
作者&投稿:宇文虞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  随着全球化与多元 文化 的发展,英语正跻身为一种国际语言被广泛使用。下面是我带来的一篇优美的英文 文章 ,欢迎阅读!


  How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.


  I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach,


  when feeling out of sight for the ends of being and ideal grace.


  I love thee to the level of every day's most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.


  I love thee freely, as men strive for right.


  I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.


  I love thee with the passion put to use in my old griefs,


  and with my childhood's faith.


  I love thee with a love I seemed to lose with my lost saints.


  I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life;


  and, if God choose,


  I shall but love thee better after death.




  Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction, The Secret, the power of positive thinking, or you think positive thinking is a bunch of new age bologna, few can argue with the fact that people simply are happier and feel more optimistic when they have positive thoughts. For those in sales, positive thinking can lead to more creative thinking which can lead to more closed sales.

  无论你是否相信吸引力法则,其中的秘诀,积极思考所带来的力量,或你认为积极思考只是新时代的法学思想,但是很少人能否认这个事实:当人们保持积极乐观的态度时,他们就会感到更快乐更积极。对于销售领域的 职场 人来说,保持积极的人生态度能够激发他们产生更有创造力的想法,最终帮助他们签下更多订单。

  Knowing how to think positively is as important as wanting to. Here are a few steps to how to be a positive thinker from the business world.


  1.Determine Your Desired Outcome

  1. 设定期望结果

  The problem with many people is that they really don't know what they want out of life or a particular situation. Take a moment to decide what it really is that you want out of a life event. Clear intentions yield clear results while fuzzy desires yield fuzzy results.


  2.Make A List of Things Your Are Grateful For


  Tony Robbins, well known life coach and motivational speaker, says that no matter how much money you may have in your accounts, if you are not grateful, you are poor. Gratitude is an amazing emotion in that it is almost impossible to feel negative thoughts when you are focusing on things you are grateful for.

  Tonny Robbins是一位有名的人生导师和励志演说家,他认为无论你的银行账户有多少存款,如果你不懂感恩,你就是贫穷的人。感恩的心是一种神奇的情感,因为当你专注于你所感恩的事情时,你几乎不可能有负面的情绪。

  If you make a list of 10 things that you are grateful for everyday, you will put yourself in a very positive mind set that will last your entire day.


  3.Learn to Count to 5

  3. 学会数到5

  Most of us spend our lives reacting to events. How we react is usually governed by how we either learned to react or have reacted to similar events in our past. But simply reacting does not allow any room for creative and targeted thinking.


  Next time you find yourself in a situation that presents a challenge to your decision to be more positive, hold your reaction and count to 5. This brief break will give you the opportunity to decide how you want to respond, instead of simply reacting.


  4.Cut Back on the Nightly News


  Whichever nightly news program you prefer, you probably are aware of how much negative news is reported. Expose yourself to an abundance of negativity and, like it or not, you will begin to be more negative.



  Negativity is like a drug. The more you expose yourself to negativity and negative people, the more you adopt negativity into your life.

  相反,多去接触积极向上的人和正面影响的事物。如果你真的很想了解世界正在发生的事情,那就浏览网络信息流的标题,而且单单浏览这些 故事 标题还确实能达到你的需求。

  Instead, try to surround yourself with positive people and positive exposures. If you absolutely must know what's going on in the world, read the headlines on an Internet news stream and only read those stories that really effect your world.


  5.Take Care of Yourself


  The benefits of exercise, a healthy diet and getting enough sleep have been well documented. But just knowing about all the benefits does nothing for you unless you actually take action.


  6.Daily action


  Someone who can exercise but who chooses not to is no better off than someone who cannot exercise. Daily exercise, when coupled with a healthy diet and enough rest can do wonders for your outlook. When you feel good, it really takes effort to make yourself feel bad.


  7.Track Your Progress


  As with any goal, the person who you become as you progress towards your goal is more important than accomplishing the goal itself. As you move towards being a positive thinker, expect that you will have as many "negative thinking" days as you do "positive focused" days. But unless you keep track of your progress, you may not even realize that the numbers of days are shifting more towards the positive and away from the negative.


  What You Need:


  A list of your goals

  一本 日记 本

  A journal


  A committment to living a more positive-thought based life.



  Smart people may be far happier with their own company than meeting friends.


  A new study has found that for intelligent people, the more frequently they socialise with friends, the less satisfied they are with life.


  Using data from a long-term study, researchers found people living in more densely populated areas reported lower levels of life satisfaction. But, more frequent socialisation with friends had a more positive association with levels of life satisfaction for people with average intelligence.


  The researchers explained that 'among the extremely intelligent' more frequent social interaction is actually linked with reduced satisfaction.


  Social interaction would have been crucial to survival, in terms of co-operation and finding a mate, but the space was equally important.


  The researchers believe smarter individuals may be able to better adapt to the challenges of modern life, and may find it easier to leave ancestral social roots behind in order to forge ahead.


  For the most intelligent among us, it may be that there is conflict between aspiring to greater goals and being tied to our evolutionary past.


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丁琬十滴: Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life

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丁琬十滴: Smiles send us light in the darkness.Smiles bring us worm sunlight on a cold win ter day;Smiles break the ice.Smiles are like rainbows,rainy days end and the sky is beautiful again.Smiles show love and friendship.Teacher's smiles encourage us....

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