
作者&投稿:塞服 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


将来人们能再天空居住 People will__be__ ___able__ __to___ live in space in the future .我的自行车和玛丽的一眼 My bike is __the___ __same___ ___as__ Mary‘s明天我将乘飞机去上海 Tomorrow I am __flying___ __to___Shanghai

I think health is important, with a healthy body and soul, then all difficulties were solved, physical capital are the revolution, the soul is the driving force of the buoy, health is a prerequisite for success in life, are the foundation of love, so I think the health of the most important, success and love, though important, however everything should have a healthy physical, psychological, backing to do ... so I think compared to the healthy love and success should be our top priority ...

I think health is quite important
If we have a strong body and a balanced heart
nothing is difficult
health is the root of everything
heart is teller of direction
health is a basic passport of successful life and sweet love
so I think health is quite important
success and love is certainly important
but above all
healthy body and heart is the most precious
so I put my health in front of my carrer and lover.


verve, the long time preservation, the famous at home and abroad, the famous intact.求高人翻译这段话,是我们老师布置的翻译作业:孔庙是祭祀春秋思想家、教育家、政治家孔子的庙宇。位于山东曲阜市旧城中心,原为历代祭孔之地,今为全国文物重点保护单位。现今孔庙是明清两代完成的,其建筑仿皇宫...

The development of future walking machine technology is limitless.Nature of spider inspired the development of "King Kong Spider" passionate group of creative engineers. 1600 pounds heavier steel spider-shaped physical, that the wheel has become obsolete in one fell swoop.Biology is ...

Hi Mr XXX \/ Hi Boss (如果很熟,又可以不拘小节的人),I trust you are doing well. (How are you? 随便点的)I have verified that page when I was doing the updating and at the same time made an copy to Mr. Li for his confirmation. There was no problem when I was ...

1, How to Face Difficulty 1.我们的生活中困难无处不在 Difficulty exists everywhere.2.人们在面对困难时的不同反应 Different reactions to difficulties.3.我如何看待和应付困难 My opinion on difficulty.2, Advanced Technology Changes the Way We live 1.当代社会是高科技时代 Current society is...

英语 求翻译 5句话!高分!
If there are two airlines at the same time to accept you, which company will you choose?I will choose your company because your company more publicity, the company's future is very good You are learning during more than good friends?Ok I think I have affinity 以上为机械翻译 ...

1.The four essential requirements for man are food, clothing, shelter and transportation, while money is the basic guarantee for living a comfortable life.2.It is with money that we can do what we want, such as going travelling, going shopping and enjoying delicacies and so on.3...

learning ability which can accept other animals' abilities as ourselves.That's to say, it is learning that makes human beings become more intelligent than other animals, human beings use tools, the development of the language.以上翻译纯属人工,有疑问之处可提出,我再为你修改。

高分求英语翻译13句 要自己翻!
1.他确实是在机场才得知这个消息的。(强调句)It is true that he got this news in the airport.2.她发现使孩子们习惯于每天早起很难。(用it作形式宾语)She finds it really hard to have the children get used to get up early every single day.3.老师的鼓励使汤姆对未来充满信心。(...

Wine is one of the common drinks, which are also used in medicine and industry fields. What's more, some wine can even be used as health products.There are many various kinds of wine, and they are different in production process and sources. And the three most famous wine ...

First, be mistaken for the word is inherent in the words of Chinese characters Second, just near the Chinese characters of different width, but the word Third, just close to but not exactly the same as the word of Chinese words Fourth, the same literal meaning is different from...

南岳区19122143825: 寻求英语翻译…高分…速度…我认为健康很重要,有了健康的身体和心灵,那么一切困难都很好解决,身体是革命的本钱,心灵是动力的航标,健康是人生... -
艾律悦康:[答案] I think health is important,with a healthy body and soul,then all difficulties were solved,physical capital are the revolution,the soul is the driving force of the buoy,health is a prerequisite for success in life,are the foundation of love,so I think the health of the ...

南岳区19122143825: 高分求翻译速度
艾律悦康: 空间If you want to make a good impression at an American dinner party, you may do as follows:First of all, you should buy a small gift, such as a bottle of wine or a box of chocolate for your host or hostess. Second, arrive on time. You may arrive about

南岳区19122143825: 高分寻求帮忙用英语翻译一些句子 急用 要求速度 -
艾律悦康: 1.I think she is not very willing to become reconciled with you. 2.Do you think it's working by doing this? 3.Trust me,it won't be wrong. 4."Ladies and gentlemen,the party tonight is held for this lady. Today is her birthday. We've prepared an important ...

南岳区19122143825: 急急急,高分追加,英语翻译,不求质量,只求速度 -
艾律悦康: We live in school,Here should be the same as their home care,In the school this family,we should, and everyone around us to get along,Care for others and caring for school facilities, care of flowers and plants to beautify the environment,Through this ...

南岳区19122143825: 求英文翻译,求速度,高分高分高分!!!1:运动会去年在我市举行2:他说工作将在两小时内完成3:外面有人找你4:房间没打扫过5:这个城市用水很多
艾律悦康: 1: games to be held in our city last year 2: said the work will be finished within two hours outside of 3: someone 4: find you room was cleaned the city of 5: uses a lot of water

南岳区19122143825: 有几句英语寻求翻译,速度翻译的迅速拿分走人
艾律悦康: 1.I never lie.I said I would eat you,so I will eat you certainly. 2.You will die with your eyes closed. 3.Please let me out. I can satisfy your three wishes. 4.Ah,happiness fell so suddenly! 5.The second wish is to have the figure like the idol Arnold Schwarzenegger. 6.a piece of cake

南岳区19122143825: 英文翻译下面的句子,高分悬赏,求速度与质量
艾律悦康: You are fickle and unpredictable, i don't know whether i am oversensitive, or it's the fact. if that's your choice, I don't want to think much about it, and I'll let it be. Congratulation to myself that i have been lost two friends! I am so tired! And that's it! I don't...

南岳区19122143825: 八年级英语翻译题目..!高分啊.速度!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
艾律悦康: 为你解答.1、一辆红色的小汽车刚刚经过这里.( pass by) A red car has just passed by.2、那时候,那位母亲正在到处找她的孩子 (look for) At that time, the mother was looking for her kid everywhere.3、为什么没有人回答我的问题?( no one) Why did no one answer my question?4、婴儿学走路的时候经常会摔倒(fall down) Babies often fall down when they learn to walk.

南岳区19122143825: 用英文翻译,高分悬赏!求速度与质量
艾律悦康: So that is how it is, I have been so wrong all the time. All right , I feel so sorry for making troubles.I will pay more attention and learn to give up.I thank god I have met you,my dear friends.

南岳区19122143825: 高分急求英语翻译!!!!!要快!!!! -
艾律悦康: 淋浴室 Shower Room 光控室 Optical Control Room 追光室 Follow Room 舞台检修入口 Maintenance arena entrance 展品陈列室 Exhibits showroom 创作室 Creative Room 耳光室 Room slap in the face 弱电控制中心 Weak control center

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