seals the big reason leader as" the stanza degree of Yunnan make", political center at Eel Lake district, take big reason as all city, it is rumored 22 a life times, rule 316 years totally.At the big reason the country rules the suddenly and n

在大理国统治期间公元1253年忽必烈率军征云南,破大理国,1267年封第五子忽哥赤为云南王, 1271年其子被害身亡。
ecessarily strong rate soldier of 1253 of period to advertise for Yunnan, breaking the big reason country, sealing in 1267 the fifth son suddenly the elder brother was red is a king of Yunnan, its son killed to die in 1271.The 1274 A.D. is suddenly and necessarily strong to se

nd the red · 赡 of the match 典 to think the D to Yunnan.In 1276, Yuan Dynasty has already set up Yunnan to go

the medium book province as one of 11 provinces of whole country formally, from now on" Yunnan" was the name of the province class administrative area formally.The political center is moved to Kunming by the big re

ason.The match 典 draws up the farm tax and excise tax on t

he economy after is red go to Yunnan, the development produce, the 兴 fixs the water conservancy;On the politics, on correct the mistakes to the way of

doing of the ruthlessness massacre, generation with well the race relate to, establishing the education and stabilizing the policy of the political situation.Outstanding such as 500 miles 滇 pond, often become d

isaster at first, the match 典 red draft people's work, dig to open the seaport, dredge the praying mantis 川 , make the 滇 pond water was flow into by the praying mantis 川 the gold sand from the seaport the river remits person's ocean through Yangtze River, the seaport makes the 滇 pond water level hold the balance, since not withered, dismiss the floods again, make the 滇 pond surroundings is the good farm all.The administration of a Yunnan of the match 典 superio

r's six years, the society stabilizes and produces the development.Be die of illness in Kunming in 1280 A.D., clay-cold"

common people's lane cry"," the number 泣 earthquake is wild".Now many primary schools of five miles of Kunming City

inside have the match 典 the red last home, the in the past is often someone to grieve over.1290 beginning of years of A.D. seal the sweet 麻 of e

ldest grandson of 皇 to stab for the beam king of Yunnan, is a tallest ruler of whole province, he goes to summer resort to go the temple in three pure 阁s of the west mountain. , The city of 鄯阐 ( now Kunming) became the most thr

iving city defense in 滇 gradually.The in the interval left the story of" the peacock 胆

" of the of 著 . 14 years of Ming Dynasty 洪武 (1381), ZHU YUAN2 ZHANG

the parties 傅 friend is virtuous, the English of 沐 quells Yunnan, overrunning Kunming, putting out the beam king of Yuan Dynasty, building up Ming Dynasty political power in Yunnan, ruling 278 years. Clear end, with Lee settles the country for the repre

sentative's big west soldier, once support the exiled emperor the 历帝 always take Kunming as the base as pure soldier of the anti- shot.Pure cure WU2 SAN GUI4 of 16 years(1659) to take the o

ffensive Yunnan fluently, the 历帝 and its suit always escapes to the Burma,1662 A.D., always of 历帝 from 榔 and its son drive WU2 SAN GUI4 from arrest back Burma, put to death by hanging the gold cicada temple in Kunming,( now the west road of Hua Mountain" persecute to death the 坡 "), the Ming Dynasty end generation the king puts out toward the 覆 .Of year of 康熙 of Manchu Dynasty, WU2 SAN GUI4's abru

ption judge the confusion to is smash.( Namely historical" three 藩s"s insurrection) expect

after Manchu dynasty, the 杜 text show, Lee literature etc. starts revolution successively, shocking the whole province.Opium War later, Yunnan is invade by imperialistic thr

eat, each clansmen the people rises to resist courageously. The rate of Cai 愕 of October 30 in 1911( namely the

1911年10月30日(即农历九月初九日)蔡愕率众举行“重九”起义, 11月1日,起义官兵在五华山组织了“大中华国云南军都督府,”推蔡锷为都督,李根源参议院院长兼军政部总长,建立民国政府,推翻了清朝在云南250多年的统治,1915年12月25日,蔡锷、唐继尧等领导发动了护国运动,点燃了全国讨袁护国的革命之火。
beginning of September of lunar calendar ninth) is many to hold" heavy nine" to start revolution, November 1, start revolution the government troops organized" the soldiers of the big China country Yunnan all mansion of 督 ," to push Cai 锷 in five Hua Mountains is all the 督 , Lee the source Senate the director and the military administration department is total and long, the establishment republic government, overthrow the governance, December 25 in 1915 of settle more than 250 years of dynasty at Yunnan, Cai 锷 , Tang after 尧 etc. the leadership launches to protect the national fortune to move, sparking the whole country to beg for the fire of the revolution that the 袁 protects the country.In 1926, Yunnan built up Communist Party of China orga

nization.On December 1 in 1945, in order to oppose the Kuominta

ng reactionaries to rule, Kunming held"12 ·s a" student sport, encounter the ruthlessness suppression of authorities,4 people be massacred, make"12 ·s a" murder case of the shock whole country.On December 9 in 1949, the provincial governor 卢汉 ra


te soldier of the Kuomintang Yunnan start revolution, peaceful liberation in Yunnan, built up province people's government of Yunnan.

Renowned as a huge natural zoo, Xishuangbanna's rain forest and monsoon jungles provide a habitat for nearly 1000 species of animals. Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills whispering.

Thirteen species of wild life enjoy state protection, including loris, the gibbons, the red-necked cranes, the brown-neck horn-bills, and the green peacocks, which to the Dai people are a symbol of peace, happiness and good fortune and whose graceful postures can put professional dancers to shame. The region has 5,000 kinds of plants or about one-sixth of the total in China. This has earned it the renown and sobriquet " The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants ".

Among these are such fascinating ones as the " color-changing flower " whose colors change three times daily and the "dancing herb " whose leaves rotate gently. Then there is " mysterious fruit " which reverse tastes, turning sour to sweet.

Species of trees that go back a million years are still propagating themselves. The " King of Tea Trees ," which authorities say is at least 800 years old, continues to sprout, adding extraordinary splendor to the homeland of the famous Pu'er tea. In Xishuangbanna, there is a saying: "Even a single tree can make a forest and an old stalk can blossom and beat fruit ."

一篇优美的英文文章1 How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. 我是怎样地爱你?让我逐一细算。 I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach, 我爱你,尽我的心灵所能及到的深邃、宽广、和高度, when feeling out of sight for the ends of being and ideal grace. ...

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The power of love 英语作文
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1、I’m Thankful!I thank my family.I thank my teachers.I thank my friends.I thank everyone!I love my family.I love my teachers.I love my friends.I love everyone!I am kind!I am smart.I am thankful.I am a great kid!我懂得感恩!我感谢我的家人。我感谢我的老师。我感谢我...

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以Healthy eating为题写一篇英语作文
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Life doesn't always give us the joys we want.生活并非总是如你所愿。We don't always get our hopes and dreams, and we don't always get our own way.希望有时会落空,梦想有时会破灭,我们不能一切随心所愿。But don't give up hope, because you can make a difference, one ...

柘城县18224183248: 急急急、求介绍云南的短文的英语作文 -
原往吉粒: Yunnan province is our country the southwest border, south adjacent Vietnam and India. There are 26 nations, resources are abundant, there is also a tourist resort. Animals and plants varieties and the people are very hospitable. I hope you can go sightseeing.

柘城县18224183248: 急!关于向别人介绍云南的英语作文、 -
原往吉粒: Yunnan province is situated in the southwest of China which covers a total area of 394,000 square kilometers. And it is land of natural beauty and mystery. Today people think of it as a “frontier province”, which lie just below the Tibetan plateau ...

柘城县18224183248: 求英语帝写作文!!
原往吉粒: Beautiful Place YUNNAN is a beautiful place,there are many Kingkong Sao at yunnan.his name is ChenGang, he is a king of pear. he is a real man who lives in KunGang. They are killer of all the women.Remember he. Sao Jinggang Kingkong is ...

柘城县18224183248: 求一篇《我的家乡云南》的初中英语作文,200字,尽量简单. -
原往吉粒: My home in Yunnan, the United States and picturesque landscape of Yunnan. 我的家乡在云南,云南山水美如画 Xiongqi spectacular deep canyon, Pentium river flow, waves Green Wave dense forest, bright red hills of Yamahana burning. 幽深的峡...

柘城县18224183248: 写一篇英语作文来介绍云南的旅游特色 60词 -
原往吉粒: In the year 1893, James Hilton described an eternally peaceful and quiet place among mountains in the East—— "Shangri-La" in one of his novels for the first time. In the novel "Lost Horizon", an English diplomat Conway and his brother ...

柘城县18224183248: 谁能给我一个英语短文,汉译英,关于云南的,急求 -
原往吉粒: Yunnan is a beautiful province located in the southwestern China, with its capital of Kunming. It is dotted with scenic spots with the following landscape at the core: Yulong Snow Mountain of Lijiang, Stone Forest, The Old Town of Lijiang which ...

柘城县18224183248: 一篇关于去云南旅游的英语作文,急急急,谢谢 -
原往吉粒: Last summer holiday, I took a trip to Yunnan. It is in the southern part of our country .It is really a very beautiful place grand mountains, clean rivers and kind people. Trees and flowers are seen everywhere. Every year there are lots and lots of visitors. ...

柘城县18224183248: 关于云南的旅游景点,特产,写一篇英语作文 -
原往吉粒: 您好! 下面是我总结的,花了半个多小时,中英文都有哦,您还可以自己删减!这个分您要是不给我就太不够意思了.如果有不满意的地方,可以追问,分给我吧!!!!字数问题我可以追加!中文:云南省以元江谷地和云岭山脉南段的宽谷...

柘城县18224183248: 求一篇英文小作文,题目是《我的家乡》我的家乡在云南普洱、谢谢 -
原往吉粒: My Home VillageMy hometown is located in Yunnan Pu'er tea in a small village. Although it is a small but very beautiful. There are many hills around my home village and they are more beautiful than some big mountains. In spring, we can fly kites ...

柘城县18224183248: 求一篇英语作文 我的家乡 我的家乡在云南 急 谢谢 -
原往吉粒: 我的家乡在河北,哈哈

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